Thursday, September 30, 2010
Muslim confiscates Christian Bible on Temple Mount
Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.
A House of Prayer For All Peoples?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Jew Arrested on Temple Mount?
Jew Arrested on Temple Mount for Daring to Seem to be Praying
by Elad Benari
A Jewish man in his 30s, who took advantage of the holiday of Sukkot in order to visit the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, was arrested on Sunday morning simply because an Arab security guard suspected that he was praying during the tour of the complex.
David Ha'ivri, Executive Director of the Shomron Liaison Office, who was on the scene of the incident, told Arutz 7 what had taken place:
“At 7:30 this morning I had the privilege of going up to Temple Mount with 20 other Jews,” said Ha’Ivri and added that Israeli police officers as well as inspectors from the Waqf accompanied the Jews who took part in the tour of the area. Among their responsibilities, explained Ha’Ivri, is to ensure that no Jew violates the instructions he receives upon entering the complex, which include a prohibition to pray at Judaism's holiest site.
“After the checkpoint at the Mugrabi Gate, a police officer gives a list of guidelines in a cold and dry voice,” described Ha’Ivri. “Do not pray. Do not tear a garment. Do not prostrate yourself. It is forbidden to take any action that the Muslims may see as a religious act.
Read more
by Elad Benari
A Jewish man in his 30s, who took advantage of the holiday of Sukkot in order to visit the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, was arrested on Sunday morning simply because an Arab security guard suspected that he was praying during the tour of the complex.
David Ha'ivri, Executive Director of the Shomron Liaison Office, who was on the scene of the incident, told Arutz 7 what had taken place:
“At 7:30 this morning I had the privilege of going up to Temple Mount with 20 other Jews,” said Ha’Ivri and added that Israeli police officers as well as inspectors from the Waqf accompanied the Jews who took part in the tour of the area. Among their responsibilities, explained Ha’Ivri, is to ensure that no Jew violates the instructions he receives upon entering the complex, which include a prohibition to pray at Judaism's holiest site.
“After the checkpoint at the Mugrabi Gate, a police officer gives a list of guidelines in a cold and dry voice,” described Ha’Ivri. “Do not pray. Do not tear a garment. Do not prostrate yourself. It is forbidden to take any action that the Muslims may see as a religious act.
Read more
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Priestly Blessing
Priestly Blessing in Pictures
by Maayana Miskin
Members of the Biblical priestly class, Kohanim, blessed tens of thousands of worshipers at the Kotel (Western Wall) on Sunday morning. The entire Kotel plaza filled with Jews seeking their blessing, and many more crowded balconies and streets overlooking the Wall.
The Kohanim blessed the crowd twice, once during the Shacharit (morning) service and again during Mussaf.
Kohanim are those related by direct patrilineal descent from the first High Priest of the Jewish people, Aharon, the brother of Moshe (Moses) . They blessed the congregants using the three Torah verses traditionally recited by Kohanim during the time of the First and Second Temples (Numbers 6:24-26).
Continue to see pictures
by Maayana Miskin
Members of the Biblical priestly class, Kohanim, blessed tens of thousands of worshipers at the Kotel (Western Wall) on Sunday morning. The entire Kotel plaza filled with Jews seeking their blessing, and many more crowded balconies and streets overlooking the Wall.
The Kohanim blessed the crowd twice, once during the Shacharit (morning) service and again during Mussaf.
Kohanim are those related by direct patrilineal descent from the first High Priest of the Jewish people, Aharon, the brother of Moshe (Moses) . They blessed the congregants using the three Torah verses traditionally recited by Kohanim during the time of the First and Second Temples (Numbers 6:24-26).
Continue to see pictures
Like we ever had doubts:Soros finances JStreet
From Naomi Ragen:
The man who would sell out Israel and pressure us to give in to Hamas turns out to be behind J-Street (Judas Street?) - the group that is has been offering itself as a viable alternative to the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC.
I know they never fooled any of you for a second, still it’s good to set the record straight. For your information, from the Washington Times.
Soros revealed as funder of liberal Jewish-American lobby The Jewish-American advocacy group J Street, which bills itself as the dovish alternative to the influential American Israel Public Affairs
Committee lobby, has secretly received funding from billionaire GeorgeSoros despite previous denials that it accepted funds from the Hungarian-born financier and liberal political activist.
For more articles,please visit my Web page at:
The man who would sell out Israel and pressure us to give in to Hamas turns out to be behind J-Street (Judas Street?) - the group that is has been offering itself as a viable alternative to the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC.
I know they never fooled any of you for a second, still it’s good to set the record straight. For your information, from the Washington Times.
Soros revealed as funder of liberal Jewish-American lobby The Jewish-American advocacy group J Street, which bills itself as the dovish alternative to the influential American Israel Public Affairs
Committee lobby, has secretly received funding from billionaire GeorgeSoros despite previous denials that it accepted funds from the Hungarian-born financier and liberal political activist.
For more articles,please visit my Web page at:
Friday, September 24, 2010
New World Order?
"Everything is in place - after 500 years - to build a true 'new world' in the Western Hemisphere... And what happens if we don't pass NAFTA? I truly don't think that 'criminal' would be too strong a word for rejecting NAFTA."
-- David Rockefeller
(1915- ) Internationalist billionaire, CFR kingpin, founder of the Trilateralist Commission, World Order Godfather
Source: Wall Street Journal, October 1, 1993
"NAFTA represents the single most creative step towards a New World Order."
-- Henry Kissinger
(1923- ) Former US Secretary of State
Source: Aug.1993, Los Angeles Times Syndicate
-- David Rockefeller
(1915- ) Internationalist billionaire, CFR kingpin, founder of the Trilateralist Commission, World Order Godfather
Source: Wall Street Journal, October 1, 1993
"NAFTA represents the single most creative step towards a New World Order."
