Sunday, October 18, 2009 New Articles - October 18, 2009

  • Holy Chutzpah

    by Ruchama King Feuerman Remembering Simcha Esther Gershan.

  • The Cruel Dating Game

    by Sylvia Miner As a community, our dating attitudes need to change.

  • UN Human Wrongs Council

    by David A. Harris Could they distinguish between a democratic state, Israel, and a terrorist entity, Hamas? Clearly not.

  • The Origins of Life

    by Dr. Gerald Schroeder One reason why I know there is a God active in our world.

  • 5 Ways to Raise Kids to Love Being Jewish

    by Doron Kornbluth What used to work doesn't anymore. Here's what you need to do.

  • Mean Kids

    by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff A plea to teach our children that cruelty and unkindness will not be tolerated.

  • Gorgeous George

    by Yael Zoldan M.A. George doesn’t walk, he waltzes.

  • Positive Word Power

    by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin The damage of insults and putdowns can last for a lifetime.

  • Goldstone Injustice

    by Rabbi Warren Goldstein It looks like law, but it's just politics.

  • Learn Hebrew: Winter Rain

    by Shira Cohen-Regev With little fresh-water sources, Israel depends heavily on rainfall.

    Editor’s Pick
  • The Jewish Haiku

    by David Carasso A creative writing class unexpectedly unlocks metaphysical mysteries.

    This weeks Torah reading: Noach