Monday, March 30, 2009

Jewish double standards condemned

Re: Analysis: Struggles for tourists in the Holy Land
Unfortunately, there are millions of Christians who see the Israelis primarily as people that must be converted to Christianity "for their own good" or to facilitate the playing out of the "end times" of Christianity.
Such people are regarded as a royal pain in the ass by Jews in general and by Israelis in particular.
I believe that there are laws on the books in Israel against proselytizing and that is why such people are denied entry.
Try going to Saudi Arabia with the idea of converting the Muslims there to Christianity. See how far you get.

There are millions of Jews in their shameful self-imposed exile, far away from the Jewish homeland of Israel, who see non-Jews primarily as people that must be converted to their many godless isms, their perverted forms of messianism (since they're either apostate Jews or simply bankrupt Jews seeking some form of adulterated spirituality), cursing our professing Christian countries.

Many people find Jewish/Israeli complaints about Christian proselytising rather hypocritical and irritating, considering those same sincere Christians (who I actually disagree with on many points) are responsible in large part for the United States' continued support of Israel. Apparently Israeli Jews want all the CASH they can possibly get from Christians, but they don't want to hear about their Christianity that has inspired such generosity.

There are no laws in Israel against Christian proselytizing, as every attempt to pass such legislation has failed. There exists an understanding between the Mormons and Israel concerning this issue (so they could build their place on Mount Scopus), but it isn't binding on others.

Try going to Saudi Arabia with the idea of converting the Muslims to Socialism, Communism, femi-Nazism, pornography, gay rights, ad nauseum and see how far you get.

Where are Jews who denounce Jewish doctrines of destruction?

Jewish and Christian Blood Libels

Christians Against Proselytizing Among Israel?

Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives