Root and Branch Association, Ltd.
English Language Lecture and Conference Series
Monday, March 14th, 2011, 7:30 p.m.
Orthodox Union Israel Center
22 Keren HaYesod Street, Jerusalem
"Torah Codes"
Illustrated Lecture by
by Professor Eliyahu Rips
Professor of Mathematics,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Master of Ceremonies
Mr. Aryeh Yosef Gallin
Founder and President,
Root and Branch Association, Ltd.
Admission Fees:
Israel Center Members NIS 25.00
Non-Members NIS 30.00
Israel Center Life Members NIS 5.00
Journalists Free
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Accounts of the Tabernacles
"These are the accounts of the Tabernacle" (Exodus 38:21) I Adar 28, 5771/March 4, 2011 The Torah reading of Pekudei, literally "accounts" starts off mundanely enough. The first forty two verses are no more than a long list of all the details of the Tabernacle, its vessels, and the priestly raiments. We've read all this before, earlier in Exodus, so we can surely be excused for wondering where all this is leading to. But then, all of a sudden, from this earthly inventory bursts forth a beauty of cosmic proportion: "Now they brought the Tabernacle (Mishkan) to Moses, the tent and all its furnishings... Moses saw the entire work, and lo! they had done it - as HaShem had commanded, so had they done. So Moses blessed them." (ibid 39:33,43) These two verses are nothing less than references and recollections and reflections and refractions of the original account of creation that we read all the way back in the book of Genesis. "Now they brought the Mishkan to Moses, the tent and all its furnishings... " (ibid 39:33) recalls how "G-d formed from the earth every beast of the field and every fowl of the heavens, and He brought them to man to see what he would call it, and whatever the man called each living thing, that was its name." (Genesis 2:19) That is, G-d brought to man all He had created in order that man would invest G-d's creation with meaning and purpose, and that man would understand from this accounting just what his own purpose was to be in the great G-dly scheme of things. Here too, the people of Israel bring before Moses all these sundry man-made creations of wood and animal skins, of stones and fabrics and precious metals, for Moses to behold and to determine its meaning and purpose. And Moses, rising to the occasion, sees the fullness of Israel's efforts, and "Moses saw the entire work, and lo! they had done it - as HaShem had commanded, so had they done. So Moses blessed them." (ibid 39:43) Just as Adam, the first man understood from the parade of beasts that G-d brought before him that only he was missing a mate and that it was not good to be alone, so too, the Tabernacle, in all its various components has been brought before Moses. And the conclusion is not simply that man and G-d need not be alone, but that the Tabernacle is here to serve as the means by which G-d's presence and man's service to G-d can be united and made manifest here on this earth. And from here we can understand that just as G-d created a Garden of Eden and placed man within it in order to "work it and to guard it" (Genesis 2:15) so too G-d has commanded Israel to construct the Tabernacle, and appoint the Kohen Gadol, the High Priest, and place him within the Holy Tabernacle, so that Israel can work, (the Hebrew avodah meaning both "to work" in the profane sense, and to perform the Divine service in the Tabernacle), serving G-d from this place of purity and life. And in both instances, that of Adam in the Garden of Eden, (who stumbled), and Israel in the Tabernacle, (subsequently, the Holy Temple), G-d, after completing the work of creation, directs, through His word, what amounts to post-creation fine-spiritual tuning, literally, taking the great cosmic symphony of creation, and perfecting it, achieving through the Divine service in the Holy Temple, an overwhelmingly beautiful harmony of purpose and aspiration for all mankind. We also learn from Genesis, that " ... no tree of the field was yet on the earth, neither did any herb of the field yet grow, because HaShem G-d had not brought rain upon the earth, and there was no man to work the soil." (ibid 2:5) Yes, before the advent of the Tabernacle and the Divine service, the world had yet to fully blossom, man had yet to fully reach his potential. Little wonder, then, that G-d commanded Moses, saying, "On the day of the first month, on the first of the month, you shall set up the Mishkan of the Tent of Meeting." (Exodus 40:1) This, of course, is the month of Nisan, the month of the exodus from Egypt, the month which heralds the onset of spring: "The blossoms have appeared in the land, the time of singing has arrived, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land." (Song of Songs 2:12) Creation will hit it's stride, the world will truly come alive when Israel again establishes G-d's Sanctuary. The time of singing, the transcendent song of the Levites will once again arrive, and the voice of Torah will come forth from Zion, and once again be heard throughout the land. It begins with an accounting, a taking stock and appreciation of every detail of G-d's creation and comes to a crescendo with the work of the Tabernacle, the establishment of G-d's Holy Temple! |
