Friday, September 4, 2009

Israel Today

To read all of today's news items in full, click here.

Netanyahu to approve some new Jewish houses, then implement freeze
PM to allow hundres of new Jewish houses built before halting all construction, give Arabs chance to respond in kind more»

Report: Video link set up between Netanyahu and Obama
Now US president and Israeli PM can hold secure video conferences all the time; the better to pressure Israel? more»

Palestinians storm Jewish outpost
Hundreds of armed Palestinians enter Jewish outpost and burn buildings before army arrives and ejects them more»

Israeli children have no school because of building freeze
Jewish students in 'West Bank' have no new schools, even though communities are growing, thanks to US pressure more»

Israeli Druze firebomb local police station
Israeli MK complains that left-leaning media ignored story, as it does most cases of Arab criminal and terrorist behavior more»