-- Henry Kissinger
(1923- ) Former US Secretary of State
Source: Aug.1993, Los Angeles Times Syndicate
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Worldwide Church of God Feast of Tabernacles
The first time I visited Israel was with the Worldwide Church of God in 1980 to celebrate Sukkot -- the biblical Feast of Tabernacles. (Some Christians understand that Israel's harvest festival foreshadows the peace and prosperity that everyone will soon enjoy under the Messiah's golden rule). But that whirlwind experience only whet my appetite...
From Toledo to Jerusalem
From Toledo to Jerusalem
Obama in drag?
She's not so "honored" by the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, since Obama/Soetoro/Obama abandoned her to welfare. Dishonesty apparently runs deep in that criminal family.
Chag Sukkot: Festival of Joy
Chag Sukkot: Festival of Joy
Tishrei 14, 5771/ September 22, 2010
Tishrei 14, 5771/ September 22, 2010
The festival of Sukkot is referred to in our holiday prayers as zeman simchatenu, "the Season of Our Joy," and this of course derives from the scriptural commandment, "And you should rejoice before HaShem your G-d for seven days." (Leviticus 23:40) Indeed, there is an irrepressible joy that fills and overflows the heart of every sukkah dweller, from the first day of the seven day festival to the last. To fulfill the commandment of building a temporary dwelling, and then to immerse our entire physical and spiritual beings in it for seven full nights and days is the closest thing we experience today to being within the courtyards of the Holy Temple itself, and this, no doubt, is a source of the intense joy of the sukkah. It is also a timely reminder that, just as everyone builds his and her own sukkah, and nobody expects it to descend from the heavens, fully accoutred and beckoning us to enter it, we should not deceive ourselves that the Holy Temple itself will one day descend from heaven, ready for us to bless it with our presence. On the contrary, the G-d that has commanded us to build each year a sukkah is the very same G-d who has commanded us to "Build for Me a sanctuary that I may dwell amongst them." (Exodus 25:8) THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE WISHES ONE AND ALL A JOY FILLED FESTIVAL OF SUKKOT! |
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Chag Sameach Sukkot from Jerusalem! Yitzchak Reuven The Temple Institute |
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 New Articles - September 19, 2010
My Son the Doctor-Murderer
by Sara Yoheved Rigler Unconditional love and the holiday of Sukkot.The Big C: Cancer and Coincidence
by Jane Farkas Experiencing the most bizarre one-in-a-billion coincidence, I was petrified.Sukkot: The Ultimate Shelter
by Torah Live A desert trip reveals the meaning of Sukkot for today's turbulent times.Man on a Wire
by Adam Jacobs Can you imagine taking this step?Perfect Recipes for Sukkot
by Gitta Bixenspanner A simple and easy Sukkot menu.A Sukkah in Kuwait
by Michael Gros Like the Jews in the desert, Capt. Jonathon Gross built a sukkah in the middle of nowhere.The Four Species: A Concise Guide
by Torah Live Four short videos detailing everything you need to know.Choosing Happiness
by Judy Gruen Make the joy of Sukkot a daily part of your life.Sukkot in Spanish Harlem
by Yaakov Salomon That night in the sukkah, I learned a painful lesson about complacency and security.
Editor's Pick:
Monday, September 20, 2010
by Barry Chamish
Aug 30 - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak holds "secret" meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah in Amman.
Aug 31 - Four Israelis, one pregnant, slaughtered in terror attack outside Hebron.
Sept. 1 - Barak announces that Israel will divide Jerusalem.
Sept. 1 - Pres. Mubarak and French president Sarkozy meet to coordinate European position in next day's Washington "peace" talks.
Sept. 2 - Israeli President Shimon Peres meets the Pope in the Vatican just as...
Sept. 2 - Netanyahu, Abbas, Mubarak, and Abdullah meet Obama in Washington.
Sept. 11 - Pastor Terry Jones calls off his Koran Burning Day.
For this elementary lesson in contemporary history, all you'll need is a list of current members of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), a 4200 member cult that rules America and manipulates everywhere else:
To further simplify matters, we will not interrupt the lesson with references. They appear after the article text.
We begin with the run-up to a conference in Washington to make peace in the Middle East. This was no smalltime conference. The participants were the leaders of Israel, Egypt, Jordan and a fellow who claims to represent the Palestinians.
On August 30, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak met Jordanian King Abdullah. The aftermath came quickly. The very next day, there was a slaughter of Israelis outside Hebron. This occurred the night before PM Netanyahu flew to Washington, a high alert day for the Israeli army. Yet no patrols were on the road to stop the massacre; and the usual government-run uglies, Ben Gvir and Marzel were first on the scene demanding that every Israeli, including women and children, be armed. Any public sympathy for the deceased disappeared after that. What remained was a warning to Israel: Here's your fate if you don't sign on for "peace." Thanks Ehud.
And on the same day, Barak announced to Ha'aretz that he, a government minister, was in favor of dividing Jerusalem and that PM Netanyahu was the man to do it. The message: the deed has been agreed to by the government.
Also, on the same day, Pres. Mubarak and French Pres. Sarkozy met to discuss the European goals of the "peace" talks. France and Egypt are the co-chairs of the Mediterranean Union, a Vatican invention supposedly started by King Juan Carlos of Spain. The MU has promised to bring peace to the Middle East their way at its Barcelona Conference on November 20 and they had Mubarak in Washington to make sure of it.