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![]() To view Light to the Nations Music of the Holy Temple, Part I: The Sweetest Music on Earth, please click here. |
![]() We are all created and imbued with G-d given potential to achieve many great and good things in our lives. By following the commandments given us by Torah we can learn how to discover, develop and bring to fruition the unique potential that is within us. Learn the secret of your own hidden potential and how to fulfill it by serving G-d, in this exploration of the simple commandment to take challah when preparing bread." Click here to view. |
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![]() In this interview Chaim tries to answer the question how he merited building the golden Menorah for the Holy Temple. His story begins as a young man in the Soviet Republic of Georgia, where news of Israel's victory in the 1967 Six Day War awoke within him for the first time an awareness of his Jewish identity, something that had been denied him growing up in the communist totalitarian state. Chaim's story is one of faith, perseverance and eventual aliya (emigration) to Israel. Click here to view. |
![]() Learn more about the construction of the Tabernacle in the desert. Please click here. |
![]() The Golden Lamp of Queen Helena: The Video: Watch this beautiful presentation of a dream in the making - a work in progress. To view this 2.5 minute video, please click here. |
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Blessings from the holy city of Jerusalem, Yitzchak Reuven The Temple Institute |
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Spirit, Wisdom, Insight and Knowledge
"...the spirit of G-d, with wisdom, with insight, and with knowledge, and all manner of craftsmanship..." (Exodus 35:31) I Adar 20, 5771/February 24, 2011 Of the 613 commandments listed in Torah, only the building of the Tabernacle, the prototype for the Holy Temple, is described in such great length and in such great detail. Indeed, the attention given the tabernacle is unparalleled. Shabbat is every bit as essential and complex a commandment as the commandment to build the Tabernacle Sanctuary - the Mishkan - yet the details as to how the commandment to remember and keep the Shabbat is to be performed are not included in the words of the written Torah. In fact, every commandment, whether great or small, is of equal significance in the eyes of Torah. So why is so much of Torah dedicated to the building and assembling of the Tabernacle? In light of the opinion of many of our sages that all of the different aspects of the Tabernacle structure and its vessels are but components of a single commandment, "And they shall build for Me a Sanctuary," (Exodus 25:8) it is no less than extraordinary that the book of Exodus, the same book that features the ten plagues and the midnight departure from Egypt, the crossing of the Sea of Reeds, the miracle of the manna, and the revelation and receiving of Torah at Mount Sinai, nevertheless devotes more verses to the building of the Tabernacle than to any of these other milestones which so describe and define the history and experience of Israel to this day. Could it be that G-d wanted to make sure, not only that the nation of Israel would perform this commandment to build a Sanctuary, but that Torah would also preserve an incontrovertible historical record of the effort? No, not to convince the skeptical nations one day that Israel did, indeed, build the desert Sanctuary, but to convince the nation of Israel, itself, that it once did, indeed, build the Tabernacle, just as G-d desired that they do! G-d Himself, it would seem, was so "anxious" that the dwelling place that He desired for His Divine Presence on this earth be completed, that He "personally" named Betzalel, no doubt Israel's finest master craftsman to lead and oversee the effort. (ibid 35:30) Torah even describes the necessary qualifications for the job, basically, Betzalel's CV: "the spirit of G-d, with wisdom, with insight, and with knowledge, and all manner of craftsmanship... " (ibid 35:31) The nature of the building of the Tabernacle and its vessels was so multifaceted, so multi-disciplined, we can safely assume that Betzalel, and his assistant Oholiav, were men of exceptional knowledge and experience. Midrash even ascribes to Betzalel knowledge of the secrets of creation itself! It is clear from the Torah that G-d, who commanded to Israel, "build for Me a Sanctuary that I may dwell among them," (ibid 25:8) really meant just what He said. He wanted it built, he wanted it built just right, and he wanted it built now! Moshe had a hard time envisioning the shape of the golden Menorah: G-d showed him an image. Moshe didn't know the first thing about building a portable structure that could be disassembled and carried through the desert: G-d chose