Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Upcoming Activities in Shdema

Upcoming Activities in the Eretz Israel Cultural Center at Shdema

First was the idea.

Adv. Elyakim Haetzni was among the first ones to conceive of the return to the heart of Eretz Israel. His activity, together with others, led to the renewal of Jewish settlement throughout Eretz Israel after its liberation in the Six Day War.

A week after the war, Adv. Haetzni already began the journey of return to Gush Etzion, Hebron, and all the patrimony of the fathers of the Jewish people. Last Friday, on the eve of the Shabbat of Bereshit, Adv. Eliakim Haetzni presented at Shdema historical documents and stories that were not told until now, with humor and a very historical viewpoint, that is relevant to this very day.

The fascinating lecture was recorded on video for future generations.

Adv. Haetzni said that the left has been occupied with "words" for the past forty years, while the national public, in contrast, has been engaged with "stone" - with building and settlement. He asked: will the "words" of the left succeed in overcoming the "stone" of the national camp? His answer was clear and unequivocal: the "words" were, and still are, directed against Jewish construction and settlement in the heart of the land, but Adv. Haetzni believes for a certainty that the left will not prevail over the 300,000 Jews on the mountain ridge, and an additional 200,000 Jews in the Jerusalem area - and this is not all.

Adv. Haetzni further stated that the great pride of the renewed settlement in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza is that it sprouted from below, as a popular, grassrooted movement that pulled the governments after it.

A fascinating hour and a half, and it wasn't enough for us. At the request of the dozens of participants, it was decided to hold an additional lecture by Elyakim Haetzni at Shdema (Part II), on Friday, the eve of the Shabbat of Vayishlah, December 4, 2009.

The following is the schedule of activities at Shdema for the coming weeks, with G-d's help:

Join us in these activities and be a partner in the struggle to keep Shdema in Jewish hands!

All lectures are in Hebrew

* Friday, the eve of the Shabbat of Noah (October 23, 2009)
For the memorial day for Gandhi (Rehavam Ze'evi) that falls this week, eight years after his murder, there will be a lecture by his comrade in arms, Col. Yehudah Duvdevani on "Rehavam Ze'evi - Gandhi," may he be avenged.

* Monday, October 26, 2009: a study and work day at Shdema for the (girls) students of Midreshet Tohar

* Friday, the eve of the Shabbat of Lekh Lekha (October 30, 2009)
For the memorial day for our mother Rachel, Rabbi Hanan Porat will lecture on "Our Mother Rachel"

* Friday, the eve of the Shabbat of Vayera (November 6, 2009)
Prof. Aryeh Zaritzki of Ben-Gurion University will lecture on "Contradictions and Open Questions in the Official Version of the Rabin Assassination"

* Friday, the eve of the Shabbat of Hayyei Sarah (November 13, 2009)
Moshe Feiglin will lecture on "Sarah's Leadership"

On this Friday we will be joined at Shdema by a delegation of AFSI from the US headed by Helen Freedman, who is coming to Israel for a joint tour of encouragement and support with a Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) delegation from the US

* Tuesday or Wednesday, November 17 or 18, 2009
A visit to Shdema by a delegation headed by Dov Hikind, member of Congress from New York (exact details will be forthcoming)

* Friday, the eve of the Shabbat of Toledot (November 20, 2009)
The Orientalist Dr. Motti Kedar will lecture on "The Possibility of Resolving the Question of Israeli Arabs"

* Friday, the eve of the Shabbat of Vayetze (November 27, 2009)
Erez Tadmor from the Im Tirzu youth organization will lecture on "Confronting Radical Islam"
The movie Obsession will be screened.

* Friday, the eve of the Shabbat of Vayishlah (December 4th,2009)
Adv. Eliakim Haetzni will lecture on "the Beginnings of the Renewal of Jewish Settlement in Judea, and Especially in Hebron" (Part II)

* Friday, the eve of the Shabbat of Vayeshev, Hanukkah eve (December 11, 2009)
Prof. Aryeh Morgenstern and Rabbi Uziah Sharbaf will lecture on "Two Hundred Years since the Aliyah of the Disciples of the Vilna Gaon"

* Friday, the eve of the Shabbat of Miketz (December 18, 2009)
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the head of the Temple Institute, will lecture on "The Solution: Eretz Israel for the People of Israel"

There may be last-minute changes in the schedule. G-d willing, the activities will be held, regardless of weather.

Friday activities will begin at 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.

Accessible by private vehicles.

Bus transportation: from Kiryat Arba-Hebron at 8:15, Gush Etzion junction (tzomet ha-Gush) 8:30, Efrat South junction 8:35, Har Homa 8:45

(Registration required for the bus) Registration: 050-5500834 or 050-7161818

The Committee for a Jewish Shdema and Women in Green

Rabbi Yaron Durani (El-David, Nokdim), Zuri Botusch, Shdema Youth (Jerusalem), Igor Bialski (Tekoa), Elisheva Ginsberg (Alon Shvut), Orly Glauber (Maaleh Rehavam), Ruti Wallfish (Tekoa), Ina Vinyarski (Tekoa), Yehudit Tier (Beit Horon), Timna Katz (Neveh Daniel), Tomer Karazi (Tekoa pre-army mekhinah). Nadia Matar (Efrat) - 050-5500834, Gedaliah Friedman (Neveh Daniel), Yehudit Katzover (Kiryat Arba-Hebron) - 050-7161818, Eli Rodan (Elazar)

Contact people: Yehudit Katzover - 050-7161818 Nadia Matar - 050-5500834

For photographs by Rivka Ryback and Yosef Hartuv:

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380