by Avraham Zuroff
( Hundreds of worshippers who entered Joseph’s Tomb on Wednesday night were shocked to see the holy site desecrated, apparently by Arab residents of Shechem. More than 500 Jewish worshippers who had coordinated with the IDF for entry were granted special permission to visit the tomb of the Biblical Joseph in Shechem, in honor of the new month of Iyar and Independence Day.

Jewish worshippers of all stripes came to Joseph's Tomb
Shomron Regional Council
Worshippers were especially appalled that the freshly painted graffiti of swastikas and other anti-Jewish sentiments that defaced the grave appeared merely a day after Holocaust Memorial Day. Additional vandalism included a picture of a sword stabbing a Star of David with drops of blood dripping from it, and a boot stamping it.

Star of David Booted by Vandals
Shomron Regional Council
The desecration came after a massive restoration was completed by the Shechem Echad organization and the IDF in late December, during the festival of Chanukah. It was the first time Jewish workers had repaired the tomb that was torched by an Arab mob several years ago, at the beginning of the second intifada, also known as the Oslo War.
The actual grave marker was desecrated as well. Worshippers found footprints from military boots worn by Palestinian Authority police officers imprinted on the grave. In addition, two parts of the grave stone were cracked by hammers.

Worshipper at Desecrated Gravestone
Shomron Regional Council
Shomron Regional Council head Gershon Masika, who was one of the first to enter the site, found it difficult to conceal his shock from the appalling sight. “Only barbarians could be capable of doing such terrible things. People who are capable of desecrating such a holy place in such a pathological manner are unfit to be called humans. The terrorists of the Palestinian Police have proven that they lost any form of humanity a long time ago. Woe to the nation that allows the unhindered and repeated desecration of one of its holiest spots which serves as a symbol,” Masika said.
“The State of Israel must return to Joseph’s Tomb, that even the ominous Oslo Accords are supposed to allow. The State of Israel must restore its defiled honor to itself, and retake and [reopen] the yeshiva in Joseph’s Tomb,” Masika added, referring to the center of Jewish study that the tomb once housed.
The Shechem Echad organization, involved with the restoration of Samaria holy sites and the arrangements for Jewish worshippers to enter the tomb, expressed shocked disappointment. “It is outrageous that so many times when we enter Joseph’s Tomb and additional gravesites of Sages in Samaria, we see that they are desecrated time after time. This is an unacceptable situation to reconcile with, and the situation must be rectified.”
Knesset Member Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) stated in wake of the desecration of Joseph’s Tomb that Jewish sovereignty must be implemented by returning to Shechem, presently under the control of the PA. Ben-Ari has called on Defense Minister Ehud Barak to restore the Yeshiva of Joseph’s Tomb to its original location. “This will be an appropriate reaction to the barbarians who desecrate graves,” Ben-Ari said.
Knesset Member Danny Danon (Likud) stated in response to the desecration, “The Palestinians’ barbaric conduct of desecrating holy places has proven once again that whoever becomes mixed up for a moment should know that there is no one with whom to speak.”
How long will faithful Jews tolerate the Israeli government's failure to secure and protect Joseph's Tomb from the Nazi Muslims? It's as if Joseph is being held hostage and we've neglected to redeem him.
It's past time Joes (British Israelites) and Jews (Judah) agree to drive out the covetous and criminal Arabs and invite Children of Israel to move in and take root, to grow and prosper, and ultimately branch out from the Nile to the Euphrates, b'ezrat Hashem (with the help of God).
New Film for Rebuilding Joseph's Tomb to Premiere in Big Apple
by Gil Ronen
Joseph isn't Jewish! Joseph is the son of Rachel, the forefather of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples. Leah is the mother of the Jewish people, although Rachel is also the mother of Benjamin (Joseph's beloved brother) and some from the tribe of Benjamin went with Judah when the northern Ten Tribes went apostate and suffered defeat and deportation by the Assyrians (as Judah later fell to the Babylonians, failing to learn from history).
Christian Zionists (like Orde Wingate) recognize that God has blessed our Jewish brethren to serve as His custodians of the Promised Land of Israel, to be the first to return to Zion, to clear the way as pioneers and hold the land in trust for all Twelve Tribes of Israel, and so many of them do (even though hampered by Hellenists and persecuted by UNJews).
Today Israel is the Jewish homeland and our British Israelite nations should encourage our Jewish brethren to refuse to surrender an inch to our sworn enemies, to liberate those biblical territories still suffering under Arab occupation, and tend to the Holy Land of Israel with tender loving care, especially the Temple Mount.
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