Betzalel to lead the task. Where would the materials, the gold and silver and bronze, the blue and purple and scarlet threads come form? G-d called upon everyone "whose heart uplifted him... and everyone whose spirit inspired him to generosity" (ibid 35:21) to step forth with the requisite supplies. Who would form Betzalel's work force? G-d called upon every woman and man of a "wise heart" (ibid 35:35) to present themselves before Betzalel and Oholiav, and G-d "put into his [Betzalel's] heart [the ability] to teach" the required skills to the people. When would they find the time to work on the Tabernacle? Torah sandwiches the description of the work of the Tabernacle between mentions of the holy Shabbat, the intention being clear: From sundown at the conclusion of Shabbat to sundown preceding the start of Shabbat six days later, the people would be occupied solely with the construction of the Tabernacle and its vessels. Are there any other questions? G-d's repeated intervention concerning the building of the Tabernacle is no less extraordinary and no less miraculous than His intervention in bringing Israel out of Egypt, His splitting of the Sea of Reeds, or His revelation at Mount Sinai. And in each of these instances Israel was given its own task to fulfill in order to make manifest G-d's benevolence. So too concerning the Tabernacle: G-d will guarantee the success of the undertaking, but Israel must take it upon itself to accomplish the task! It would seem that Israel today is daunted by the challenge of the Holy Temple, blinded and paralyzed by its beauty and grandeur, by the scope and depth of all that it embodies and the sweeping change that it will effect for Israel and the nations. "Who are we to build the Holy Temple? We don't know how! We don't know what it involves! We don't understand the instructions! We don't have a Betzalel in our generation!" Torah, with its painstakingly detailed description of every pin and every hook and every bolt and bracket of the Tabernacle, with its intricate description of how to assemble the Tabernacle, what fits inside of what and where every piece is to be placed, provides a resounding response to to these claims: Nonsense! Not only are all the pertinent details laid out before us in Torah, but we live in an age in which science and technology enable us to research and experiment and discover and arrive at hard conclusions. After all, the Holy Temple isn't rocket science. All that's really required is a "wise heart" and a "generous heart," attributes hard-wired into our very makeup. We left Egypt. We crossed the sea. We stood at Sinai and we have crossed the vast desert of 2000 years of exile to enter again into the land that G-d has promised us. Now it is time to build the Holy Temple! |
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![]() In this interview Chaim tries to answer the question how he merited building the golden Menorah for the Holy Temple. His story begins as a young man in the Soviet Republic of Georgia, where news of Israel's victory in the 1967 Six Day War awoke within him for the first time an awareness of his Jewish identity, something that had been denied him growing up in the communist totalitarian state. Chaim's story is one of faith, perseverance and eventual aliya (emigration) to Israel. Click here to view. |
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![]() Learn more about the construction of the Tabernacle in the desert. Please click here. |
![]() We invite all who wish to play a part in the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem to join us in recreating the golden lamp, Queen Helena's gift to the Holy Temple. Please click here. |
![]() The Golden Lamp of Queen Helena: The Video: Watch this beautiful presentation of a dream in the making - a work in progress. To view this 2.5 minute video, please click here. |
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Blessings from the holy city of Jerusalem, Yitzchak Reuven The Temple Institute |
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Return to Zion?
Shalom Ilan, haveri! Thank you for thinking of me. We've had an ice and snow snow that came in last night and expect another tonight.
My car door won't open. Frozen shut.
I would love to visit my beloved Land but probably can't for many reasons: I'm a poor white boy (I'm a poor fellow getting ready to sell my home and move with Mom and her boyfriend Doug to a nice home with my own bedroom in the country). And my AIDS doctors said I'll probably be dead and are in shock I'm not already and haven't gotten sick with infectious diseases. Blessed be God!
What will be will be. I won't give up without a struggle.
Love ya Ilan,

I would love to visit my beloved Land but probably can't for many reasons: I'm a poor white boy (I'm a poor fellow getting ready to sell my home and move with Mom and her boyfriend Doug to a nice home with my own bedroom in the country). And my AIDS doctors said I'll probably be dead and are in shock I'm not already and haven't gotten sick with infectious diseases. Blessed be God!

