Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lethal Lisbon Treaty

The Lisbon Treaty forges an empire, an emperor and an anvil for war!

LISBON: THE E-MAIL DUELS: In the last of our e-mail duels between Lisbon Treaty protagonists, ROGER COLE , chairman of the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (Pana), which is urging a No vote, exchanges blows with BEN TONRA , associate professor of international relations at UCD school of politics and international relations, who is an advocate of a Yes vote


ROGER COLE: Why is there a need for rapid reaction forces and EU battlegroups that will go far beyond the borders of the EU? Why does the Lisbon Treaty include an EU armaments agency to bolster the European defence industries and require Ireland to “progressively improve” its defence capabilities?

Are we not entitled to believe the EU is being militarised, and that Ireland should have no part in it?

The Lisbon Treaty’s defence agency will boost arms production and arms sales, aggravating conflicts around the world, and, no doubt, in the pursuit of profit, distorting the EU’s common foreign and security policy.

The Lisbon Treaty establishes a new EU superior to its member states. It replaces the rotation of the presidency with a permanent one. It establishes an EU minister of foreign affairs with an EU diplomatic corps. It commits the EU states to increase their military capabilities, formalises the EU battlegroups and expands their tasks to include supporting “third countries in combating terrorism in their territories”.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck. The EU is becoming a militarised super-state, and it appears from the above that you not only clearly agree that the EU’s military should be used, but that it be used without even a UN mandate.

Ben Tonra disingenuously states: "... our rights in the EU are unassailable. Nothing in the Lisbon Treaty can require the Irish Government to go to war, to spend more on defence, to participate in any military action, to join a military alliance. Nor does the treaty allow other member states to act in our name." [emphasis mine]

Isn't the Lisbon Treaty deviously designed to alter, without the consent or vote of the people, anything, at any time, the elitists elect among their closeted selves in Brussels, Berlin and Rome? Isn't this the alarm Declan Ganley sounds? Warning: "With just intergovernmental agreement, with no need of going back to the citizens anywhere, they can make any change to this constitutional document, adding any new powers, without having to revisit an electorate anywhere."

Doesn't the Lisbon Treaty empower a virtual dictator and sidekick in Europe's theater, ready to storm the world stage in a new crusade to enforce peace through strength, Pax Romana, obedient to the oracles of their Pontifex Maximus?

Watch for closer public collaboration between the Catholic Church and European State.

Undoubtedly, the proposed European foreign minister (High Representative for Foreign and Security Affairs) will quickly be dispensed of as the European president consolidates all power to himself; Germany will dominate and France will be put into its place; Europe's imminent top ten leaders will submit to their "king of kings" and world war will be just a crisis away!

Some might scoff at secular Europe being seduced by Roman Catholic wiles, intoxicated by visions of reviving the "Holy Roman Empire," failing to grasp how they'll work together to further their own agendas (and ultimately betray each other). Never forget the occult undercurrent that fed Hitler's Third Reich as it will feed the Beast that is about to be unleashed upon the world.

As noted in The Rape of Europe: "No Means No!" -

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall states biblical prophecy reveals the two most powerful positions in the world will be political and religious, held with an iron-grip by a pope and emperor! Europe's imminent Church-State union awaits the crisis that will bring it all together, the lightning strike that will energize it and shock the international community.

Bible Prophecy States EU to Form Core Group

The Secret Nazis

Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World