Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Jerusalem posters call for 3rd Temple
Posters leaving out Al Aksa mosque plastered on buses with e. Jerusalem routes.
While tensions continue to simmer around the Temple Mount after riots in and around the capital’s Old City earlier this month, a new campaign calling for the construction of the Third Temple atop the holy site has made its way to the sides of 200 Egged buses in the city, which now sport posters featuring a picture of a rebuilt temple on the Mount, and nothing else.
The posters, which contain the phrase, “May the Bais Hamikdosh [holy temple] be rebuilt speedily and within our days,” were sponsored by the Our Land of Israel group, which is led by Rabbi Shalom Dov Volpo and activist Baruch Marzel, leave out the site’s current structures – namely the the Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.
The campaign’s organizers chose to plaster the posters on buses whose routes take them through predominately Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalem.
With regards to the campaign, Volpo said Israel is waiting breathlessly for the coming of the messiah and the rebuilding of the temple.
“The Arabs and President Obama know that the Temple will be built on the Temple Mount,” he said. “Instead of the temporary buildings that are there today.”
Speaking to The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, Marzel said it was no mistake that the Islamic shrines were left out of the picture...
Click here to continue
Both the Bible and history reveal Jerusalem's holiest site is the TEMPLE Mount, not the mosque hill. It's past time the Jews and Israelis prove they're serious about their claims to a united Jerusalem forever and remove the foreign objects that presently pollute and occupy the Temple Mount and build the Third Temple.
The Temple Mount is meant to host the "House of Prayer for All Peoples" who seek to worship the God of Jacob.
Let the Zionists reclaim Judaism's holiest site and stake their claim to Jerusalem by removing the Arab threat and restore the Temple Mount as the Temple Mount.
Will the pope act like Belshazzar or Cyrus?
Will Rome learn from history and receive instruction from the Bible or harden their hearts and be destroyed like pharaoh and Babylon?
A House of Prayer For All Peoples?
Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.
Major Upheaval in Israel?
Will an EARTHQUAKE shake Israel to its foundations and rock the world? Would the destruction of the Western/Wailing Wall and the demolition of the "Dome of the Rock" and Al-Aksa mosques—by an ACT OF GOD—serve further notice that it's time to build the Temple?
Third Temple Coming Soon to Jerusalem!
"And let them make me a Sanctuary that I may dwell among them" (Ex. 25:8). This holy command in the Scriptures seems clear enough, so what's the problem? Why has Israel tolerated Jerusalem’s "abomination of desolation" — a Temple Mount without a Temple? Why haven't the religious leaders encouraged the people to do what they can in fulfilling this mitzva?
The Temple of God in Holy Jerusalem
Paul, speaking of the imminent Third Temple, the holy TEMPLE OF GOD (the Temple of God - not just of the Jews or any other conspiracy theory that contradicts Scripture), that Europe's wannabe divine emperor will pollute, coveting it since Satan knows (even if some religious folks don't) it is the TEMPLE OF GOD...
Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount
During a 1995 Root and Branch lecture in Jerusalem, Professor Nahum Rakover, author and then Deputy Attorney General of Israel, publicly agreed with me that it isn't illegal for Christians or Jews to pray upon the Temple Mount, even though it is forcibly prevented by the police.
The Issue of the Temple Mount
The common knowledge of our time is that the vast majority of Rabbis of this generation have prohibited the Jewish people from entering the Temple Mount (Har HaBayit), the holiest site in Judaism. The Temple Mount is the site of where the Beit HaMikdash (the Jewish Temple) once stood and the place where the Moslems have erected one mosque, the al-Aqsa and a site of pilgrimage, the Dome of the Rock.
Restore Israeli Sovereignty Over Temple Mount
The Wakf, the militant Muslim authority that oversees Jerusalem's Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site and Islam's alleged third holiest site (following Mecca and Medina) continue to show blatant disregard for Jewish, Christian and biblical history and non-Muslim sensitivities.
Where's the Temple On the Temple Mount?
Something's missing. Rome is synonymous with the Vatican, Mecca with the Kaaba, and Jerusalem's known for its Western Wall. But why should we stand before the wall, letting it obstruct our vision, when we could be praying in a Temple? Why should Jews continue to bow before an illegitimate Gentile decree that tells them where to pray? (Isaiah 10:1).
The Vatican Must Return the Temple Treasures
The Jews have prayed for 2,000 years to again see the Temple upon the Temple Mount. It's past time for prayers alone: ACTION is necessary to put faith into practice!
G-d Doesn't Listen to Jewish Prayers at the Western Wall
Gershon Salomon warned Israel and its leadership that as long as the shameful situation on the Temple Mount continues, and as long as they do not obey the call of G-d, peace will not come to the land. The enemies of Israel will continue to desire her land and will pressure those in power to divide it. Obedience to the call of G-d will bring peace, all of Israel's enemies will be removed and no one will wish to divide or desire the land.
Why Edward Abington, Jr. Must Be Investigated!
"The American Diplomat in Arafat's Corner," published in The Jerusalem Report, came as no surprise to me. It was referring to Edward Abington, Jr., the United States' former consul general in Jerusalem who is now "guiding the Palestinians through the labyrinths of Washington. And his firm is being paid $2.25 million for his expertise."
Israel's Unjust Deportation of David Ben-Ariel
As a Christian-American member of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement, I had been privileged to participate in their legal demonstrations during my 10-month stay in Jerusalem awaiting dual citizenship. Israeli television often showed me with my Jewish friends carrying Israeli flags throughout the Old City.
Blow Up the Mosques or An Expired Visa?
Once again, an attempt to spread DISinformation about my unjust deportation from Israel, only provides me with another opportunity to clearly state my case and continue to highlight the plight of the Temple Mount suffering under a Nazi-Muslim occupation...
From Toledo to Jerusalem
You could say I have a God-given love for the Jews and the nation of Israel (Isaiah 62:6-7). That sacred bond has been strengthened over the years by the fact that I've been blessed to have lived all over Israel, getting to know its land and people quite well.
Dangerous Ideas?