Love ya Ilan,

Monday, February 21, 2011
Back to the Kibbutz
Reunion trip - Back to the Kibbutz
June 12-19, 2011
Dear Friends,
As part of the 100 year anniversary of the Israel kibbutz, the kibbutz movement has organized a special reunion trip to Israel for former volunteers. The trip will include many unique attractions, including staying at kibbutzim, traveling around the country and meeting old friends.
If you are one of the 350,000 former volunteers who stayed and worked at a Kibbutz in the past, you are invited to re-live that experience and to meet people from all over the world who share those special memories.
Former volunteers and their families are welcome to join this unique reunion trip.
For details, please see attached brochure or send an email to:
If you are just interested in attending the reunion, please see the attached link:
You are welcome to join the Kibbutz Volunteers facebook page: for more updates.
June 12-19, 2011
Dear Friends,
As part of the 100 year anniversary of the Israel kibbutz, the kibbutz movement has organized a special reunion trip to Israel for former volunteers. The trip will include many unique attractions, including staying at kibbutzim, traveling around the country and meeting old friends.
If you are one of the 350,000 former volunteers who stayed and worked at a Kibbutz in the past, you are invited to re-live that experience and to meet people from all over the world who share those special memories.
Former volunteers and their families are welcome to join this unique reunion trip.
For details, please see attached brochure or send an email to:
If you are just interested in attending the reunion, please see the attached link:
You are welcome to join the Kibbutz Volunteers facebook page: for more updates.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Erase Me From Your Book
"And now, if You forgive their sin, but if not, erase me now from Your book, which You have written." (Exodus 32:32) I Adar 14, 5771/February 18, 2011 Purim Katan This week's Torah reading of Ki Tisa is sharply divided into two distinct parts. Part one continues the instruction for and description of the building of the Tabernacle and its vessels, and the service of the kohanim, the Temple priests, from the washing of their hands and feet at the brass laver, to the preparation of the incense offering and the anointing of the priests and the vessels alike. This idyllic narrative concludes with five verses concerning the sanctity and observance of the holy Shabbat. These words are spoken directly by G-d to Moshe. Not by chance this passage mimics the opening verses of the book of Genesis which describe the six days of creation and conclude with the Sabbath, the day of rest. The mention of Shabbat here in the book of Exodus comes to express two exceedingly important ideas concerning the nature of the Tabernacle and the historical moment at which man has arrived. Our sages teach us that the mention of Shabbat following the description of all the labors involved in the construction of the Tabernacle, was to inform Israel that the work on the Tabernacle was to cease on the Sabbath, despite its own intrinsic holiness. In other words, the sanctity of the Shabbat takes preference over the sanctity of the building of the Tabernacle. But as a parallel to the verses of Genesis, the mention of Shabbat carries its own implication that the construction of the Tabernacle was an essential part of creation itself; That the world without the Tabernacle, (and subsequently, the Holy Temple), is simply incomplete. The Genesis account of the creation of the world concludes without mention of the Tabernacle. But here, in a reprise of the description of creation, creation draws to a conclusion only after the completion of the Tabernacle. Next, in what appears on the surface to be a wholly disjointed subject, Torah describes the conclusion of Moshe's stay on Mount Sinai, his descent from the Mount, and the scene of reckless abandonment that awaited him. Having grown weary of waiting for Moshe's return, Israel, bated by the mixed multitude, has pressed Aharon into creating the infamous golden calf. Perhaps it began as an almost innocent, if misguided attempt to create a tangible sign of G-d's presence in the world, in light of Moshe's absence, to guide them through the desert. But no sooner had the golden calf emerged from the fire than the nation descended into a mad display of licentiousness, the golden calf at its center. This painful scene is not, however, as we supposed, incongruous or detached from the contented description of the Tabernacle and the Shabbat that preceded it. On the contrary, the debacle of the golden calf is an all too familiar denouement to the completion and seeming perfection of creation. It was after the completion of creation and G-d's placement of man in the Garden of Eden, that man ate from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, the results of which are known to all. Man, by demurring from keeping G-d's sole commandment not to eat the fruit, in effect rejected G-d. So too, Israel, by attaching itself to the golden calf, likewise rejected G-d. So it would