Monday, April 13, 2009

Israel Today (News)

Egypt tracking Hizballah terrorists in Sinai
Cairo busts massive Hizballah ring operating in Egypt with intent to attack Israelis and destabilize government more»

Dovish Peres threatens Israeli strike on Iran
Israel's dovish president says if US diplomatic effors fail, Israel will attack Iran's nuclear facilities more»

Ahmadinejad: Germans still hate the Jews
Iranian president says Germans need not worry about whether or not Holocaust happened more»

Leading Dutch party wants sanctions against Israel
Holland's second largest parliamentary faction demands gov't impose sanctions against Israel if it doesn't surrender to Arab demands more»

Israeli fighters intercept Delta Airlines flight
Israeli air traffic controllers fear possible hijacking after pilot fails to make contact upon approach to Tel Aviv more»

Israeli man succumbs to injuries 7 years after attack
After suffering brain damage in 2002 Haifa suicide bombing, Israeli man dies in rehabilitation hospital more»