During my brief appearance before Israel's High Court, the prosecution charged that I hold "dangerous ideas." I suppose the short-sighted prosecution would ban the Bible if he could since it contains the "dangerous ideas" that millions believe in! What are those "dangerous ideas?"
American Detained in Jerusalem's Russian Compound
Nobody arrested me. I was detained when I faithfully reported to the police office at 9 a.m. Monday morning, January 9, 1996 (day before my birthday) the day after The Jerusalem Post published on their front page an article shedding light on what they were doing in the dark: "GSS Seeks to Deport American Citizen for Plot to Blow Up Al Aksa Mosque."
God commands Israel to build Temple!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Never forget the sacrifice of the Lamb of God
He is despised and rejected by men, A Man (not a nation, a man) of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we (collective Israel, especially Judah) hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He (one man) was despised, and we (Israel/Judah) did not esteem Him.
The Passover Memorial
When did God decree that Jesus could declare "it is finished" and die on the stake? Why at the very same time that THE JEWS were sacrificing their Passover lambs at the Temple! The Jews had always killed the Passover lambs during the final hours of the 14th. It was towards the end of the 14th, not at the beginning of the 14th, that the Passover lambs were killed.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Chag Pesach Sameach!
the house of Yaakov left a people of a strange tongue,
Yehudah became His holy nation, Israel His dominion.
The sea saw and fled; the Jordan turned backward.
The mountains danced like rams, hills like young sheep.
What frightens you, O sea, that you flee? O Jordan, that you turn backward?
You mountains, that you dance like rams; you hills, like young sheep?
From before the Master, Who created the earth, from before the G-d of Yaakov,
Who transforms the rock into a pond of water, the flint into a fountain of water.
(Psalm 114, from the Hallel praises recited at the Passover Seder)
Erev Pesach 5770/March 29, 2010
Chag Pesach Sameach - A Joy Filled Passover to All!

Public Invited to Seek Temple-Time Artifacts
( Jewish community leaders from the "City of David" (Ir David) in Jerusalem are inviting the general public to take part in a unique Passover activity – searching for ancient artifacts in rubble removed from the Temple Mount. "City of David" spokesman Udi Ragones discussed the project with Arutz Sheva's Hebrew-language news service.
Click here to read more
Suspicious FBI raid in Michigan
Doesn't sound too American or Constitutional to me. "Is your church ATF approved?"
You would think by now the FBI would learn to be more aware of the importance of appearances and sensitive to the constitutional concerns many share.
From The Detroit News: Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group
Official Web Site "Waco: The Rules of Engagement"
Will Bill Clinton and Janet Reno hang?
Another bloodthirsty Janet Reno?
First They Came for the Jews
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Women in Green Blessings for a Happy Pessach
As we prepare for Pessach, the People of Israel put to rest Eliraz Peretz and Ilan Saviatovsky, HY"D, two soldiers who fell in battle with Arab terrorists. As the mother of Eliraz, who 12 years ago lost another son in battle, said: "My son didn't go in order to die, but he went so that the people of Israel could live in their land. Our sons died so that we could live here and walk here proudly."
The battle for the freedom of the Jewish People, as a people in their Biblical homeland, started when Israel left Egypt, from slavery to freedom, and continues until today.
Tomorrow, Monday night, millions of Jews worldwide will certainly upset people like president Obama and other anti-Israeli leaders, when we will declare, loud and clear, at the end of the seder, what Jews have been saying for thousands of years:
Let it be clear to all: when we say "Jerusalem", we mean not only united, undivided Jerusalem, east and west, but we also mean all of Judea and Samaria. Jerusalem is the heart. A heart cannot beat without the main arteries providing the heart all it needs. These arteries are Judea and Samaria, Israel's G-d given Biblical Heartland.
Women in Green want to wish all friends of Israel, in Israel and abroad, a happy Pessach. May we all merit to live and expand in rebuilt Jerusalem and Erets Israel and witness the Geula shleima.
We must add that the holiday can only be complete when our brother Jonathan Pollard and the soldiers missing in action will return home from their captivity. At the seder table we will put a chair for Jonathan and pledge to continue to demand his immediate release.
The People of Israel are blessed with the most beautiful land in the world. Especially at this time of the year, with the blossoming of the flowers and the trees, one of the ways to claim the land is with our feet, by walking and hiking everywhere, and especially in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, making a clear statement: The land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel for eternity.
Chag Kasher veSameah, a happy and kosher Pessach to all,
With love for Israel,
Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
Passover for Christians
When did God decree that Jesus could declare "it is finished" and die on the stake? Why at the very same time that THE JEWS were sacrificing their Passover lambs at the Temple! The Jews had always killed the Passover lambs during the final hours of the 14th. It was towards the end of the 14th, not at the beginning of the 14th, that the Passover lambs were killed.
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Saturday, March 27, 2010
Why Government Health Care Will Fail
Why Government Health Care Will Fail
A recent cancer seminar provided a good example why government run health care will always fail.
(read more ...)
Does your Church honor the goddess Easter?
If you walk into any store or restaurant at this time of year, you quickly see how the pagan Easter rabbit has supplanted the Passover lamb. A myth has replaced the truth! It's totally absurd and illogical as both the Bible and history condemn Easter as a spring goddess and yet these professing Christian churches aren't ashamed to blazon the name of the GODDESS EASTER on their church billboards! Would they also advertise Venus or Ishtar? Are they all asleep in the pews? Don't their ministers have a clue? God says the names of these pagan gods and goddesses will be history and yet they're kept alive by apostate Christian ministers! "For I will take from her mouth the names of the Baals [false gods], And they shall be remembered by their name no more" (Hosea 2:17). Who are they serving? Certainly not our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Jacob.
How can any professing Christian not take offense at this baptized paganism, these whitewashed heathen customs that mislead the masses? Shame on those (especially the worthless ministers) who continue to let folks get carried away with idolatrous traditions rather than set them free with the plain truth!