seem that man, once again, has failed G-d. Or did he? After they ate from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, Adam and Eve hid themselves from G-d. When G-d asks of Adam point blank, "Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?" (ibid 3:11) Adam, rather than assuming the responsibility for his own transgression, points the finger at Eve. "The woman whom You gave to be with me she gave me of the tree; so I ate." (ibid 3:12) Now G-d purposely imbued man with free will, both a gift and a responsibility. A gift because it enables us to cling to G-d and to heed G-d's word of our own volition. A responsibility, because when we fail to heed G-d's word, and exile Him, as it were, from our presence, we must hold ourselves, and only ourselves, responsible. It would be foolhardy to conclude, then, that G-d, having granted man free-will, expects man's actions to be flawless. But the possession of free-will does demand that we be accountable. When G-d's wrath was kindled against Israel concerning the golden calf, He turned to Moshe and threatened to destroy Israel and make of Moshe "a great nation." (Exodus 32:10) Moshe rejected this offer out of hand, and countered G-d's anger, reminding G-d of His covenant with Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov, of His responsibility toward Israel. Moshe then went on to forcefully castigate Israel and to stamp out the evil that had spread. He was angry and disappointed with his people, but when he turned back to G-d to ask His forgiveness for Israel, his words put an end to any doubt as to where he stood on the issue: "And now, if You forgive their sin, but if not, erase me now from Your book, which You have written." (ibid 32: 32) Unlike Adam, who meekly pointed to his helpmate Eve, Moshe stood by his people and with his people. Their sin was his sin. By doing so, he became vested with the responsibility and the ability to make amends, to right the wrong. We learn from Adam's response to G-d that it is a most basic human instinct to point the finger at others, and to hold others responsible for our own failings. It could be argued that this is what is at the root of all the world's ills today. An entire Islamicist doctrine of hatred does just this, blaming all its own failings on others, thereby threatening humanity itself. The world doesn't have to be this way. Moshe teaches us that putting oneself in harm's way and accepting upon one's shoulders the entire weight of responsibility, not just for his own actions, but for those of his people, as well, marks the beginning of change. This is the man that G-d intended. Not a perfect man, but a responsible and repentant man. The Tabernacle, the Holy Temple, the meeting place for man and G-d cannot be completed as long as man is pointing his finger, accusing the other. Only by facing G-d in a show of undivided fellowship can we complete the sacred work of creation - the building of the Holy Temple. |
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![]() We invite all who wish to play a part in the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem to join us in recreating the golden lamp, Queen Helena's gift to the Holy Temple. Please click here. |
![]() The Golden Lamp of Queen Helena: The Video: Watch this beautiful presentation of a dream in the making - a work in progress. To view this 2.5 minute video, please click here. |
![]() We are all created and imbued with G-d given potential to achieve many great and good things in our lives. By following the commandments given us by Torah we can learn how to discover, develop and bring to fruition the unique potential that is within us. Learn the secret of your own hidden potential and how to fulfill it by serving G-d, in this exploration of the simple commandment to take challah when preparing bread." Click here to view. |
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Blessings from the holy city of Jerusalem, Yitzchak Reuven The Temple Institute |
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Vatican versus the Fourth Commandment
By Wyatt Ciesielka | Saturday, February 12, 2011
On January 25, Pope Benedict XVI again proclaimed his desire "to ignite a fervent missionary movement in the Catholic Church," stating he wants to advance "the entire Catholic Church into a new missionary age" in 2011 (, January 28, 2011). While this movement will ultimately contribute to fulfilling prophecies such as Isaiah 47:8-9 and Revelation 17:2-5, an aspect of this rejuvenated "fervent missionary movement" already affects billions. This is the growing emphasis on Sunday observance. Read more 

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Beyond Babylon

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall is destined to become a national debate and an international controversy because it dares to speak the plain truth in a world of lies!
Beyond Babylon
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 1
Survival Guaranteed!
The DEVASTATION unleashed against America and her British allies was without precedent. Destruction was everywhere and a body count impossible. The catastrophe was beyond calculation.
