"In the Beginning"
(Genesis 1:1)
Tishrei 26, 5770/October 14, 2009
To begin all over again! What possibilities lie before us! What unforeseen potential awaits us! All of us, at times, have mused, no doubt, about the possibility of beginning all over again. The Hebrew calendar affords us just such an occasion once every new year. With the conclusion of the month of Tishrei's Rosh haShana-Yom Kippur-Sukkot-Shmini Atzeret holiday cycle, we begin again our annual Torah encounter.
We don't simply begin back where we started from one year ago, we begin all the way back at the beginning. The very beginning, the beginning of beginnings: That is, the book of Bereshith, Genesis, which is not merely an account of the beginning, a narration of how it went, but it is the very blueprint for the beginning that G-d Himself, as it were, consulted when He chose to begin the creation. Its letters, their shapes and sounds, and the words and verses that they form, are the very DNA of the world of darkness and light, day and night, rivers and streams and oceans and mountains, livestock and wildlife, fish and fowl, stars and planets, moon and sun, that we live in.
These letters are the stuff of our very souls, and to study, to examine, to ponder, to immerse ourselves in the depths of the Bereshith reality, is not only an immensely satisfying and gratifying endeavor, but it is part and parcel of the fulfillment of our purpose on this earth: to behold G-d's wonders and to praise Him and draw near to Him.
In the beginning, in the opening verses and chapters of Bereshith, are contained the keys to the future of mankind, the redemption of all humanity. For Adam haRishon - the first man - was created in Gan Eden - the Garden of Eden - the future location of the Holy Temple, and was fashioned of the dust upon which the future stone altar would stand. Adam's own altar, that he would erect after his ejection from the Garden of Eden, sat on the selfsame spot where the rebuilt altar will again become the center of the Divine service to HaShem: Mount Moriah, Jerusalem.
When we return to Bereshith, and begin anew our annual reading of the Holy Torah, it's not just for reviewing the text and refreshing our memory. We, in partnership with G-d, have got a world to create, at whose center stands the House of G-d, and from which goes forth His Torah, bringing peace and unity to all His children.
Tune in to this week's Temple Talk as Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven discuss leaving the sukkah and returning to the house which will feature prominently in the upcoming Chanukah commemoration.
Beginning with the beginning - with Bereshith - Genesis - and the endless message of creation at the center of which stands... the Holy Temple. During these very days elements of the most pernicious kind are rising up in their vain efforts to block the building of G-d's house on earth.
See and hear Rabbi Chaim Richman and Rena Richman as they make their way across Texas, New Mexico and Minnesota during the middle two weeks of November. They will be teaching Torah, relating the latest events taking place in Israel and Jerusalem, and on the Temple Mount. The Rabbi and Rena will be sharing news of the Temple Institute and of the steady progress toward the rebuilding of the Holy Temple. They will also be bringing recently completed vessels for the Holy Temple, for all to see. For details, see below.
Entrance is free of charge. Donations to the work of the Temple Institute are most welcome and appreciated. We look forward to seeing you!
Click here to view Rabbi Richman's video invitation.
Click here for schedule details.
To download and print the Rabbi and Rena's teaching schedule, please click here.
This week features the Bat Melech video teaching with Rabbanit Rena Richman, entitled, "The Three Keys of Cheshvan: Redemption, rain and Rachel imenu - Rachel our matriarch, all are strongly associated with the upcoming month of Cheshvan, the month set aside for the dedication of the third Holy Temple." Click here to view.
Today also features the new Light to the Nations teaching by Rabbi Chaim Richman, entitled, "Rambam's Hilchot Beit haBechira - Laws of the Chosen House, Chapter VIII: The Levitical Watches: On guard for the honor of G-d's Shechina: There were twenty-one posts located atop the Temple Mount at which Levites were posted, in addition to the three watches manned by the priests. Where were these posts and how were the watches organized? Answers contained within! Online premier: Thursday, October 15. Click here to view.
Adam HaRishon – the first man: Who was he, and what is he to us? Even the angels were perplexed when G-d created man. Who was man and why did G-d create him? We are man, and G-d created us in order to seek out G-d through the medium of His created world. A new year awaits. Let’s get to work! Click here to view Rabbi Richman's short teaching on parashat Bereshith (Genesis 1:1-6:8).
The recent Sukkot holiday, one of the three pilgrimage festivals, should have seen thousands of Jews ascending to the Temple Mount, fulfilling the Torah commandment to be seen on the Mount during the festival. However, rioting Moslems convinced the Israeli police to close the Mount to all non-Moslems, causing a desecration of G-d's honor. To keep abreast of all the news coming from the Temple Mount, click here.
Blessings from the holy city of Jerusalem,
Yitzchak Reuven
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
In the Beginning
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