"How can you say, ‘I am not polluted, I have not gone after the Baals'?" (Jeremiah 2:23). You advertise the GODDESS EASTER with your Easter Egg Hunt, your Easter Egg Roll, your Easter ham, your Easter Sunday. Others pimp Easter and her fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs with Easter Egg trees and Easter decorations. We're a nation of spiritual drunks and whores in denial, whoring around with pagan gods and goddesses, going through the mindless motions of pagan traditions and flirting with heathen customs and we see nothing wrong with it since we're deaf, dumb and blind (Isaiah 42:19).
Such Easter "offerings" based upon colorful fables certainly aren't acceptable or cute to God ( 2 Timothy 4:3-5). “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall [the slain] at the time I punish them..." (Jeremiah 6:15). Traditional Christianity, like an adulterous woman, "…eats and wipes her mouth, and says, ‘I have done no wickedness..
Sin that's been dressed up, camouflaged, made to appear harmless, is still sin in God's eyes and He hates the mass religious deception that has been going on for too long and will hold the nation accountable for living a lie and promoting whitewashed paganism. The rotten ministers who have failed to stand in the gap, to expose such error and call upon the people to turn from such vain traditions, are especially guilty (Ezekiel 22:30-31).
Hosea 4:6
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest [minister] for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God [that you may keep your own traditions], I also will forget your children.
It's past time we remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and return to the Faith once delivered - the Faith that focuses on the Lamb of God and keeps Passover - and stop mixing pagan error with biblical truth (spiritual adultery). We must serve the God of Israel wholeheartedly as Elijah encouraged (when he mocked Baal and Easter) or go into national captivity like Israel did who failed to take God's Word seriously! What will it be: return to the Faith once delivered or return to slavery?
The Plain Truth About Easter
Easter or Passover: Which Is Christian?
Think-Israel January-February 2010 Issue
Editorial: CROSSROADS SECTION 1: IF IT WADDLES LIKE A TERRORIST...The Long March Of Islam: Chapter 3 by R.K. Ohri How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules Of War by Raymond Ibrahim Radical Islamism: An Introductory Primer by Barry Rubin Is A Nice Muslim A Good Muslim? by Bill Warner A God Who Hates by Fern Sidman False Progressives In The Muslim World by Seth J. Frantzman The Islamic Roots Of Abdulmutallab's Suicidal Odyssey by Jamie Glazov Made In America Muslim Terrorists by Lori Averick Defeating Jihadi Terrorism by Dr. Babu Suseelan A Confluence Of Folly by D.L. AdamsSECTION 2: CROSSROADS IN EUROPE: DEMOCRACY OR ISLAM The Trial In Holland Of A Member Of Its ParliamentGalileo And Geert Wilders by Fjordman America, The Last Man Standing by Geert Wilders Western Civilization On Trial by NRO SymposiumEurope: Muslim Immigration And Rising Anti--Semitism.Salma Yaqoob Of The British Respect Party by Paul Austin Murphy The Secret Plot To Destroy Britain's Identity by Melanie Phillips Britain As A Focus For Hamas' Political, Propaganda And Legal Activities In Europe by Reuven Erlich While Europe Sneered by Bruce Bawer Review Of Christopher Caldwell's Reflections On The Revolution In Europe by FjordmanSECTION 3: ISRAEL AND ITS VIRULENT NEIGHBORS Gush Katif RememberedThree Chanukah Miracles; My Stones... Which Were Never Mine by Moshe and Rachel Saperstein Gush Katif Remembered Through Art by Gil Ronen and Yoni Kempinski A 'National Heroes' Law by David WilderDiddling In IranEmpowering Iranians To Dislodge The Mullahs by Amil Imani The Soft Power Solution In Iran by James K. Glassman and Michael Doran U.S. Acting In Iran's Interest, Opposition Leader Says by Kenneth TimmermanIsraeli Problems And How Some Of Them BeganHistorical Errors And Consequences by Alex Rose The Deadly Price Of Pursuing Peace by Evelyn Gordon Charlie Mccarthyism by Lee Kaplan Israel, State And Nation by Daniel Greenfield The New Israel Fund And The Next War by Caroline GlickThe Palestinian People — Part Of The Arab UmmahSoviet Russia, The Creators Of The Plo And The Palestinian People by Wallace Edward Brand History Lesson For Arab Spokesmen by Assaf Wohl The Two Faces And Zero Authority Of Mahmoud Abbas by Hana Levi Julian Palestinian Authority: Still Stealing "Hundreds Of Millions." Hamas Taking Over by Khaled Abu ToamehThe United Nations And Unrwa - Keeping The Arab Refugee Problem AliveWhen In Rome, Do As The Visigoths Do by Mark Steyn How To Solve The Arab Refugee Problem by Yoav Sorek The Palestinian Arab's Right Of Return — To Their Homeland, Arabia by Mark DelmarSECTION 4: AMERICAN JEWS — HASBARA, ACTIVISM AND PASSIVITYCivilization Versus Barbarism by Nonie Darwish Wahhabism And The First Amendment by Michael W. Schwartz Hasbara: Telling The Israel Story To The Many Who Just Don't Know by Avrum I. Ashery In The Idf Medical Corps Delegation To Haiti Which Is Housed In Tents.... by an IDF Soldier The Aftonbladet Organ-Trafficking Accusations Against Israel: A Case Study by Mikael Tossavainen Assessing Foxman Of The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) by Susan L. Rosenbluth Perhaps We Need A Replacement For Adl by Charles Jacobs Israel In Your Hands — U.S. Voters Have A Say On What Happens In The Holy Land by Lou MaranoThe History SectionThe Great Liberation by Victor Janice Sharpe The Crusades: When Christendom Pushed Back by Selwyn Duke The Big Lie About Deir Yassin Revealed by Maurice OstroffAnd, finally, the Readers' Blog-Ed page. The monthly Blog-Ed page is updated every few days. You can click on the Blog-Eds List (middle item, top Blue Banner), find any author/title posted, click and go directly to that blog-ed. And we provide direct links to websites that supply accurate background information and news relating to Israel. Do look at the web site. And please, if you have a blog-ed piece or a comment or commentary, contact the website. Write to Pieces for THINK-ISRAEL should be informative and accurate. Fortunately, those of us who are pro-Israel can show our love of Israel without distorting the truth. We don't need to play by the rules laid down by the Arab-favoring media, which distort the news and omit important items of information.Bernice Lipkin Editor, Think-Israel
Friday, March 26, 2010
Chuck Baldwin knows the Constitution better than the Bible?
