Sunday, August 16, 2009

What's New at

by Seth
My addiction to pornography. A cautionary true story.

The Israel Test
by George Gilder
Israel is hated not for her vices but her virtues.

Another Universe
by Seena Elbaum
An old man, a stranger, and the bonds of kindness.

Life Is Now
by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
Nine principles for mastering happiness and joy.

Reb Yaakov's Torah Scroll
by Ester (Ellen) Katz Silvers
An inspiring true story of dedication and renewal.

My Loose Limbs
by Matthue Roth
How many pieces of me are scattered over the world?

Discipline 911
by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff
Don't be afraid to discipline your child.

Three More No's to Peace
by Mitchell Bard
No negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and no end to the armed struggle against Israel.

Cooking with Kids
by Emuna Braverman
Fun and easy, for the entire family.

Emergency Landing
by Jodie Kamornick
The plane plummeted downwards, oxygen masks dropped, and we thought this was the end.

Learn Hebrew: Amusement Park
by Shira Cohen-Regev
Why does Tel Aviv have a flying camel? Editors Pick

Escaping the Cyber-Slums
by Lawrence Kelemen Online dangers and practical responses.