Sunday, May 30, 2010 New Articles - May 30, 2010

  • Reach for the Quarter

    by Charles Harary Why God loves charity

  • Circle of Faith

    by Jenny Hazan The incredible journey of a one-year-old Holocaust survivor.

  • Turbulence

    by Rachel Jacobs How to escape from the overwhelming pressures of our daily lives.

  • Feeling God's Love

    by Rivka Malka Perlman My brush with death opened my eyes to the reality of God's love.

  • Jewish Failure?

    by Jonathan Rosenblum Beinhart's indictment of today's Israel is a cartoonish pastiche, lacking the context of recent history.

  • Normal Life

    by Deena Weinberg Dear Neighbor, can I be insolent enough to ask that you try to 'understand' just a tiny bit less?

  • Bat Mitzvah Reflections

    by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff A letter to my daughter upon her Bat Mitzvah.

  • Back to Baking

    by Sara Finkel Classic Kosher baking.

    Editor's Pick:
  • 5 Ways to Stay In Love Forever

    by Rabbi Dov Heller, M.A. Excellent advice for every couple.