Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Aish.com: Balloon Boy, Letterman, Lori& More - October 20, 2009

  • No laughing Matter

    by Rabbi Yaakov Salomon Some things you just don't joke about.

  • Balloon Boy

    by Emuna Braverman It's not only the balloon that got busted.

  • People R Human

    by Lori Palatnik Who doesn't have challenges?

  • The Way We Get By

    by Emuna Braverman A wonderful documentary about ordinary, elderly people providing extraordinary support.

  • Life's Journey

    by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin Choose wisely now.

  • Nepotism?

    by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir, Business Ethics Center of Jerusalem Is it ethical to show favoritism to family members?

  • SuperJews

    by Marnie Winston-Macauley Here they’ve come to save the day...Jews in the comic industry.

  • House 2

    by Jewlarious.com Staff Why does it seem as though people who are "mean" always get what they want?

    This weeks Torah reading: Noach