But they also had their spy Pres. Shimon Peres there as well by Skype. He told the reporters that he was going to meet the pope to arrange the release of Hamas-held, or
Hamas--dead soldier Gilad Shalit. Like the pope could care less, but the dumbed Israelis bought the lie.
At the conference, and without asking the Jewish sacrificial lambs, Netanyahu offered the PLO the opportunity to inherit all the settlers, who, naturally would be given Palestinian citizenship. An even better idea was offered by NSA director James Jones (CFR), and one Abbas loved. He would arrange permanent NATO troops stationed along the new borders. Overseeing the transition would be old CFR hack George Mitchell who already booked his ticket for Jerusalem.
And so the conference ended with the prospect of a new Middle East with a divided Jerusalem, Palestinian-Jewish settlers and NATO troops all aboard for the Nov.20 conference in Barcelona.
end part one
On Sept. 11, I was planning to go to Gainesville, an hour away, to see some Korans burned. It promised to be an international media carnival. But the CFR ruined it for me.
Somehow koran-burning pastor Terry Jones believed he was going to a cut deal with the imam of the ground zero mosque to move it if he cancelled the book burning. Then, from the CFR's tv conference room came two interviews in a few days; the first from Secretary of State Clinton (husband CFR) condemning Jones, then, lo and behold, from Imam Feisel Rauf who thought the koran burning was a really bad idea. The CFR is so convinced it has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes that they openly revealed that they controlled Rauf and arranged payment to make him a world figure. The CFR ran the whole ground zero mosque controversy, while the public thought everything about it was random. In the end, Defense Secretary Robert Gates (CFR) threatened Jones scarily enough that he hauled ass out of Gainesville and will never be heard of again.
the end
Here's my show with guests Tamar Yonah and Bob Kunst.
With Dr. Daisy Stern: BARRY.090710_150500.MP3 07-Sep-2010 22:03 9.2M BARRY.090710_160500.MP3 07-Sep-2010 22:06 9.2M
Israel is concerned about an American proposal to establish a multi-national
force in the West Bank as one of the ways to expedite an Israeli withdrawal
following any peace deal with the Palestinian Authority.
The idea is being promoted by US National Security Advisor James Jones, who
served as security coordinator to the West Bank under former secretary of
state Condoleezza Rice.
He also served as the top NATO commander in Europe.
Shock plan: Palestinians scheduled to govern Jews
Netanyahu secretly proposed new plot in talks with Obama
Barak: Israel May Divide Jerusalem, Internationalize Holy Basin
Defense Minister Ehud Barak says it is likely that Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu will agree to divide Jerusalem with the
Palestinian Authority.
Barak told the Hebrew-language newspaper Haaretz in an interview
published Wednesday that he believes the best chance for peace lies
in a peace deal in which all the Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem
would be handed over to the PA in order to create a capital for a new
Arab country.
"If Netanyahu leads a process, a significant number of rightist
ministers will stand with him," he told the newspaper.
Peres, who will fly to Rome on Thursday to meet with Pope Bendedict XVI and to update him on the latest efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to secure peace in the region, shared some of what he will discuss with the Pontiff with the WJC.
"One of the victims had a license for a gun that was suspended shortly before the attack. Itamar Ben-Gvir and Baruch Marzel said at the scene that serious soul-searching must be done "in order to find out how it is that Jews are deprived of the basic right to defend themselves."
Talks between Presidents Mubarak and Sarkozy will deal with the Middle East issue, launching direct negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides along with bilateral relations, official source informed Global Arab Network.
In statements on Saturday, Kamel said President Mubarak was keen to stop over in Paris ahead of Washington visit for consultations with his French counterpart Sarkozy on the Middle East peace march along with a range of other regional issues of joint interest, the ambassador added.
According to Egyptian Ambassador in Paris Nasser Kamel, Mubarak's visit to France stresses keenness on using the Egyptian-French co-chairmanship of the Union for the Mediterranean in boosting diplomatic efforts.
Egypt and France want to take advantage of the union's co-chairmanship to submit a clear message that the Mediterranean peoples look forward to reaching a comprehensive and just settlement, the Egyptian diplomat added.
Mubarak, accompanied by an Egyptian delegation composed of Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit, Minister of Information Anas al-Feki, Chief of Presidential Staff Zakareyya Azmi, and Director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Omar Soliman, will meet US President Barack Obama on Wednesday. Mubarak will attend an iftar at the White House for participating delegations.
Sarkozy said Europe planned to further promote the push for peace at a Euro-Mediterranean summit planned for Nov. 20 in Barcelona, Spain, where key leaders from the Middle East would be present.
"We have proposed, with President Mubarak, that a Mediterranean Union summit could take place in mid-November, at which all the parties necessary for obtaining peace in the Mideast would participate," Sarkozy said following a meeting with Mubarak.
Mahmoud to be deployed along the borders of a future Palestinian state under a potential permanent peace agreement, the Palestinian president's political adviser said Saturday.
Nimar Hamad told the Palestinian news agency Wafa that "Abbas is open to an international force along Palestinian borders of any religion or origin." This, in response to earlier reports that Abbas opposed the deployment of Jewish soldiers along the future borders.
The experiment worked. Here is my book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust. Let's give it one more try:
The book is yours for just $10. Now who, all asked, would pay $10 when I just sent it for free? This is where the honor system enters from stage left.
Now, I'm not the total sucker I'm widely assumed to be. I know some won't pay and some might. The some might is reward enough for me and for those loyal readers who cannot afford to pay.
For those who can, here are my rules, with no way to ever enforce them. If you read the whole book, and can afford it, you bought it. And if you forward it, try to pay me $5. a book for each recipient.
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080 USA
My new book, THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher
OR: Israel Betrayed Save Israel
by Barry Chamish
Aug 30 - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak holds "secret" meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah in Amman.
