Dear Friends, As we were preparing the below email about the protest we must organize against the decree to destroy a synagogue in Yitzhar, we got a phone call at 5:30 am by our friends in Bat Ayin telling us that over a 100 police and yassam troops had arrived to destroy two houses in Bat Ayin. We, of course, immediately drove to Bat Ayin, with our cameras. We came too late to stop the destruction. Clearly we must make sure to rebuild the houses. Below is our reaction to what happened followed by an action alert to save a synagogue in Yitzhar from being destroyed in a few days. Our photos of what happened were posted on the Arutz 7 Hebrew site and can be seen by clicking on ------------------------------------------ Reaction by Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) and the Judea Action Committee to this morning's destruction of two houses in Bat Ayin by tens of Yassam and police forces. The murderers of policeman Yehoshua Sofer HY"D, who was murdered by Arabs last week in the southern Hevron Hills, were not caught yet, but that did not bother the police to allocate tens of troops to attack Jews. This Wednesday morning at 5:30am, tens of police and yassam forces arrived in "Mitzpe Erez", in the Jewish community of Bat Ayin, not with paintball guns as in the terror flotilla, but rather with batons and machine guns, and destroyed two houses that were built in the Bat Ayin forest after and in reaction to the murder of Erez Levanon HY"D. In a letter that the families wrote a few days ago when they heard that their houses were slated for destruction they say: "Our settling in the forest is not an irresponsible picnic by young couples who are looking to relax but rather a clear statement of growth and expansion at a place where the life of Erez Levanon HY"D was taken away cruelly and heinously, with the clear purpose of scaring us and paralyzing us so we should not dare to go out and expand. Our settling Mitzpe Erez is the one and real answer to all those who try to paralyze and silence us whether it is the external enemy or the government, especially at a time of the "freeze" whose meaning is- the destruction of the settlement enterprise and is very dangerous for the future of the Jewish People". We, members of Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) and the Judea Action Committee, strengthen the hands of our brothers in Bat Ayin and call upon the People of Israel to help rebuild the houses that were destroyed. That is exactly why we founded, a few months ago, the YIBANEH fund for building and expansion in the hills of Judea. The Yibaneh fund will donate, already this morning 5000NIS ($1250) for the rebuilding of Mitzpe Erez and we hope many more will join. With love for Israel, Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover 050-5500834 050-7161818 -------------------------------- Dear Friends, Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) applaud Rabbi Pessach Lerner, executive vice President of Young Israel for protesting the destruction orders against the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in Yitzhar. We must all join! Please read the letter below, send your protest letter to all addresses mentioned at the bottom of the letter and forward this email to all your lists. Five years after the destruction of Gush katif and Northern Samaria, we cannot, ever again, let a yeshiva /synagogue in Israel be destroyed. Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover -------------------------------- May 25, 2010 WE CANNOT LET A YESHIVA/SHUL IN ISRAEL BE DESTROYED By Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Executive Vice President, National Council of Young Israel, Dear Fellow Jews: We cannot let a yeshiva/shul in Israel be destroyed. Allow me to explain. The following article appeared on Arutz Sheva news on Sunday, May 9, 2010: The IDF's Civilian Administration issued a demolition order Sunday against the spacious building that houses Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva at Yitzhar, in Samaria. Local residents believe that authorities are purposely punishing the yeshiva because of a confrontation with the IDF that took place on Independence Day, and also because security forces hold the yeshiva's students responsible for various attacks against Arabs in recent months and years, including the burning of a carpet in a mosque at the nearby village of Yassuf. “It turns out that the authorities are making special efforts to hurt the yeshiva in an unfair and vindictive way,” a yeshiva spokesman said Sunday. “It should be noted that the building is an ornate permanent structure, with an area of 1,300 square meters, which was built with the aid of the Ministry of Housing and was approved by the various authorities to serve as an educational institution.” The destruction order, the residents said, cited an 11 year old work-stoppage order one that they had never heard of until now. The building took years to build and cost over $1 million. Dear friends, the yeshiva administration, the regional councils, etc., are all challenging this destructive order. Individuals within the government are asking questions, but we have a responsibility to do all that we can to ensure that this order gets overturned. We must publicly urge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to forcefully and publically rescind this order. We cannot sit back and allow a yeshiva, a beautiful center of Torah and Tefillah, to be destroyed. Each of us must send daily emails, send daily faxes, and make daily phone calls to the Prime Minister of Israel protesting this inconceivable action. People need to send letters to the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC and to the Israeli Consulate in New York. We must demand that our community organizations, our rabbis, our entire community, speak out. We cannot allow this Chilul Hashem, this desecration of G-d’s name, to take place. Please send an email, send a fax, and make a call, now. Tell the Prime Minister to protect the yeshiva building in Yitzhar and prevent it from being destroyed. Contact Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at: Telephone - 011-972-2-670-5532 (attention: Tzvi Hauser, Cabinet Secretary of the Israel government) 011-972-2-675-3227 011-972-2-640-8457 Fax (send to all three numbers) 011-972-2-563-2580 (attention: Tzvi Hauser, Cabinet Secretary of the Israel government) 011-972-2-670-5369 011-972-2-649-6659 Email (send to all three email addresses) (attention: Tzvi Hauser, Cabinet Secretary of the Israel government) (underscore after pm) For the contact information of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC or the consulate office nearest to you, To see the order to raise the Yeshiva ---------- Click to view this email in a browser ---------- National Council of Young Israel 111 John Street Suite 450 New York, New York 10038 ============================================= Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Destruction in Bat Ayin + Action Alert
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