Friday, October 24, 2008

Obama bin Osama

Re: Obama's "new direction" - words, mere words.

What nation in its right mind, after 9/11, after Osama (at least his collaboration with the powers that be on it), after our alleged war on terrorism, would elect a questionable and dark character who is pro-Muslim, raised during his influential years in Muslim countries, has attended a hateful Afro-racist congregation that preaches anti-American and anti-white sermons, is endorsed by avowed Black racists and rabid Nazi Muslims, etc. would let Barack Hussein Obama even entertain the notion of running for president for a second? It certainly appears America is under a curse and those who would vote for that fraud and foreigner are helping to make racist Jeremiah Wright’s wish come true that God damn America. Shame!

Obama’s not the Messiah

Obama in the flesh

Comment by David BenAriel — October 23, 2008 @ 3:46 pm