Aug 31 - Four Israelis, one pregnant, slaughtered in terror attack outside Hebron.
Sept. 1 - Barak announces that Israel will divide Jerusalem.
Sept. 1 - Pres. Mubarak and French president Sarkozy meet to coordinate European position in next day's Washington "peace" talks.
Sept. 2 - Israeli President Shimon Peres meets the Pope in the Vatican just as...
Sept. 2 - Netanyahu, Abbas, Mubarak, and Abdullah meet Obama in Washington.
Sept. 11 - Pastor Terry Jones calls off his Koran Burning Day.
For this elementary lesson in contemporary history, all you'll need is a list of current members of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), a 4200 member cult that rules America and manipulates everywhere else:
To further simplify matters, we will not interrupt the lesson with references. They appear after the article text.
We begin with the run-up to a conference in Washington to make peace in the Middle East. This was no smalltime conference. The participants were the leaders of Israel, Egypt, Jordan and a fellow who claims to represent the Palestinians.
On August 30, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak met Jordanian King Abdullah. The aftermath came quickly. The very next day, there was a slaughter of Israelis outside Hebron. This occurred the night before PM Netanyahu flew to Washington, a high alert day for the Israeli army. Yet no patrols were on the road to stop the massacre; and the usual government-run uglies, Ben Gvir and Marzel were first on the scene demanding that every Israeli, including women and children, be armed. Any public sympathy for the deceased disappeared after that. What remained was a warning to Israel: Here's your fate if you don't sign on for "peace." Thanks Ehud.
And on the same day, Barak announced to Ha'aretz that he, a government minister, was in favor of dividing Jerusalem and that PM Netanyahu was the man to do it. The message: the deed has been agreed to by the government.
Also, on the same day, Pres. Mubarak and French Pres. Sarkozy met to discuss the European goals of the "peace" talks. France and Egypt are the co-chairs of the Mediterranean Union, a Vatican invention supposedly started by King Juan Carlos of Spain. The MU has promised to bring peace to the Middle East their way at its Barcelona Conference on November 20 and they had Mubarak in Washington to make sure of it.
But they also had their spy Pres. Shimon Peres there as well by Skype. He told the reporters that he was going to meet the pope to arrange the release of Hamas-held, or
Hamas--dead soldier Gilad Shalit. Like the pope could care less, but the dumbed Israelis bought the lie.
At the conference, and without asking the Jewish sacrificial lambs, Netanyahu offered the PLO the opportunity to inherit all the settlers, who, naturally would be given Palestinian citizenship. An even better idea was offered by NSA director James Jones (CFR), and one Abbas loved. He would arrange permanent NATO troops stationed along the new borders. Overseeing the transition would be old CFR hack George Mitchell who already booked his ticket for Jerusalem.
And so the conference ended with the prospect of a new Middle East with a divided Jerusalem, Palestinian-Jewish settlers and NATO troops all aboard for the Nov.20 conference in Barcelona.
end part one
On Sept. 11, I was planning to go to Gainesville, an hour away, to see some Korans burned. It promised to be an international media carnival. But the CFR ruined it for me.
Somehow koran-burning pastor Terry Jones believed he was going to a cut deal with the imam of the ground zero mosque to move it if he cancelled the book burning. Then, from the CFR's tv conference room came two interviews in a few days; the first from Secretary of State Clinton (husband CFR) condemning Jones, then, lo and behold, from Imam Feisel Rauf who thought the koran burning was a really bad idea. The CFR is so convinced it has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes that they openly revealed that they controlled Rauf and arranged payment to make him a world figure. The CFR ran the whole ground zero mosque controversy, while the public thought everything about it was random. In the end, Defense Secretary Robert Gates (CFR) threatened Jones scarily enough that he hauled ass out of Gainesville and will never be heard of again.
the end
Here's my show with guests Tamar Yonah and Bob Kunst.
With Dr. Daisy Stern: BARRY.090710_150500.MP3 07-Sep-2010 22:03 9.2M BARRY.090710_160500.MP3 07-Sep-2010 22:06 9.2M
Israel is concerned about an American proposal to establish a multi-national
force in the West Bank as one of the ways to expedite an Israeli withdrawal
following any peace deal with the Palestinian Authority.
The idea is being promoted by US National Security Advisor James Jones, who
served as security coordinator to the West Bank under former secretary of
state Condoleezza Rice.
He also served as the top NATO commander in Europe.
Shock plan: Palestinians scheduled to govern Jews
Netanyahu secretly proposed new plot in talks with Obama
Barak: Israel May Divide Jerusalem, Internationalize Holy Basin
Defense Minister Ehud Barak says it is likely that Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu will agree to divide Jerusalem with the
Palestinian Authority.
Barak told the Hebrew-language newspaper Haaretz in an interview
published Wednesday that he believes the best chance for peace lies
in a peace deal in which all the Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem
would be handed over to the PA in order to create a capital for a new
Arab country.
"If Netanyahu leads a process, a significant number of rightist
ministers will stand with him," he told the newspaper.
Peres, who will fly to Rome on Thursday to meet with Pope Bendedict XVI and to update him on the latest efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to secure peace in the region, shared some of what he will discuss with the Pontiff with the WJC.
"One of the victims had a license for a gun that was suspended shortly before the attack. Itamar Ben-Gvir and Baruch Marzel said at the scene that serious soul-searching must be done "in order to find out how it is that Jews are deprived of the basic right to defend themselves."
Talks between Presidents Mubarak and Sarkozy will deal with the Middle East issue, launching direct negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides along with bilateral relations, official source informed Global Arab Network.