Europe - gripped with a messianic furor - justified this mass destruction of the body to "save the soul." Besides, they have the blessing of the pope. His white robes are stained with the blood of many martyrs.
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 2
Why National Defeat?
Why are we in mortal danger? Why will the American, British and Jewish people SUFFER national defeat? How could Europe ever turn against us?
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 3
Truth or Consequences
As global tensions increase, and threats of confrontation escalate, we might very well wonder whether humanity will survive. Unless there’s a GOD to intervene, we have a bleak future indeed: a DEAD PLANET! Will earth become a nuclear fireball? Will charred bones - aftermath of unleashed atomic fires - and the smoldering ruins of a suicidal civilization be all that’s left?
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 4
Victims of Tradition
Whenever our behavior gets out of control, God lets us loose control! When we’re held hostage to bad habits, and refuse to let them go, we go into captivity! A national lack of discipline results in God sending corrective punishment! Then we wake up and get with it, and beg God to save us. The whole purpose is to bring us to our knees and senses.
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 5
Europe's Fate
What’s going to happen to Europe? We know what’s going to happen to the American and British peoples, as well as to our Jewish brethren. The coming WORLD CRISIS is prophesied to fall especially hard on them. Why?
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 6
Jesus and the Jews
Why don't the Jews accept Jesus?" I've been asked that so many times. My usual reply? "Why haven't the Christians?" At least the Jews are waiting for the proper imperial restoration. The Messiah's coming to sit on DAVID'S THRONE - not Caesar's or "St. Peter's." The Anointed One's going to rule from JERUSALEM - not Rome!
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 7
Elijah's Key Role
Israel's about to host the greatest showdown on earth! A spiritual conflict of interests will create such a scene in Jerusalem that the whole world will watch! Zion will be an arena of prophets and sorcerers, warriors and kings! The forces of good and evil are set to duel: the sons of light will battle the sons of darkness, and truth will confront error head-on!

Saturday, February 5, 2011
Egyptian freedom fighters
More... |
Dear David, Our friend, Egyptian pro-Israel activist Nabil Maikel Sanad (of Coptic Christian origin), reports today (February 5th, 2011, 7:48 p.m. Egypt time), that he has been tortured by Egyptian Intelligence, but has been released: Please help publicize our friend's situation in his hour of need. Thanks in advance, Lowell (Aryeh Yosef) Links: Email Address: Website: "Nabil Maikel Sanad Message to Israel Calling for Solidarity with the Egyptian Revolution" "Egyptian refusenik: I'm pro-Israel - Maikel Nabil Sanad claims he's first conscientious objector in Egypt, blames Palestinians for conflict, says doesn't want to shoot Israeli defending his state" by Roee Nahmias YNETNEWS.COM October 25, 2010,7340,L-3974091,00.html Message to Egyptian Freedom Fighters from an American-Israeli Jew (Abridged Text/English - posted by Nabil Maikel, Egypt) (Abridged Text/Arabic translation - posted by Nabil Maikel, Egypt) (Verbatim Text/English - posted by Fazal-ur Rehman Afridi, Paris, France) Fazal-ur Rehman Afridi, Khyber Institute for Strategic Studies ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: TO FRIENDS FROM LOWELL RE. MESSAGE FROM EGYPTIAN PRO-ISRAEL ACTIVIST, AND MY MESSAGE TO EGYPTIAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS (CC: Maikel) From: Date: Fri, February 4, 2011 12:57 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends, Egyptian pro-Israel activist, Nabil Maikel Sanad , asks for our help in publicizing his Message to Israel Calling for Solidarity with the Egyptian Revolution: Please find below reports about Nabil Maikel Sanad from Ynet in Israel, and several other sources:,7340,L-3974091,00.html You can also find Nabil Maikel Sanad on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other sites:;jsessionid=D2D7E06902198BEF8F8F5A0B6DF311CC Nabil posted an abridged text of my Message to Egyptian Freedom Fighters from an American-Israeli Jew on his website, in English and Arabic: Message to Egyptian Freedom Fighters (Abridged Text/English) Message to Egyptian Freedom Fighters (Abridged Text/Arabic translation) The verbatim text of my Message to Egyptian Freedom Fighters is published by Fazal-ur Rehman Afridi, a Muslim Pathan journalist living in Paris, at Fazal's Khyber Institute for Strategic Studies website: Thank you very much in advance for helping to