Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jewish Policy Center

"From Iran Aggression to U.S. Recession: The Challenges Ahead." This video from Park Synagogue in Cleveland was captured on October 12, 2008. It features Michael Medved, Cliff May, Mona Charen and David Horowitz.

2. Jonathan Schanzer's scathing review of Jimmy Carter's latest book, We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land, in the Jerusalem Post (March 12, 2009).

3. "The Attack on Syria's al-Kibar Nuclear Facility," by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Joshua D. Goodman. This piece, which ran in the spring 2009 issue of inFOCUS, provides details on the Syrian nuclear reactor that Israel destroyed. Only after the bombing raid did Syria express an interest in regional peace.

4. "Nationalized Health Care Threatens America's Future," warned the JPC's newest distinguished fellow Richard Baehr in the summer 2009 issue of inFOCUS.

5. "New Thinking For Old Problems: The Challenges of Middle East Peace-Making Under the Shadow of the Iranian Threat." This video was captured on June 3 at an event sponsored by the Endowment for Middle East Truth at the Heritage Foundation. It features Senator Sam Brownback, General Giora Eiland, Daniel Pipes and Jonathan Schanzer.

6. "Palestinian 'Right of Return' Is Not 'Inalienable'." JPC research associate Michael Sharnoff dismantled the myths surrounding Palestinian refugees in an article that appeared in Pajamas Media.

7. With "Ignoring the Bloodshed in Gaza," Jonathan Schanzer reminded Weekly Standard readers that the war between Israel and Hamas in December 2008 and January 2009 was just one conflict in the region. The media gives little to no attention to the Palestinian civil war between Hamas and Fatah.

8. The United Nations has failed to protect Israel from the threat of Qassam rockets out of Gaza. Missile defense analyst Robert Ivker explains why in a hard-hitting Palestinian Rocket Report essay titled, "Different Rockets, Same U.N."

9. Why do Palestinians fire rockets indiscriminately at Israeli civilians in the South? Luis Fleischman offers a fascinating explanation with "Palestinian Rockets: A Tool of Mass Mobilization."

10. The Palestinian American Research Center (PARC) takes US taxpayer funds and bankrolls anti-Israel polemics. Jonathan Schanzer revealed this to the readers of National Review Online last summer.

Finally, if you haven't yet seen our newest video, it is fast becoming an online favorite…
"Bursting Bubbles, Bail-Outs, and Bounce-Backs: Prospects For An Economic Recovery" is a video from the most recent JPC Forum, held in Washington, DC on June 14. It features Michael Medved, Stephen Moore, Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Lacy Hunt.

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