Monday, April 20, 2009

Upcoming Activities in Shdema

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)

Dear Friends,

At a time when internal and external enemies are trying to push Israel to commit suicide by calling for the so-called "two-State Solution"; we lovers of Israel know that what really needs to be done is to increase Israel's stronghold over its Biblical Homeland with the very clear message: the Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel.

Let all the hypocrites of the world who pretend to care about the so-called "Palestinian" Arabs give them their homeland. They know, as we do, that the call for a "two-state solution" is simply a call for the destruction of the State of Israel as a Jewish State. If the abandonment of the Gaza Strip by Israel brought Arab kassams and grads on the entire Negev, anyone with basic intelligence understands that if, G-d forbid, the settlement enterprise in Judea and samaria and eastern Jerusalem would be destroyed and a "Palestinian" State would be created there instead, the entire Gush Dan, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem area would be attacked by Arab Kassams and grads as a first step towards a general Arab attack against Israel, as was already done by the Arab forces in 1967.

And thus, the time has come to declare once and for all: NOT ONE INCH! We will not give up any more territory of our G-d given Biblical homeland. In fact we plan on going back to the Gaza Strip and to all other areas abandoned by previous governments. We demand from our government to lift the ban against Jewish building in Judea and Samaria and allow us to build new communities there. When we will raise the number of Jews in Judea and Samaria to one million instead of today's 300,000, nobody will talk about a "Palestinian State" anymore. This is what the people of Israel have voted for in the past elections and this is what we expect our government to implement.

One of the places in danger of being handed over to the Arab enemy is SHDEMA. Below please find a detailed account of our upcoming activities in Shdema. Please join us!

With love for Israel,

Nadia Matar
Chair, Women in Green

A full year of activities in Shdema!
This summer we are all in Shdema!

See below for details

Reminder: Shdema is the IDF army camp situated under Israeli control C, some 5 km from Har Choma and 8 km from Tekoa, overlooking the Jerusalem-eastern Gush Etzion highway.

The army camp was abandoned for political reasons some 3 years ago.

The Arabs from Bet Sahour aided, funded and incited by international anti-Israeli organizations, are working hard in trying to take over and occupy Shdema. They even succeeded in illegally building a park and some sports facilities at the northern tip of Shdema.

The Committee for Shdema that was founded a year ago in collaboration with Women in Green, decided to fight for this part of the Land of Israel as part of the general struggle for the land of Israel.

Every Friday morning we go to Shdema to show a Jewish presence and listen to a lecture and/or a shiur. Once a month we have large cultural-educational events with hundreds of participants who come from far and close.

In the last few days, thanks to the Committee's constant activities in Shdema, together with the municipality of Gush Etzion, demolition orders have (finally) been handed out by the Civil Administration against the illegal Arab construction in Shdema.

Now more than ever it is important to increase our Jewish presence in Shdema to pressure the political echelon even more in our demand to keep Shdema in Jewish hands and enable us to create there a Land of Israel Cultural and Educational Center.

Upcoming activities in Shdema:

Friday April 24 at 8:30am- Lecture by Sima Gillis on the fall and rise of Gush Etzion

Friday May 1 - lecture by Ezra Yachin, Lehi fighter, on Jewish Heroism

Friday May 8 at 9;30 am- shiur on Jerusalem by rabbi Uziya Sharbaf, head of the Shalhevet Kollel in Hebron

Friday May 15 at 9:30 am- Lecture by Yehuda Etzion on Bar kochva,Rabbi akiva, destruction and Redemption"

Friday May 22, Yom Terushalayim at 10:;00 am;
* singing Naomi Smer Erets Israel songs with Dudu Elharar
* talk by Israel Prize winner Geula cohen on the singing of Erets Israel



One can arrive in Shdema with private cars. Transportation will be provided only by prearrangement.

The Committee for a Jewish Sdema & Women in Green

Rav Yaron Durani (El David-Nokdim) - Igor Bialski (Tekoa) - Elisheva Ginzberg (Alon Shvut) - Orli Glauber (Har Choma) - Ruthie Wolfish (Tekoa) - Ina Viniarski (Tekoa) - Timna Katz (Neve Daniel) - Nadia Matar (Efrat) ­ Anita Finkelstein (Tekoa) - Gedalia Friedman (Neve Daniel) ­ Yehudit Katzover (Kiryat Arba Hebron) ­ Eli Rodan (Elazar)

For more details on the struggle for a Jewish Shdema:
For the movie about Shdema :
For Rivka Rybacks pictures on the struggle for Shdema:

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380