In statements on Saturday, Kamel said President Mubarak was keen to stop over in Paris ahead of Washington visit for consultations with his French counterpart Sarkozy on the Middle East peace march along with a range of other regional issues of joint interest, the ambassador added.
According to Egyptian Ambassador in Paris Nasser Kamel, Mubarak's visit to France stresses keenness on using the Egyptian-French co-chairmanship of the Union for the Mediterranean in boosting diplomatic efforts.
Egypt and France want to take advantage of the union's co-chairmanship to submit a clear message that the Mediterranean peoples look forward to reaching a comprehensive and just settlement, the Egyptian diplomat added.
Mubarak, accompanied by an Egyptian delegation composed of Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit, Minister of Information Anas al-Feki, Chief of Presidential Staff Zakareyya Azmi, and Director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Omar Soliman, will meet US President Barack Obama on Wednesday. Mubarak will attend an iftar at the White House for participating delegations.
Sarkozy said Europe planned to further promote the push for peace at a Euro-Mediterranean summit planned for Nov. 20 in Barcelona, Spain, where key leaders from the Middle East would be present.
"We have proposed, with President Mubarak, that a Mediterranean Union summit could take place in mid-November, at which all the parties necessary for obtaining peace in the Mideast would participate," Sarkozy said following a meeting with Mubarak.
Mahmoud to be deployed along the borders of a future Palestinian state under a potential permanent peace agreement, the Palestinian president's political adviser said Saturday.
Nimar Hamad told the Palestinian news agency Wafa that "Abbas is open to an international force along Palestinian borders of any religion or origin." This, in response to earlier reports that Abbas opposed the deployment of Jewish soldiers along the future borders.
The experiment worked. Here is my book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust. Let's give it one more try:
The book is yours for just $10. Now who, all asked, would pay $10 when I just sent it for free? This is where the honor system enters from stage left.
Now, I'm not the total sucker I'm widely assumed to be. I know some won't pay and some might. The some might is reward enough for me and for those loyal readers who cannot afford to pay.
For those who can, here are my rules, with no way to ever enforce them. If you read the whole book, and can afford it, you bought it. And if you forward it, try to pay me $5. a book for each recipient.
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080 USA
My new book, THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher
OR: Israel Betrayed Save Israel
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Yom Kippur at Sdot Yam
Tradition - even empty, hollow, shallow - has assisted Jewry to preserve this Day, however imperfectly; yet I also couldn't help but think of God & Kahane who might dismiss such "worship" as vain and such "devotions" as void. Liberal, Hellenist, humanists who have nothing to do with God and are ignorant of or deny His Word as a general rule, as hypocritical & unacceptable as professing Christianity on the pagan days of Christmas and Easter...
Yom Kippur at Sdot Yam
Yom Kippur at Sdot Yam
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wejew: Yom Kippur Videos
Yom Kippur Music: Reb Shlomo Carlebach Performs Eruv Yom Kippur 1971 |
Yom Kippur in Israel: Yom Kippur in Fast Forward Motion on the streets of Tel Aviv |
A Latma New Year: Latma Satiric Israeli TV Good Year Wishes |
Yom Kippur Music: Yom Yom Yom, Yom Kippur by Zack Borer |
Yom Kippur Torah: Rabbi Brovender of WebYeshiva gives introduction Yom Kippur |
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Yom Kippur: The Happiest Day of the Year
Yom Kippur: The Happiest Day of the Year
Tishrei 8, 5771/ September 16, 2010
Tishrei 8, 5771/ September 16, 2010
It is said that "Yom Kippur is the happiest day of the year, for on this day the Holy One, Blessed be He, atones for Israel." The feeling of joyful anticipation is palpable. After many arduous weeks of intensive soul-searching and reflection, stock-taking and personal assessment, we arrive at this most solemn of days, ready to stand before our Creator in judgment. Our good acts, pure thoughts and supplications, and perfect desire to draw near to G’mar Chatima Tova - May we all be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life! |
![]() What is the secret of a true ba’al teshuva - a "master of repentance?" How does one earn such a title? Can anybody do it? And what do our sages really mean when they teach that if one truly engages in repentance for the right reasons, |
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G’mar Chatima Tova - May we all be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life! Yitzchak Reuven The Temple Institute |
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Think-Israel July-August 2010 Issue
This is what's in the July-August 2010 issue. You can access any article from the home page of by scrolling down to its introduction. This has the advantage of providing context for the article. Or you can go directly to the article by clicking its highlighted area in this email.
Editorial: Israel's Exceptionalism
The ubiquitous Muslim Brotherhood
The Ground Zero Mosque and Promoting Sharia
Do look at the web site.
And please, if you have a blog-ed piece or a comment or commentary, contact the website. Write to Pieces for THINK-ISRAEL should be informative and accurate. Fortunately, those of us who are pro-Israel can show our love of Israel without distorting the truth. We don't need to play by the rules laid down by the Arab-favoring media, which distort the news and omit important items of information.