secure the widest possible distribution for our friend Nabil Maikel Sanad's Message to Israel Calling for Solidarity with the Egyptian Revolution. Greetings to you from Nabil in Egypt. I am listening to this song now, about a Scottish freedom fighter, hope you like it too: Shabbat Shalom, Lowell (Aryeh Yosef) Gallin MESSAGE TO EGYPTIAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS FROM AN AMERICAN-ISRAEL JEW Dear Egyptian Brothers and Sisters, I have been watching your fight for freedom on TV this past week. This is a message of support for your struggle. I hope you will accept it in the spirit with which it is offered. We read in chapter seven of the Qur'an, Sura A'raf, "The Heights", verse 137 (Ali Qur'an, pages 379-380; "Cracking the Qur'an Code", page 177): "And We [Allah/God] made a people considered weak (and of no account) inheritors of lands in both East and West, - lands whereon We [Allah/God] sent down Our blessings. The fair promise of thy Lord [Allah/God] was fulfilled for the Children of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and We [Allah/God] leveled to the ground the great Works and fine Buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected (with such pride)". Professor Abdullah Yusuf Ali comments (Note 1096 - Ali Qur'an, page 380; "Cracking the Qur'an Code", page 177): "Israel, which was despised, became a great and glorious nation under Solomon. He had goodly territory and was doubly blest. His land and people were prosperous, and He was blessed with wisdom from God. His sway and his fame spread east and west. And thus God's promise to Israel was fulfilled. Note that Syria and Palestine had once been under the sway of Egypt". It seems to me that this is exactly what is happening in Egypt today. God, through you, His Servants, is leveling "TO THE GROUND THE GREAT WORKS AND FINE BUILDINGS WHICH PHARAOH AND HIS PEOPLE ERECTED (WITH SUCH PRIDE)". The Pharaoh, in this case, is Pharaoh Mubarak. In my book, "Cracking the Qur'an Code: God's Land, Torah and People Covenants with Israel in the Qur'an and Islamic Tradition" , I include many verses from the Qur'an about Moses and Pharaoh, and how God sent Moses to lead the Children of Israel out of Pharaoh's bondage, and how many Egyptians believed in God, and were persecuted and martyred by Pharaoh for their faith in Him. I hope that these verses, from your own Qur'an, will be a source of comfort and inspiration to you in your fight for freedom, which I have complete faith will be victorious. Please know that MANY, MANY, MANY people in Israel are with you in your fight for freedom - send your wounded to us, we have very good doctors and hospitals. They will welcome you in and help you! I am also sending you two songs, songs of freedom from Chanukah, our festival of freedom, The Festival of Lights, which I hope will help inspire you to continue on to victory, until the Pharaoh who oppresses you now is swept away into the Red Sea, as was his predecessor of old. This excerpt if from Maoz Tsur (Rock of Ages), and it applies to you, today: "Your's the message sharing, that the time is nearing, which will see, all men free, and tyrants disappearing". Here are two versions of Maoz Tsur, one sung by a lady, for Egyptian sisters (remember, that after God's triumph at the Red Sea over Pharaoh and his hosts, the Daughters of Israel and Miriam, sang together, separately, from the men). The other, sung by a man, is for Egyptian brothers. Here they are: For Egyptian Brothers: For Egyptian Sisters: The following excerpt is from the Book of Isaiah. God says, through His Servant the Prophet Isaiah, the following (Isaiah 19:23-25): "In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria; and the Egyptians shall worship with the Assyrians. In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, for that the LORD of hosts hath blessed him, saying: 'Blessed be Egypt My people and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel Mine inheritance'". The People of Egypt lives. The People of Assyria lives. The People of Israel lives. Together, with faith in God and a commitment to live according to His Covenants, we will plant and build a truly New Middle East. Together. May the God of Israel watch over you in your days of trouble and trial, until your coming victory. Shalom from Yerushalayim, Lowell (Aryeh Yosef) Joseph Gallin
Make me a Sanctuary