What you need to address, in your personal Bible study, is the Lord's Day has NEVER been Constantine's SUNday! The Lord's Day has always been the seventh day Sabbath from Genesis to Revelation, as honest folks submit. I respect your vast knowledge of the Constitution and efforts to uphold it and voted for you, but I encourage you to as vigorously defend the plain truth of the Word of God over idolatrous traditions of men.
“Work shall be done for six days, but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest” (Exodus 31:15).
“The seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work on it” (Leviticus 23:3).
“The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work” (Deuteronomy 5:14).
“Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God … For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it” (Exodus 20:9- 11).
Isaiah reveals pagan SUNday keeping will be history, and everybody will keep the biblical seventh day Sabbath as God has ordained:
“‘And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship before Me,’ says the Lord” (Isaiah 66:23).
Matthew 5:18-20
18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
Roman Catholic and Protestant Confessions about Sunday
The vast majority of Christian churches today teach the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, as a time for rest and worship. Yet it is generally known and freely admitted that the early Christians observed the seventh day as the Sabbath. How did this change come about?
Remember the Sabbath
Did you ever stop to think why Christians keep Sunday? Did they get it from the Bible? Is there a clear-cut command that says, "Thou shalt keep Sunday?" Why did Jesus worship on Saturday? Was it only because He was a good Jew? Or does it go beyond that?
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 | But Does It Make Any Difference? |
Chapter 2 | Who Made and Established the Sabbath? |
Chapter 3 | God—Not Moses—Gave the Law |
Chapter 4 | A Special Eternal Covenant |
Chapter 5 | Which Day for Gentile Christians? |
Chapter 6 | Why Israel and Judah Made Slaves |
Chapter 7 | Is Sunday Mentioned in the New Testament? |
Chapter 8 | The Amazing Truth About Christian Fellowship |
The Great Heresies of Traditional Christianity
#9. To: gcruse (#0)
The early Church of God faithfully kept the SEVENTH DAY SABBATH (sunset Friday to sunset Saturday) for several hundred years. Later, under political pressure and religious opposition, they backed down. They allowed the observance of “the venerable day of the Sun” back-to-back with God’s Sabbath. What a tragic mistake! We’re still suffering the consequences of such shameful compromise.
By sanctioning Sunday services, the Church gave SUNday the necessary clout to claim “equality.” That peaceful coexistence was short-lived, however. Soon the Gentile “converts” managed to make it illegal for Christians to keep the “Jewish Sabbath!” In 365, during the Council of Laodicea, they forcibly substituted Sunday for the seventh day Sabbath! Constantine or Christ? Yeshua said He was Lord of the Sabbath - the seventh day Sabbath is the Lord's Day.
Yet Constantine pimped SUNday and his Christian reprobates- apostate Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant followers - continue to keep it as an idolatrous tradition over the commandment of God. This plain truth angers many of the self-righteous!
Earlier, to promote “unity”—NOT the truth—the Council of Nicea (in 325 AD) ruled the Christian PASSOVER (commemorating Jesus’ death) had to go! Whoever disagreed faced the death penalty! Their religious fabrication supposedly emphasized Jesus’ resurrection—in direct violation of Christ’s command!
Eventually the apostates stopped their charade of keeping the Jewish Passover of the Lord, moved their new Roman holiday to a different date that the faithful - like Polycarp and Polycrates who kept the biblical Passover - opposed, knowing it was devised by deceived and deceiving Gentile men) and eventually even called their celebration Easter instead of Passover or Pascha.
But the apostates forgot to give it a Christian-sounding name. Easter’s the Babylonian spring goddess—Baal’s playboy bunny! They had given up the kosher Lamb of God for a rabbit trick! And to this day, many Gentilized Christians, misled by Romanizers, even go so far to add insult to injury by pigging out on Easter ham and having Easter egg hunts!
In time, anything even remotely “Jewish” about the Church of God came under attack. The Gentile minority-turned-majority demanded changes to reflect their “universal” appeal. They wanted to appear more inclusive—at the expense of the Church’s Jewish (read biblical) heritage. They were intent on destroying the doctrines they once held dear. - Apostate Christians
The great heresies of TRADITIONAL Christianity are the accursed replacement theology of SUNday for Sabbath, Easter for Passover, a Gentilized Jesus and gospel instead of the powerful Gospel of the Kingdom of God preached by the Jewish Yahshua, among many other traditional religious lies that have supplanted the plain truth of the Bible.
To learn more click on this link: The History of Early Christianity
Making Haste
Nisan 11, 5770/March 26, 2010
"Haste makes waste." That's what they tell us. And we tend to accept this as axiomatic. But is it necessarily true? Torah tells us otherwise. Torah tells us that haste is an essential ingredient of the redemptive process. Our forefathers seized the opportunity which G-d created for them and left Egypt in great haste. This need for haste was eternalized by the Torah commandment for all generations for each family of Israel to prepare a lamb for a korban Pesach - Passover offering - make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, slaughter the lamb within the Holy Temple courtyard, roast the lamb in Jerusalem, and eat the lamb in its entirety before midnight. This process of haste could, in many cases, extend over two weeks time, beginning with the pilgrimage preparations, and concluding, in an ever greater sense of haste, with the eating of the lamb. Since the destruction of the Holy Temple, from which point in time the korban Pesach has not been offered, this sense of urgency has been embodied by the intense Passover preparations made in each individual home, often exhausting, often conducted right to the last minute, and concluding with the Passover Seder, again, which must be concluded by midnight.
Why did G-d insist that the children of Israel eat the Passover offering in haste? After all, G-d planned and carried out every detail of the exodus from Egypt, beginning with His first call to Moshe, continuing throughout the ten plagues, and concluding with the korban Pesach and the midnight escape. Nothing was left to chance. Why the last-minute rush?
Pagan Easter Egg Roll
Ban the White House's Pagan Easter Egg Roll!