Bernice Lipkin
Editor, Think-Israel
Editorial: Israel's Exceptionalism
The ubiquitous Muslim Brotherhood
The Ground Zero Mosque and Promoting Sharia
It's About Sharia: Newt Gingrich Resets Our National-Security Debate by Andrew C. McCarthyFallout from the Flotilla
The Muslim Mosque: A State Within A State by Vijay Kumar
The Mosques Of War by Victor Sharpe
Loyalty To Islam Is Primary. It Has No Borders, No Exceptions by Ashraf Ramelah
Gaza Snapshots by Tom GrossThe immoral lies of intellectuals, politicians and the NGOs
The Gaza Flotilla Confrontation: Facts Versus The Academicians by David Meir-Levi
Israel And The Flotilla: On The Dangers Of A Binary View by Qanta Ahmed, MD
Woefully Ignorant Or Willfully Misleading? by Martin ShermanMedia anti-semitism
Failed Zionism — Liberal Utopianism And The Abandonment Of Israel by D.L. Adams
Exposing How Post-Zionists Manipulate History by Avi Beker
Precision-Guided Or Indiscriminate? Ngo Reporting On Compliance With The Laws Of Armed Conflic by Asher Fredman
Don't Take Hamas's Goals Out Of The Equation by Michelle Sieff
Hizb Ut Tahrir Is Not A Gateway To Terrorism, Claims Whitehall Report by Andrew Gilligan
The Hidden Costs Of Jew-Baiting In England by Richard Landes
Assessing Islam's Reach: An Interview With Daniel Pipes by Elwood McQuaid
Islamic Cognitive Dissonance And Liberal Incentives by Babu Suseelan
Albert The Alligator And The British Ambassador by Barry Rubin
Hollow Men by Lee Smith
The Media's Anti-Semitic Hate Machine by Daniel GreenfieldDESTABILIZATION OF THE MIDDLE EAST
Wikipedia's Jewish Problem by Karin McQuillan
Iran's Global Terrorist Reach by Walid Phares
Losing Turkey To The Islamists by Barbara Lerner
Lebanon: Ayatollah Fadlallah's Death And The Expansion Of Iranian Hegemony by Shimon Shapira
Rethinking Security In The New Nuclear Age by Andrew McKillop
What Can Israel-Palestinian Peace Talks Achieve? by Editor, Family Security MattersTHE RIGHT PRIORITY: COUNTERING SHARIA AND RESURGENT ISLAM
The Nakba Obsession: The Palestinian National Narrative Is The Biggest Obstacle To Peace In The Middle East by Sol Stern
Direct Talk About Direct Talks by Paul Lademain
The Blackmailer's Paradox: Arab-Israel Negotiations Are A Game by Prof. Yisrael Aumann
The Truth About "Palestine" by Steven Simpson
The Truth About The Occupation And The Settlements by Ted Belman
The Legal Consequences Of The Israeli Government's Abandonment Of Judea And Samaria by Howard Grief
Sharia Law For Non-Muslims: Chapters 4 And 5 by Bill WarnerISRAELI SOCIETY
Terrorism For Dummies -- A Beginners' Guide by John Miller
Who Rules In Palestine? by Joe Settler
A Terrorist's Guide To Improving Israel's Media Coverage by Daniel Greenfield
The Long March Of Islam: Chapter 6 by R.K. Ohri
Israeli Demographics 101. E Pluribus Unum by Norman BerdichevskyTHE 5TH YEAR COMMEMORATION OF THE EXPULSION OF THE JEWS FROM GUSH KATIF, GAZA
Israel's Ruling Class by Caroline Glick
Academic Brainwashing by Ben Dror Yemini
Five Years After The Expulsion; Response To A Leftist Jew by Rachel SapersteinHISTORY SECTION
The Price Israel Paid For The Disengagement by Hillel Fendel
5 Years After Disengagement And Its Results by Dror Vanunu
Why Gush Katif Still Matters by Moshe Dann
The Lone Palm Tree by Shalom PollackAnd, finally, the Readers' Blog-Ed page. The monthly Blog-Ed page is updated every few days. You can click on the Blog-Eds List (middle item, top Blue Banner), find any author/title posted, click and go directly to that blog-ed. And we provide direct links to websites that supply accurate background information and news relating to Israel.
Blood On The Tracks by Matthew Price
The Mount Of Olives In Jerusalem: Why Continued Israeli Control Is Vital by Nadav Shragai
Do look at the web site.
And please, if you have a blog-ed piece or a comment or commentary, contact the website. Write to Pieces for THINK-ISRAEL should be informative and accurate. Fortunately, those of us who are pro-Israel can show our love of Israel without distorting the truth. We don't need to play by the rules laid down by the Arab-favoring media, which distort the news and omit important items of information.
Bernice Lipkin
Editor, Think-Israel
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 Yom Kippur Inspiration from Lori, Salomon & the Chief Rabbi - September 14, 2010
Something New This Yom Kippur
by Lori Palatnik Make your shul experience a meaningful one.Temporary Repentance
by Yaakov Salomon Is it worth anything?Each Day a Masterpiece
by Emuna Braverman This Yom Kippur I'll be thinking about living every moment to its fullest.The Meaning of Kol Nidrei
by Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks The extraordinary history and lesson of this moving prayer.Rehabilitation
by Rabbi Ari Kahn After taking another man's life, a petty criminal changes the direction of his life.Echoes of a Shofar
by Toldot Yisrael The remarkable men who blew the shofar at the end of Yom Kippur at the Western Wall before the founding of the State of Israel.Scapegoat
by Rabbi Avi Shafran Meaning or randomness: confronting mutually exclusive worldviews on Yom Kippur.The Jewish Ethicist: Friendly Recommendation
by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir, Business Ethics Center of Jerusalem Don't cross the line between informing and's Yom Kippur Reader
by Staff Getting the most out of the holiest day of the year.Drop Your Bags!
by Charles Harary An inspiring Yom Kippur video.