"And they shall make Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst" (Exodus 25:8) Shvat 30, 5771/February 4, 2011 Rosh Chodesh Adar The importance of these words, their centrality to man's existence, and the impact which they have had, should have and must have upon Israel and the nations, is impossible to overstate. In terms of cosmic, cataclysmic, earth-shaking Biblical verses, it can be said that this one is right up there with, "In the beginning... " Why? What makes this commandment different from the other 612 Torah commandments received at Sinai? For sure, every commandment, from those which appear the easiest to perform, or the most peripheral to our lives, to those which seem the weightiest, are of equal significance, and the performance of every commandment merits heavenly reward. It is what lies behind the commandment "build Me a sanctuary," what these words teach us about our world and about G-d's relationship to Israel and what He expects of man, the crowning glory of His creation, which makes this commandment so unique. "Build Me a sanctuary" implies, by the very nature of its intention, so sublime and yet so humble, the potential G-d sees in man, and the heights and perfection to which man can bring G-d's world. G-d created the world in six days and then left off from creating. The world was complete. Or was it? In truth, G-d brought creation to a close with the creation of man. But what is man, with his free will, infused by G-d within his very being from his first breath of life, who rises and stumbles, who draws near to G-d one moment, and distant the next? Is man complete? And if not, then is creation truly complete? From the moment that G-d created man, He was seeking a relationship, a partnership with man. This is the reason that G-d created man. G-d determined that "'It is not good that man should be alone,'" (Genesis 2:18) and created for man a helpmate. But it was also not good for G-d to be alone. Nor was it ever G-d's intention. G-d has always sought a partner, a friend, in man. Avraham became that friend to G-d, (Isaiah 41:8), and a father of many nations. And it was Avraham's progeny, the children of Israel, whom G-d took out of Egypt, gave to them Torah, and now requests, (if a commandment can be also be a request), but one thing: build for Me a house, let Me into your world. Be My friend, and together we can complete and perfect creation in the only way possible to do so: together, as one. When Moshe first heard this commandment, Midrash tells us, he was incredulous. "How," he said, "Can we possibly build for You a house that you will dwell within, when the very heavens themselves cannot contain your infinite nature?" In other words, Moshe was saying, "Impossible!" "On the contrary," G-d replied, "All it requires is twenty beams on the north side, and twenty beams on the south side, and eight beams on the west side, and I will come down and abide My glory amongst them." In other words, "Possible! Absolutely, totally, undeniably and exhilaratingly possible!" G-d, in His response, made reference, of course, to the Tabernacle structure, as a way of illustrating how profoundly simple this task is to perform. In truth, it has nothing to do with wooden beams, or marble blocks, or animal skins, or silver or gold, but with the joining of our will, of our desires, to G-d's will. Of taking that free will that G-d blessed us with from the first, and placing this most precious gift of all in the place where it has always belonged: In G-d's treasure house - His Holy Temple. What a delusion, what a madness it is to think that we Israel are not capable of, are not quite ready or worthy of the great task, the most profound and sublime Divine challenge of man - " to make [for G-d] a sanctuary that [He] will dwell in [our] midst!" Who created man, after all, and for what purpose, if not for this - to complete G-d's creation by bringing Him into our midst! |
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Blessings from the holy city of Jerusalem, Yitzchak Reuven The Temple Institute |
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Honor your Mother
Title: Honor Your Mother
Source: Beyond Babylon
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Published: Feb 5, 2011
Author: David Ben-Ariel
Post Date: 2011-02-05 08:44:59 by David Ben-Ariel
I recently returned from Florida, a trip my mother opposed for many reasons. I told Mom it would me feel alive again, on the road again...Instead I'm depressed and have been forced to face my mortality, that I can't travel like I used, that I don't have the energy I once enjoyed. I have AIDS and told I have 1-5 months to live. I don't want to die...
Source: Beyond Babylon
URL Source:
Published: Feb 5, 2011
Author: David Ben-Ariel
Post Date: 2011-02-05 08:44:59 by David Ben-Ariel
I recently returned from Florida, a trip my mother opposed for many reasons. I told Mom it would me feel alive again, on the road again...Instead I'm depressed and have been forced to face my mortality, that I can't travel like I used, that I don't have the energy I once enjoyed. I have AIDS and told I have 1-5 months to live. I don't want to die...
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