By Penny Starr
( – The Obama administration announced on Tuesday it has reserved 3,000 free tickets to the annual White House Easter Egg Roll for students in D.C.-area public and charter schools, but not for children who attend private or parochial schools.
Click here to continue
The pagan fertility rites of an Easter Egg Roll have no place upon the lawn of the White House in this professing Christian nation. Easter - a pagan goddess - and her fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs are a disgrace. Besides, who is paying for the "live music, sports courts, storytelling, egg rolling – and cooking stations" - American taxpayers? I'm a Christian and I certainly don't want a single red cent going toward these heathen customs God hates as an an abomination. We should teach our children to avoid such whitewashed pagan practices like the plague - not mislead and deceive them that such unclean things are harmless, especially in light of the Bible and history that prove otherwise.
The Big Lie of Easter
"Why do you perpetuate pagan fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs and don't have anything for Passover? No little lambs, nothing. John the Baptist called Jesus the 'Lamb of God' - not the Easter bunny!" - so I wrote a popular family restaurant about their country store and was informed they received my email and would respond.
The Plain Truth About Easter
Has it ever occurred to those stuffing their faces with Easter ham that Jesus would puke at the thought? Neither Jesus or Peter, James or John ever ate forbidden foods. They wouldn't feel too comfortable at plenty of people's dinner tables.
Easter or Passover: Which Is Christian?
Many believe that God's endorsement of Passover ended with Christ's death—and that He has since replaced it with the observance of Easter as a celebration of Christ's resurrection. But is that so?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
He Set Ephraim Before Manasseh
He Set Ephraim Before Manasseh
GN Commentary: Easter or Passover: What Does the Bible Teach?
The Big Lie of Easter
"Why do you perpetuate pagan fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs and don't have anything for Passover? No little lambs, nothing. John the Baptist called Jesus the 'Lamb of God' - not the Easter bunny!" - so I wrote a popular family restaurant about their country store and was informed they received my email and would respond.
The Plain Truth About Easter
Has it ever occurred to those stuffing their faces with Easter ham that Jesus would puke at the thought? Neither Jesus or Peter, James or John ever ate forbidden foods. They wouldn't feel too comfortable at plenty of people's dinner tables. New Passover Articles - March 24, 2010
The Seder: What Takes So Long?
by Charles Harary Understanding the importance of Passover.
Seder Q & A
by Aish UK Transforming the Seder from baffling ritual into inspiring relevance.
Why Celebrate with Bitter Herbs?
by Sara Yoheved Rigler Yes God took us out of Egypt, but He put us there in the first place!
The Great Escape
by This Passover, break free and experience liberation.
Passover: Making it Personal
by Yvette Alt Miller How can we identify with the Jewish slaves today?
Passover's Essential Message
by Rabbi Yaakov Salomon What's wrong with being a slave? The real reason God set us free.
Passover's Magic
by Yael Zoldan M.A. Passover is coming and I have entirely missed the point.
Martha Stewart's Matzah Factory Tour
by Streit's Matzah Take an inside look at how Streit's bakes its matzahs.
Making Memories
by Lori Palatnik What memories do you want your children to have of your Passover Seders?
Passover Menu with a Twist
by Emuna Braverman Creative Passover recipes everyone will rave about.
Learn Hebrew: Passover
by Shira Cohen-Regev The most exciting night of the Jewish year.
Editor's Pick:Haggadah Songs
by Staff The Passover Seder has a full spectrum of melodies and songs. We present the "heimishe" renditions by Rebbe Michoel of Jerusalem to help you learn the tunes.
Night Shift: Tel Aviv
Emilie Raguso
moment magazine
March/April 2010
Night Shift: Tel Aviv
Emilie Raguso is a reporter in Oakland, CA. Her work has been featured on The New York Times website, Salon, NPR and in a range of California publications.
The Plain Truth About South Africa
- SAmizdat
Die polities-inkorrekte feite - Plaasmoorde
Hierdie blog poog om 'n kroniek te wees van die ekstreme geweld en geheime volksmoord wat gepleeg word teen die Europese minderheidsgroep van Suid-Afrika.
Tien duisende Europeërs is alreeds vermoor sedert 1994, gepleeg gedurende geweldadige rasse-haat aanvalle wat deur sy stilswye deur die regering goedgekeur word.
Brutale marteling en verkragting is volop en nie eers jonk of oud word gespaar nie. - Farm Murders
This blog attempts to chronicle the extreme violence and secret genocide being committed against the European minority of South Africa.
Tens of thousands of Europeans have been murdered since 1994 during violent racial hate crimes that are condoned by the government.
Brutal torture and rape is common and not even the young or elderly are spared. - Plaasmoorde Wordpress Blog
Hierdie blog poog om 'n kroniek te wees van die ekstreme geweld en geheime volksmoord wat gepleeg word teen die Europese minderheidsgroep van Suid-Afrika.
Tien duisende Europeërs is alreeds vermoor sedert 1994, gepleeg gedurende geweldadige rasse-haat aanvalle wat deur sy stilswye deur die regering goedgekeur word.
Brutale marteling en verkragting is volop en nie eers jonk of oud word gespaar nie. - Farm Murders Wordpress Blog
This blog attempts to chronicle the extreme violence and secret genocide being committed against the European minority of South Africa.
Tens of thousands of Europeans have been murdered since 1994 during violent racial hate crimes that are condoned by the government.
Brutal torture and rape is common and not even the young or elderly are spared. - I Luv SA
I love South Africa but I hate my government - Perspektief
Perspektief blog deur Vlad du Plessis - South Africa P.I.G.
Politically incorrect news about South Africa
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Did Obama's Grandmother go into damage control?
Let's take a step back and look past the birth certificate. The real "magic" of how he is faking his citizenship is in the "how", not the "what". The certificate is real..because Obama's grandmother ( a prominent Honolulu bank president) called in some favors. Remember this is "was" 1961, she ( Grandma), had a mixed race grand baby, that just showed up in Hawaii. Like any good grandma ( and banking president) she went into damage control. She had some favors called in, an "poof" he is born in Hawaii. Has anyone ever seen any baby pictures? How hard is it to find a picture of Little B.O. in his mother's arms in a hospital bed?, that NONE of Ann's friends in Seattle took any pictures of the "cute little baby" when she first visited with the new born little B.O. .
