Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Aish.com: Lori and Salomon Says on Chanukah, Just Jew It, and more - Dec. 15, 2009

  • Chanukah's Essence

    by Rabbi Yaakov Salomon It ain't just latkes.

  • Chanukah and Women

    by Lori Palatnik Women played an instrumental role in the Chanukah story.

  • Chanukah Heroes

    by Emuna Braverman The courage to fight the goblins of our time.

  • Accept What You Feel Now

    by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin Be open to better feelings

  • Non-Compete Clause

    by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir, Business Ethics Center of Jerusalem I want to find a new job but the only job I'm qualified for is with a competitor.

  • Lots of Latkes

    by Gitta Bixenspanner Chanukah treats and more.

  • Just Jew It

    by Aish.com One boy learns what Chanukah is all about. Based on a true story.

  • The Lighthouse

    by Jewlarious.com Staff How can we get people in Jewish communities to feel more responsible for one another?

  • The Abbreviated Dictionary of Oy

    by Marnie Winston-Macauley Only two letters, but countless usages.

  • Is the Dreidel Dead?

    by Melanie Chartoff With all of our high tech toys, have we forgotten about the simple ones?