Tuesday, September 22, 2009

5770 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES (Women in Green)

Dear Friends,

This new year is, according to our calendar, the year 5770. The year in the Jewish calendar is expressed by letters. 5770 equals the Hebrew letters "taf", "shin" "ayin"- which can be an acronym for "May this year be a year of Aliyah and increased activities"

Women in Green is starting the new year with exactly that: increasing, even more, our activities for the Land of Israel.

Below you will find a reminder about tomorrow's exciting chizuk trip to some of the outpost communities in Binyamin and Shomron. We have a few places left on our second bus. Yes, please G-d, the response has been tremendous and we will be, please G-d, a hundred people, at least, tomorrow that will go to strengthen our brothers in the hilltops of Israel's Biblical Heartland and come back strengthened.

After that you will find the details about our special program in SHDEMA on the first day of Hol Hamoed Sukkot, Sunday October 4th. A day of real Eretz Israel joy, for the entire family, NOT TO BE MISSED!

The struggle for a Jewish Shdema is receiving more and more attention by the media and the politicians.

It is important to have a big turn-out on Sukkot in Shdema. The more people show up, the more chance we have to keep Shdema in Jewish hands. Tell your family and friends about it. For those who want to receive the flyer about the Sukkot event in Shdema (flyer in English and Hebrew), please email us and we will email you the flyer so you can print it and post it in your synagogues and community centers.

Be a partner in the increased activities for the Land of Israel! Join us!

Nadia Matar, Women in Green
Yehudit Katzover, the Committee for a Jewish Shdema


Women in Green invite you all to a special and moving morning of chizuk in the hills of Eretz Israel. We will visit some of the outposts on the national public agenda.

We will see that "outposts" are real thriving Jewish communities, defending the larger communities of Judea and Samaria who in their turn are the ones who defend Jerusalem.

Please G-d between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 23rd,2009

We will visit Bnei Adam- Mitzpe Yossef-the Ronen Farm and Haresha

With whom?
With the great and special tour guide Aryeh Klein who will fascinate us with his stories and explanations. The tour will be in Hebrew with translation into English for English speakers.

Departure by bus from Jerusalem: at 9:00am, Inbal Hotel or at 8:15 am from Gush Etzion tsomet

Approximate return: 4:00pm

Fee: 30 nis (which will help to partially cover the expenses of the day)

As usual, we come to strengthen and come back strengthened.

Registration for the bus is a must. Please call Elisheva Ginzburgh and register now: 052-300-3689

For details: Nadia Matar 050-5500834, Yehudit Katzover 050-7161818


B) Going up to Shdema!

First day of Hol ha-Moed Sukkot October 4, 2009

May this be a year of aliyah

Aliyah to Eretz Israel

Aliyah - a rise in settlement, throughout Eretz Israel

Aliyah - a rise in love of Israel

Aliyah - a rise in the service of God

Going up in joy to Shdema with the whole family


12:00 Opening of photograph exhibition that documents the aliyah and activity at Shdema by photographers Gemma Blech, Rivka Ryback, and Avigail Browning.

12:30 Songs of Eretz Israel with Musa Berlin and his band

14:00 Greetings:
Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi of Kiryat Arba-Hebron
MK Zeev Elkin, Likud chairman and coalition Chairman
Shaul Goldstein, head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council

14:30 Colonel Res.Moshe Peled on Settlement and Security

14:45 The heroic and inspiring story of the aliyah by Rabbi Yosef Mendelovitch

15:00 Simhat Beit ha-Sho'evah, dancing with the Me'Shir Zion band of Benzi Thee and Avi Schmell

For children: inflatables and activities

Food and artwork stands

Open sukkah for the public's convenience

The Committee for a Jewish Shdema www.womeningreen.org.il

Rabbi Yaron Durani (El-David, Nokdim), Zuri Botusch Shdema Youth (Jerusalem), Igor Bialski (Tekoa), Elisheva Ginsberg (Alon Shvut), Orly Glauber (Har Homa), Ruti Wallfish (Tekoa), Ina Vinyarski (Tekoa), Yehudit Tayar (Beit Horon), Timna Katz (Neveh Daniel), Tomer Karazi (Tekoa pre-army mekhinah). Nadia Matar (Efrat) 050-5500834, Gedaliah Friedman (Neveh Daniel), Yehudit Katzover (Kiryat Arba-Hebron) 050-7161818, Eli Rodan (Elazar)

Bus transportation: From Kiryat Arba-Hebron at 11:15, Gush Etzion junction (Tzomet ha-Gush) 11:30, Efrat 11:35, Har Homa 11:45

Return: 16:00 (approximately)

Registration: Elisheva 052-3003689

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380