Better yet, follow the money..someone had to pay for the hospital (?), even back in 1961. There would be a money trail for prenatal care. The true "magic" happened on the hospital side. Why else would Little B.O. be whisked away outside the US, to live abroad with his mother. Since his mother and himself were an embarrassment to his grandmother. The secret might have died with B.O's grandmother, the stress of her secret might have been too much for her to bear, since no one in 1961 would think that a mixed-race child would grow up to be a viable candidate for the presidency of the United States. Forget asking for the birth certificate..the real evidence is in the money, and the hospital records..
President usurper Obama/Soetoro/Obama, regardless of his proud and stubborn refusal to be transparent (as promised - no change there), paying expensive lawyers hush money (at American taxpayers' expense) to keep his revealing documents in the dark, is not a natural born citizen of two American parents and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS according to the Constitution. It's past time the fraud and foreigner is brought to justice! Emperor Obama has got to go! And let him take his illegal alien aunt with him who has stolen from the American people.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
"Cracking the Qur'an Code" Print and Updated E-Book Editions On Sale Now
Print, Download and E-Book Editions on sale now at
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YERUSHALAYIM, Israelite Tribal Territories of Judah and Benjamin, Kingdom of David and Solomon, United Israelite Kingdom of Judah and Joseph; Eighth Day, First Hebrew Month of Nisan (New Year for Kings), 5770; Yom Shlishi (Third Day of Week/"Tues"-day, March 23, 2010); Root & Branch Information Services :
Dear R&B Readers,
Cracking the Qur'an Code on sale now:
Cracking the Qur'an Code: God's Land, Torah and People Covenants with Israel in the Qur'an and Islamic Tradition (Jerusalem: Root and Branch Association, Ltd., 2010. Print, Download and E-Book Editions. Copyright Lowell Gallin) is on sale now at
Cracking the Qur'an Code Book Signings and Talks:
Please join Cracking the Qur'an Code author Lowell Gallin for a book signing and talk in the R&B Lecture Series at the Orthodox Union Israel Center, 22 Keren HaYesod Street, Jerusalem, on Tuesday, April 27th, at 8:00 p.m. (main hall).
Evening Program Chairman: R&B Islam-Israel Fellowship Jewish Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, Dr. Asher Eder.
Written Greetings: R&B Islam-Israel Fellowship Muslim Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi.
Cracking the Qur'an Code author Lowell Gallin will be available for book signings and talks when he comes to the United States in June and July. He gladly speaks in your community during that time, and appreciates your referrals to synagogues, churches, mosques, religious and communal groups, schools, professional and trade organizations and other institutions that may be interested in hosting him.
Cracking the Qur'an Code written in honor of Dr. Asher Eder and Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi:
Cracking the Qur'an Code is written in honor and based on the teachings of Dr. Asher Eder of Jerusalem, Israel and Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi of Rome, Italy, Jewish and Muslim Co-Founders and Co-Chairmen of the Root and Branch Association's Islam-Israel Fellowship
Dr. Eder and Sheikh Palazzi affirm, as they have always done, that the Qur'an unequivocally states, from beginning to end, and according to the traditional Muslim commentators, that God gave the Land of Israel to the Children of Israel.
Dr. Eder and Sheikh Palazzi also affirm Jewish sovereignty over all of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, the right of Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims to pray on the Temple Mount, and the right of Jews to live anywhere in the Land of Israel.
Dr. Eder and Sheikh Palazzi Speaking Engagements and Media Interviews:
Dr. Eder and Sheikh Palazzi are available for speaking engagements and media interviews. Please contact them at: .
U.S. Tax Deductible Donations to support the work of the R&B Islam-Israel Fellowship, Dr. Eder and Sheikh Palazzi:
We welcome your U.S. tax deductible donations to support the work of the R&B Islam-Israel Fellowship, Dr. Eder and Sheikh Palazzi. Please send via our PayPal account ( at
Praise for Cracking the Qur'an Code:
Please see Praise for Cracking the Qur'an Code at the end of this message.
Shalom and Chag Sameach (Happy Passover) from Yerushalayim,
Mr. Lowell Gallin
Founder and President
Root and Branch Association, Ltd.
Cracking the Qur'an Code: God's Land, Torah and People Covenants with Israel in the Qur'an and Islamic Tradition
(Jerusalem: Root and Branch Association, Ltd., Print, Download and E-Book Editions. Copyright Lowell Gallin, 2010)
Praise for Cracking the Qur'an Code
“Cracking the Qur'an Code makes an important contribution in man's quest for peace, for Israel in particular and the world at large. This book brings to the fore the real meaning of the qur'anic references to Jews and Israel, through their correct interpretations by the most knowledgeable qur’anic commentators and translators. It sees misinterpretation of the Qur’an as the real basis for Muslim antagonism towards Jews and Israel. This book is dedicated to two angels of peace, two brothers, in spiritual heritage as well as in their mission of peace. One brother is descended from Isaac, Dr. Asher Eder. The other brother is descended from Ishmael, Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi”.
Dr. Navras Jaat Aafreedi
Open Space Fellow, Centre for Communication and Development Studies
Indian Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, Indian R&B Pathan-Israel Fellowship
“Cracking the Qur'an Code is a stimulating reminder that all of us, Arabs and Jews, are of the same descent and stem from the same tree. We must all work hard to overcome selfish contemporary political interests and focus on reconciliation. Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac are certainly sad when they see from heaven how their grandsons and granddaughters are fighting and killing each other. I believe that when both Arabs and Jews reflect on our historical roots, we will reconsider our current political differences and conclude that peace is possible among brothers and sisters”.