Editor's Pick:
Monday, September 13, 2010 New Articles - September 12, 2010
Yom Kippur: Everyone Falls
by Charles Harary It's getting up afterwards that matters.Time Magazine, Anti-Semitism and Israel
by Yvette Alt Miller Their cover story promotes a sickening trope that harms all Jews.You Don't Look Jewish
by Haia Mihel Kozlov For my Russian great-grandparents, being Jewish was like an ugly ghost.Yom Kippur and the 10th Commandment
by Rabbi Benjamin Blech The secret to a happy life.Failure to Appear
by Aaron P. My petrifying experience in jail changed my life.A Yom Kippur Question
by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff I was floored. There wasn't one doctor in the whole hospital willing to help us.Letters to the Next Generation: Yom Kippur Reflections
by Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks It's never too late to start again. A stirring 23-page pdf ebook.What Yom Kippur Does NOT Atone For
by Dovid Frankel Pick up the phone and call that person you haven’t been speaking to.Stalking True Atonement
by Sara Yoheved Rigler Pulling our misdeeds out by their roots.
Editor's Pick:
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Ohio Mosque Promotes Murder!
I repeated the "spiritual lesson" to the imam and asked him if the Muslims had any such saying. He replied that the Jews create such spurious sayings in order to discredit Islam and Arabs. I then shocked him, and the audience, when I asked: "If that's not a Muslim story, and is spurious and created by the Jews, then why would you, as the leader of this Islamic community permit that very story to be published in your newsletter last month?" He was speechless.
Summary of 9/11 scepticism
Summary of 9/11 scepticism:
For a full list of doubters:
Military leaders questioning the OCT:
CIA veterans doubting:
Engineers & architects doubting:
Physicists doubting:
Pilots doubting:
High-level officials doubting:
In a recent Zogby International poll (September 06, 2007):
51% of Americans want Congress to probe Bush/Cheney regarding 9/11 attacks;
over 30% seek immediate impeachment;
67% fault 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7
Protest in Brussels for 911 Truth (09 Sep 2007):
For a full list of doubters:
Military leaders questioning the OCT:
CIA veterans doubting:
Engineers & architects doubting:
Physicists doubting:
Pilots doubting:
High-level officials doubting:
In a recent Zogby International poll (September 06, 2007):
51% of Americans want Congress to probe Bush/Cheney regarding 9/11 attacks;
over 30% seek immediate impeachment;
67% fault 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7
Protest in Brussels for 911 Truth (09 Sep 2007):
Violence is the answer!
Living Church of God Commentary: Violence is not the answer
Many people have the idea that God loves war and is a bloodthirsty, violent God. What these critics fail to understand is that the true God of the Bible is actually a God of peace. Read more
The Bible condemns senseless violence, however the God of War will enforce peace through strength, won't He? The Prince of Peace will speak in the only language some seem to understand. Why pretend otherwise? Why try to be more righteous than God?
The God of Jacob will force folks to learn His ways or else. After all, He's going to rule with a rod of iron - not a pussy willow; He's the Lion of God, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah - not some pussy.
Violence, as necessary, is the answer and it is called for in the Law of Moses. The wise know to make this biblical distinction (Ezekiel 44:23).
Exodus 15:3
The LORD is a man of war; The LORD is His name.
Psalm 2:9
You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.
Revelation 2:27
‘He shall rule them with a rod of iron; They shall be dashed to pieces like the potter’s vessels’
Zechariah 14
16 And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 17 And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, on them there will be no rain. 18 If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the LORD strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.
Onward Christian Soldiers!
Separation of Church and State? Says Who?
God's One Government Has Two Branches!
Many people have the idea that God loves war and is a bloodthirsty, violent God. What these critics fail to understand is that the true God of the Bible is actually a God of peace. Read more
The Bible condemns senseless violence, however the God of War will enforce peace through strength, won't He? The Prince of Peace will speak in the only language some seem to understand. Why pretend otherwise? Why try to be more righteous than God?
The God of Jacob will force folks to learn His ways or else. After all, He's going to rule with a rod of iron - not a pussy willow; He's the Lion of God, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah - not some pussy.
Violence, as necessary, is the answer and it is called for in the Law of Moses. The wise know to make this biblical distinction (Ezekiel 44:23).
Exodus 15:3
The LORD is a man of war; The LORD is His name.
Psalm 2:9
You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.
Revelation 2:27
‘He shall rule them with a rod of iron; They shall be dashed to pieces like the potter’s vessels’
Zechariah 14
16 And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 17 And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, on them there will be no rain. 18 If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the LORD strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.
Onward Christian Soldiers!
Separation of Church and State? Says Who?
God's One Government Has Two Branches!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
War, Europe (European Army)
Newsletter 2010/09/09 - War, Europe's Backbone
BERLIN/BRUSSELS (Own report) - Politicians in Berlin are using the German imposed dictate of EU austerity to renew the demand for the creation of an EU Army. The strict application of the so-called stability criteria, put through by the German government, imposes drastic austerity measures on all EU member states, which could even cut into their military budgets, according to Berlin. This cannot be achieved except at the expense of a loss of military power, unless steps are taken toward consolidating all of the individual armed forces in Europe using the synergic effects to reinforce the united European army. Berlin has been pursuing this objective for years, confronting - at times open - resistance inside the EU as well as from the United States. Germany has been pushing these plans to enhance its position - with military means - in the new constellation of global forces being created by China's rise to become a world power. The German liberal press explains that a combat-ready EU Army would "almost be like a new backbone for Europe."
BERLIN/BRUSSELS (Own report) - Politicians in Berlin are using the German imposed dictate of EU austerity to renew the demand for the creation of an EU Army. The strict application of the so-called stability criteria, put through by the German government, imposes drastic austerity measures on all EU member states, which could even cut into their military budgets, according to Berlin. This cannot be achieved except at the expense of a loss of military power, unless steps are taken toward consolidating all of the individual armed forces in Europe using the synergic effects to reinforce the united European army. Berlin has been pursuing this objective for years, confronting - at times open - resistance inside the EU as well as from the United States. Germany has been pushing these plans to enhance its position - with military means - in the new constellation of global forces being created by China's rise to become a world power. The German liberal press explains that a combat-ready EU Army would "almost be like a new backbone for Europe."
