From Naomi Ragen:
The disgusting bandwagon mentality that has the Israeli left angry at itsbrave residents who stand up against terrorist attacks is alive and well in the Israeli media. Little Tuvia, who alerted his family and neighbors to aterrorist attack, was pursued and stabbed by a terrorist from a neighboringvillage, and then thrown off a 12 foot embankment, was give an award for hisbravery by the IDF. The media, which love Palestinians, even terrorists who stab children and throw them off cliffs more than 'settlers', if they are nine-years old, religious, and live over the green line. Some talk-backs wrote in they want the soldier in the IDF thrown out for giving this award. I see the same mentality taking hold among American Jews, who are also on a bandwagon, the media brainwashing them to believe their lies rather than their eyes. It takes a strong-minded, intelligent, rational person to keep sane and focused in such a time. Just remember, who is on the side of the terrorists. It will help you focus.
IDF Praises Yitzhar's Youth
In a move that has shocked Israel's media, the IDF Shomron BrigadeCommander, Itzik Bar awarded an IDF commendation to...a 9-year-old residentof the Yitzhar community, Tuvia Shtatman. Three weeks ago at 6 AM on a Saturday morning, a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated the Shalhevet community of Yitzhar and set fire to a home. Nine year old Tuvia ran outside to see what was going on and began to alertpeople that there was a fire. The terrorist saw Tuvia, ran after him, attacked him, and stabbed him repeatedly with a knife. Not losing his cool, Tuvia continued to yell for help, and bravely foughtoff the terrorist, breaking the knife and throwing it to the side. In response, the terrorist threw Tuvia off a 4 meter (12 foot) embankment, and fled. Miraculously, Tuvia only suffered minor injuries.
This past Friday at the IDF Shomron headquarters, IDF Commander Itzik Barpresented an IDF commendation to Tuvia and stated, "I am astounded by thebravery and heroism of Yitzhar children -- despite [this young child's]slight build, he determinedly fought with the terrorist." [source]For some reason, this story has not been picked up by Israel's mainstream media.--Naomi
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bravery Award to Settler child "shocks" media
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