Dr. Sami Alrabaa
Tyranny of a Thousand Princes
Karin in Saudi Arabia
“Jewish Tradition tells us to judge ourselves and others by our actions, not words. In 2003, I tried to tell the world about the Islamist (Wahhabi) arrest and torture of my brother, Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury of Bangladesh. Few listened. Fewer acted. Dr. Asher Eder and Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi joined our effort immediately - adding their voices, taking action, and continuously from then through the present encouraging us in our efforts. Their good work and their relationship parallels that of myself and Shoaib. Dr. Eder the Jew and Sheikh Palazzi the Muslim, Richard Benkin the Jew and Salah Choudhury the Muslim, show that Jews and Muslims can work together for justice. We need only remain faithful, pierce the veil of false political correctness, and honor the moral and ethical principles that Judaism and Islam share”.
Dr. Richard L. Benkin
Interfaith Strength
“I always believed that Jews are our cousins and that we both are the descendants of Prophet Abraham (Peace be upon him). Now, this book, Cracking the Qur’an Code, based on the teachings of Sheikh Palazzi and Dr. Eder, endorses my beliefs with documentary facts. Let this book be a guide to everyone who wants peace. Cracking the Qur’an Code is such a book, which aspires to restore Islamic-Jewish relations. Let this book play an important role in letting people stand against jihad, the murder of innocent people and Holocaust denial”.
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
Journalist, Columnist, Author and Peace Activist
P.E.N. (U.S.A.) F.T.W. Award 2005
A.J.C. Moral Courage Award 2006
Editor and Publisher, The Weekly Blitz
Chief Editor, The Weekly Jamjamat
Council Member, R&B Islam-Israel Fellowship
“Every once in a while, a seminal text appears in Islamic-Judeo relations. Cracking the Qur’an Code is such a book. Based on the teachings of the prominent Sufi cleric, Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, perhaps the leading Sunni Muslim cleric in Italy, if not all Europe; and an Israeli educator, Dr. Asher Eder, it breaks new ground. More accurately, it reminds us all that we once stood upon the old common ground, where Christians, Jews and Muslims respected each other as Peoples of the Book. This is a book worth
John J. Loftus, Esq.
Intelligence Summit
“My congratulations to all involved in this important breakthrough effort. The disturbed nature of the world today, exacerbated by those who would pervert and misuse the message of every religion, makes such endeavors critical to the moral as well as the physical well-being of decent men and women everywhere. We must give the Root and Branch Association a warm round of applause for reaching out in so innovative and helpful a manner. This is a small victory for all humankind. Let us hope it will lead to great victories for peace, faith and civilization”.
Ralph Peters
The War After Armageddon
Cracking the Qur'an Code is the fruit of years of effort by the Islam-Israel Fellowship of the Root and Branch Association. Led by Dr. Asher Eder and Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, the Fellowship has been breaking new ground in fostering an understanding of the real messages of the Qur’an and the Bible. Yasher Koach (Much Strength), Mazal Tov (Good Luck), and congratulations to all concerned”.
Susan Rosenbluth
Editor and Publisher
Jewish Voice and Opinion
“Jerusalem, given by God to King David as Israel's capital, is revered until today by Jews, Christians and Muslims and many others. A Source whom I know learned from firsthand experience that the airport mosque of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia faces Jerusalem. At the Jeddah airport mosque Muslims knowingly pray facing the ruins of the Temple of Solomon on Mount Zion, may it be rebuilt speedily and in our days. So do my brothers in our Pathan tribal homeland on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They pray towards the Temple Mount (bayt al-maqdis) in Jerusalem!
I speak not only as a Muslim from Pakistan, but as a Son of Israel, from the Pathan tribe of Yousufzai (Pashto for “Sons of Yosef”). I represent a migrating family of Pathans who have traveled through many eras and countries. We were always neighbors with practicing Jews who treated us as one of them, and we treated them as one of us. We continue to pray towards our capital city (Jerusalem), as do millions of Pathans in Asia and across the world, knowingly or unknowingly. Muslims worldwide pray towards the Ka’ba of Mecca.
Jerusalem has been a center of almost continuous Israelite settlement for almost three thousand years. A multi-cultural city, it is the heart and soul of all the Children of Israel. Those who attempt to prevent the Jewish People today from exercising sovereignty over Jerusalem dishonor the memory of Abraham, forefather of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths.
I oppose wicked plans to divide Jerusalem, the world’s holiest city. I believe that a united Jerusalem will one day not only be the capital of the State of Israel, Jewish People worldwide, and the soon-to-be reunited Twelve Tribes of Israel. Jerusalem will be the capital of the entire world”.
Aazim Yousufzai
Pakistani Co-Founder and Co-Chairman
Pakistani R&B Pathan-Israel Fellowship
Dedication to Cracking the Qur'an Code
Cracking the Qur'an Code is dedicated to the memory of Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil Wahid, a great friend of Jews and Israel, who died on Thursday, December 30, 2009.
Abdurrahman Wahid (September 7, 1940 - December 30, 2009) was president of Nahdlatul Ulama, the largest Muslim organization in Indonesia, which is the world's most populous Muslim nation. Nahdlatul Ulama was founded by Wahid's paternal grandfather, Hasyim Asy'ari, a respected ulema (Muslim legal scholar) from East Java, on January 31, 1926.
Wahid served as president of Indonesia from 1999 to 2001. Beloved as a person and respected as an Islamic scholar, he was affectionately known to Indonesians as "Gus Dur".
In an interview with Jennifer Byrne of ABC News on April 17, 2002, Wahid expressed his support for international Muslim recognition of the State of Israel.
The following is an excerpt from that interview:
Byrne: "And as someone who has been... during your time as president you have tried to forge links with Israel, and taken some political pain for that what do you think will be the outcome?"
Wahid: "Israel believes in God. While we have a diplomatic relationship and recognising diplomatically China and Russia, which are atheist states, then it's strange that we don't acknowledge Israel. This is the thing that we have to correct within Islam".
Byrne: "What... you believe that the Islamic world as a whole should start recognising and acknowledging Israel’s right to exist and prosper?"
Wahid: "Oh yes... yes".
Byrne: "But will it happen, sir... will it happen?"
Wahid: (laughs) "I don't know.... anyway... because you know, however slow, I think Muslims are rational and rationality dictates that we recognise Israel diplomatically".
May the memory of Abdurrahman Wahid forever be for a blessing.