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Islam is evil!
Will Providence permit foreign murderers in our midst (in attitude, if not yet in action) to unleash nuclear fires within our major cities? Will militant minorities work with them against us? Won't our British-Israelite brethren suffer the same within their respective biblical inheritances?
I repeated the "spiritual lesson" to the imam and asked him if the Muslims had any such saying. He replied that the Jews create such spurious sayings in order to discredit Islam and Arabs. I then shocked him, and the audience, when I asked: "If that's not a Muslim story, and is spurious and created by the Jews, then why would you, as the leader of this Islamic community permit that very story to be published in your newsletter last month?" He was speechless.
Toledo, Islam, and Terrorists
One day they purposely showed me a newsletter from the Islamic Center in Perrysburg that had a story from the Haddith -- saying attributed to Mohammad -- that spoke of a war in the last days between Jews and Muslims, and how Jews would hide behind trees and the trees would say, "There's a Jew behind me, kill him!" except for one tree that would shelter the Jews.
It's sad to see some pull the veil over the eyes of innocent Americans with disarming and deceitful portrayals of Islam as well-assimilated and innocuous. Let the rest of the story be told
I repeated the "spiritual lesson" to the imam and asked him if the Muslims had any such saying. He replied that the Jews create such spurious sayings in order to discredit Islam and Arabs. I then shocked him, and the audience, when I asked: "If that's not a Muslim story, and is spurious and created by the Jews, then why would you, as the leader of this Islamic community permit that very story to be published in your newsletter last month?" He was speechless.
Toledo, Islam, and Terrorists
One day they purposely showed me a newsletter from the Islamic Center in Perrysburg that had a story from the Haddith -- saying attributed to Mohammad -- that spoke of a war in the last days between Jews and Muslims, and how Jews would hide behind trees and the trees would say, "There's a Jew behind me, kill him!" except for one tree that would shelter the Jews.
It's sad to see some pull the veil over the eyes of innocent Americans with disarming and deceitful portrayals of Islam as well-assimilated and innocuous. Let the rest of the story be told
Rosh Hashana Greetings from the Temple Institute 5771
The Temple Institute wishes to all our friends and supporters, to all the House of Israel, and to all who love the G-d of Israel, a very sweet new year.
May this year of health and happiness, peace and prosperity for all, also be the year of the rebuilding of the Holy Temple and the renewal of the Divine service.
May this year of health and happiness, peace and prosperity for all, also be the year of the rebuilding of the Holy Temple and the renewal of the Divine service.
It's none of the government's business!
"It is not the business of government to make men virtuous or religious, or to preserve the fool from the consequences of his own folly. Government should be repressive no further than is necessary to secure liberty by protecting the equal rights of each from aggression on the part of others, and the moment governmental prohibitions extend beyond this line they are in danger of defeating the very ends they are intended to serve."
-- Henry George
(1839-1897) American political economist
-- Henry George
(1839-1897) American political economist
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
"One of the most profound and exciting times of my life"
Rob Acquroff from Australia writes in response to Kibbutz Dan photos -
Hi, I was a volunteer on Kibbutz Dan in 1972, I left just prior to the October War. I spent 3 months there and I was 20 years old. There were about 50 volunteers on the Kibbutz at the time from all over the world. It was one of the most profound and exciting times of my life, full of new experiences, interesting travel and all mixed in with hard work and meeting new people. I am not Jewish but had been attracted to kibbutz life since learning about it at school in Australia where I grew up and still reside. If you still keep in contact with the families of Kibbutz Dan please pass on my regards and tell them of the very fond memories I have of my time there.
Rob Acquroff
Hi, I was a volunteer on Kibbutz Dan in 1972, I left just prior to the October War. I spent 3 months there and I was 20 years old. There were about 50 volunteers on the Kibbutz at the time from all over the world. It was one of the most profound and exciting times of my life, full of new experiences, interesting travel and all mixed in with hard work and meeting new people. I am not Jewish but had been attracted to kibbutz life since learning about it at school in Australia where I grew up and still reside. If you still keep in contact with the families of Kibbutz Dan please pass on my regards and tell them of the very fond memories I have of my time there.
Rob Acquroff
Tomorrow night is Rosh Hashana! Get ready with
Rosh Hashana: Why Judgment Day?
by Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky God's memory and the substance of eternity.Rosh Hashana: Two Tracks to God
by Lori Palatnik Thanking God and struggling with Him at the same time.We Are All Miners
by Ari Taback The Chile mine saga and a message for the High Holidays.Holocaust Overload?
by Rabbi Yaakov Salomon Should a French history teacher be suspended for “over-emphasizing” the Holocaust?Acceptance
by Emuna Braverman The healthy response to all of life’s challenges, including Rosh Hashana.The Jewish Ethicist: Hiring Miring
by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir, Business Ethics Center of Jerusalem How fair does fair consideration have to be?Dating Maze #316: Uncertain Future
by Rosie Einhorn, L.C.S.W. and Sherry Zimmerman, J.D., M.Sc. He’s not fazed by her moving halfway across the world.Great Expectations
by Rabbi Avi Shafran During the first days of the Jewish year everything matters.Revisiting the Infamous Photo
by 10 years later, Tuvia Grossman meets the soldier who saved his's High Holiday Reader
by Staff An inspiring and thought-provoking compendium of 12 articles that will transform your High Holiday experience. Free!Rosh Hashana: The Tipping Point
by Make this Jewish new year extraordinary.The Chinese Bamboo
by An uplifting Rosh Hashana tale.Rosh Hashana: What's Love Got to Do With It?
by Charles Harary A surprising
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