by Barry Chamish
So in a four day span in late July, the US sent four insiders to force Israel into freezing home construction in its own land and capital. Naturally, the Obama administration announced that four bigwigs landing in barely half a week was just a "co-incidence." No pressure...just blatant deceit and lying.
Let us, once more, make the obvious observation.
George Mitchell, US Envoy to the Middle East, lands in Syria on Sunday before travelling to Israel and, SHOCK!!!:
Mitchell is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). Google it yourself.
On Monday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates (CFR member) enjoyed his stay and threats in Jerusalem.
He was followed the next day by National Security Advisor Gen. James Jones, a member of the Tri-Lateral Commission.
And on Wednesday, token Jew boy, Dennis Ross of the Tri-Lateral Commission, arrived to prove that a Jew is behind the "administration's" plans. Like they started with Obama. In fact, they began many lunatics before.
Thank goodness Obama was elected. McCain (CFR) would have been called "the best President Israel ever had" while doing the same thing. But almost every Israeli opposes Obama, even the peace-loving left:
What is genuinely puzzling, however, is why Obama supporters appear
equally deaf to the anguished cries of Israel's left, which has long
advocated precisely these policies. When the editorial staff of
Haaretz, a bastion of Israel's hard left, pens three opinion pieces
criticizing Obama in the space of 10 days, it ought to be clear even
to left-of-center American Jews that Obama has an Israel problem.
On the ground, note the upwell of sudden opposition against Barack Hussein! He wants to stop completion of 20 Jewish apartments in Israel's capital neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, and the whole country responds against him. After all, who is he to tell us, where to live in Jerusalem? Why don't we tell him where to live in Washington? So, 1000 people, of a group not infiltrated by the government, organize an anti-American protest before the bigshots arrive.
Demonstration in Jerusalem this Monday 27 July
On the day Mitchell is arriving...6:30 PM at Paris Square, near PM's house. Approximately 8 PM -- march to American Consulate on Agron Street.
Calling on Israel to simply say "no" to US pressure to freeze
settlement activity and to divide the capital, close to a thousand
people rallied outside Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's Jerusalem
home Monday evening.
"People tell us that it is impossible to stand up against American
pressure; there is no bigger lie," yelled out Dani Dayan, who heads
the Council of Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza
Strip, which helped to organize the event. It was timed to coincide
with US envoy George Mitchell's visit to Israel.
Now look at the influence Obama is having. According to the government, since his election, not counting Jerusalem, the settler population rose from 280,000 to 300,000. In 6 months, the price of a 3 room apartment in Maaleh Adumim, rose from $215,000 to $244,000. All because of new demand.
Bless OBAMA!
Because here is the goal of his superiors, which according to superficial, uninformed and ignorant mass Israeli "thinking," must be his intentions:
JERUSALEM, July 24 (UPI) -- An Israeli-Palestinian document stipulates travel routes, security measures and final borders for a Palestinian state, an Israeli paper said.
The document published in Yedioth Aharonoth Friday reveals for the first time plans for a gradual Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank in a 30-month period, travel restrictions for Israelis and Palestinians, security arrangements and details of the final borders.
Three West Bank highways will be designated for sole Israeli use. Motorists will not have to carry passports but will be provided with a GPS tracking system and panic button for the trip, the paper said. A motorist who strays from the designated route and enters a Palestinian controlled area, will be arrested by members of a multinational force, and returned to Israel to stand trial, the paper said.
The document was completed in recent months by a joint Israeli-Palestinian team, and made available this week to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Middle East envoy Gen. Jim Jones, the paper said.
Palestinians and Israelis will be able to enter Jerusalem's Old City without carrying passports. A multinational force stationed in the Old City will be on hand to enforce law and order, and will have the power to make arrests, the paper said. A separate multinational force will be deployed on the Temple Mount.
Don't you just love it? Israel's largest Israeli newspaper by far, reports that the Obama/Clinton (husband CFR)/Jones plan is to divide Jerusalem and make the settlers live in a Kafka nightmare. And I add, the Palestinians are in the same terrifying dream, but they get a state capital in Jerusalem out of it. For them, it's a terrific reverie. Once they achieve their dreamland:,7340,L-3750930,00.html
As the Fatah movement prepares for its upcoming leadership convention, a
senior group member says the event will be used to display Fatah's
commitment to the armed struggle against Israel.
Preparations for the convention, scheduled for August 4, are in full force
at this time. During a series of preliminary meetings ahead of the event,
senior Fatah official Rafik al-Natsheh said that the group will not be
recognizing Israel.
To those who know my work, this is boring. I've repeated the real plan since December of 1993, time after time, over and over, unending, non-stop:
From my book Save Israel:
- www. lulu .com/content/517809
From the Prez of Israel himself:
Peres Raises 'World Capital' Solution for Jerusalem
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Shimon Peres, the head of Israel's opposition Labor Party, has suggested resolving Israeli-Palestinian conflict over Jerusalem by putting its holy sites under U.N. stewardship, a spokesman said Tuesday.
His plan calls for declaring a holy area of sites sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem's old walled city as a "world capital," with the U.N. Secretary-General serving as mayor, Peres' spokesman Yoram Dori told Reuters.
Israel claims Jerusalem as its capital, including the Arab eastern part captured in the 1967 Middle East War and annexed in a move that is not recognized internationally. Palestinians want to make East Jerusalem capital of the state they hope to establish in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (news - web sites) under a U.S.-backed peace plan.
A Paragraph from the Blech review of my new book:
THE conPROMISED LANDOne of the members of this list is sending me endless copies of a very valuable book, The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan.
It tells the horrifying story of the worst religious holocaust of the 20th century led by Pope Pius 12. 237 pages, filled with rare photos. And...It's yours for free. The only cost will be postage, envelopes, gas to the post office, say $6 in the States. Overseas the postage will be higher but the book itself is free.
Send me your mailing address and I'll get it to you.
I'll add my two Vatican DVDs, one recorded in Jerusalem, the other in Atlanta if you ask, a bit more money BUT without profit.
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details just how compromised Israel has become – both wittingly and unwittingly - caught up in the plans of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Vatican and the ever-pervasive 'Jewish' Sabateans. Too many these days think that these groups have no real teeth but as this book demonstrates their plans are far from innocent and their dismembering of the Jewish State is going from strength to strength. The book is of course disturbing, yet at the same time liberating, as for so many of us the 'official story' of Israel has never really added up – and here we can understand the Real Story – and even one hopes, try and expose the lies, plans, cover-ups and conspiracies and save Israel while there is still time.
THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher
Still, as Israelis apply for passports to travel on their own roads, and get GPS apparati shoved down their throats, or, refusing this, be arrested by international troops in their land...
And while these troops guard the Old City of Jerusalem, ready to arrest and hold them for any infraction...And while more of these troops guard their ancient Temple, ready to pounce for all pretexts...
Israelis still reject who these "Americans" are. They just know something is wrong, and anyone, namely me, who dares tell them the facts is ridiculed, because somehow, this insanity has a good explanation.
Which must be anything but heavily researched fact.
Something new for your car. A two CD disc collection in convenient packaging for the long ride somewhere. Disc one: a 2 hour narrative of Chapter One of my new book, THE conPROMISED LAND; Disc Two, SHABTAI TZVI, LABOR ZION AND THE HOLOCAUST. Just $15. Write me at or
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080
DAMASCUS, July 27 (KUNA - Kuwait News Agency) -- Syrian Ambassador to the
United States, Imad Mustafa said Monday that the US had lifted the ban
imposed on exporting goods to the Syrian aviation industry.
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