Lowell Gallin
Jerusalem, Israel
March 16, 2010
Excerpt from Sheikh Palazzi Address to the International Conference on Countering Suicide Terrorism
Herzliya, Israel – February, 2000
"the powerful structure of the Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood is mainly supported by those countries which are regarded as 'moderate' or 'friends of the West': Wahhabi Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Arab Emirates".
The main instrument for the "Wahhabisation" [1] of Arab society was an organization called Ikhwan al Muslimun (Wahhabi “Muslim Brotherhood”). The Brotherhood’s founder was Hasan al-Bannah, an elementary school teacher from Ismailiyyah who became one of the leaders of pro-British Masonry (United Lodge of England, ‘Mother of the World’) in Egypt.
The Palestinian Hamas is one of the most important Ikhwan (Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood) controlled organizations in the Middle East. Hamas leaders are not among the original families of founders. On a worldwide level the Ikhwan (Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood) leadership is, as before, in the hands of Syrian and Egyptian elements.
Countries such as Sudan, Iran and Afghanistan are easily identified as radical, totalitarian and enemies of the Western world, but their contribution to the international network of pseudo-Islamic "fundamentalism" (Wahhabism) is insignificant. On the contrary, the powerful structure of the Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood is mainly supported by those countries which are regarded as "moderate" or "friends of the West": Wahhabi Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Arab Emirates.
Excerpt from Sheikh Palazzi Remarks in September12, 2005 Interview
"To really win the 'War on Terror' is necessary to replace the Wahhabi Saudi terror-funding regime with a moderate, non-Wahhabi and pro-Western regime, such as a Hashemite Sunni Muslim constitutional monarchy....The Wahhabi Saudi regime can only survive by increasing its support for terror".
To really win the "War on Terror" it is necessary for the U.S. to invade Saudi Arabia, capture King Abdullah and the other 1,500 princes who constitute the "House of Sa’ud", to freeze their assets, to remove them from power, and to send them to Guantanamo for life imprisonment. Then it is necessary to replace the Wahhabi Saudi terror-funding regime with a moderate, non-Wahhabi and pro-Western regime, such as a Hashemite Sunni Muslim constitutional monarchy. Unless all this is done, the "War on Terror" will never be won. It is possible to destroy Wahhabi al-Qa’ida, to capture or execute Bin Laden, al-Zarqawi, al-Zawahiri, etc., but this will not end the "War". After some years, Saudi princes will again start funding many similar Wahhabi terror organizations. The Wahhabi Saudi regime can only survive by increasing its support for terror.
Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi
Muslim Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, R&B Islam-Israel Fellowship
Advisory Council Member, Jewish Legal Heritage Society
Director, Cultural Institute, Italian Islamic Community; Secretary General, Italian Muslim Assembly
[1] Wahhabis, as they are called by Sunnis and Shi’ites, call themselves “Salafis”
Monday, March 22, 2010
Pagan fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs...
by David Ben-Ariel
"Why do you perpetuate pagan fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs and don't have anything for Passover? No little lambs, nothing. John the Baptist called Jesus the 'Lamb of God' - not the Easter bunny!" - so I wrote a popular family restaurant about their country store and was informed they received my email and would respond.
How many folks actually stop and THINK? How many question why the focus is on an Easter bunny and not on the Passover Lamb? Why have professing Christians enabled this deliberate diversion and deception? Where has the outrage been among those who profess to love the Lord when they see society swept away with hare-brained traditions? Why the tacit approval by deathly silence and default?
You will find people celebrating Passover throughout the Bible, including Jesus. But you won't find people celebrating Easter. The word Easter comes from an ancient fertility goddess. It's spelled in different ways but usually pronounced "Easter" or something like it. For instance, the Babylonians called her Ishtar. The Phoenicians worshipped their goddess Astarte. The Germans had Ostara. The Hebrews called her Ashtoreth. This is all the same goddess, and God condemned the Israelites for having anything to do with this pagan goddess of fertility and the dawn. - Shocked by the BibleHow can a Christian nation have anything to do with a pagan goddess? With the fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs long associated with Easter and exposed by history and condemned by the Bible? Any observance of Easter is as impudent as a whore who feels no shame for her sins.
Those who dishonestly continue to partake of Easter's modified pagan practices, its whitewashed heathen customs, are guilty of spiritual adultery! Such perverse Christians are whoring around with foreign gods and goddesses and undoubtedly will incur the wrath of God upon our nation of drunks and whores and illegitimate children (who have been sacrificed to demons rather than consecrated to God).
“Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall [the slain] at the time I punish them, they shall be cast down, says the LORD” (Jeremiah 6:15).
Traditional Christianity, like an adulterous woman, "…eats and wipes her mouth, and says, ‘I have done no wickedness...'" (Prov. 30:20).
God let ancient Israel and Judah suffer NATIONAL DEFEAT, DESTRUCTION AND DEPORTATION due to their "harmless" religious celebrations! Has God changed His mind? Isn't Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever?
God condemns our countries for IDOLATRY — not just for immorality! Easter is both immoral and idolatrous, as are those worthless ministers who have let Easter take root and defile our land with its pagan pollutions. It is idolatry when religious folks continue to put pagan Easter above Passover (that the early Church of God faithfully observed), when they continue to pimp traditional religious lies of a "Sunday resurrection" - even though the plain truth of the Bible teaches: "After the women rested on the regular weekly Sabbath, they went to Jesus' tomb early on the first day of the week (Sunday), "while it was still dark" (John 20:1), and found that He had already been resurrected (Matthew 28:1-6; Mark 16:2-6; Luke 24:1-3)"- Easter: Masking a Biblical Truth .
Easter's not harmless; engaging in pagan practices like dying eggs and mindlessly decorating trees with eggs and eating Easter ham (an abomination!) is showing extreme disrespect to our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Israel who thunders:
Jeremiah 10
2 Do not learn the way of the Gentiles...
Why not keep it simple and love and obey God and do as He says rather than blind tradition dictates? If not, stop calling yourself a Christian nation and be honest enough to admit you're a pagan nation and prepare to suffer the consequences!