Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Israel Today

To read all of today's news items in full, click here.

Peres butts heads with Obama admin over settlements
Israeli pres says there are no rifts, but insists Israel will not order halt to natural growth of Jewish settlements more»

Report: Obama urged Arabs to alter Saudi peace plan
Wants 'Palestinian refugees' to live in new PA state, and for UN to take control of Jerusalem holy sites more»

New Palestinian peace deal: 10-year truce for land
Hamas, which is expected to win next PA election, wants to alter the terms of the peace process to not really be peace at all more»

IDF prepares to face Israeli Arabs
Report indicates Israeli army training to seize Arab areas in event of full-scale war more»

Cleric: Muslims seek jihad from the womb
In televised sermon, Palestinian cleric says all Muslims seek from conception to violently spread their faith more»

Hamas claims mortar attack on Israel
Three mortar shells fired at southern Israel on Wednesday, causing no injuries or damage more»