Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Civil War in Israel?


                              CIVIL WAR: WHAT EHUD BARAK HAS ON BIBI NETANYAHU
                                                                        by Barry Chamish

Defence Minister Ehud Barak, leader of the Labor Party, has declared war on well over half the Jews of Israel who voted for the Right. And Prime Minister Netanyahu, is letting him.

Why would Netanyahu allow Barak to start a civil war that has all the ingredients of demolishing not the settlements in the end, but Israel itself? What has Barak got over Netanyahu?

It's an ugly story, but now if ever, it has to be told. First, an overview: 


Leaked IDF memo details tactics to enforce settlement freeze

The Israel Defense Forces will use air reconnaissance and photography to detect violations of the freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank, as well as special forces raids on violators, according to a leaked internal army memo obtained by Haaretz.

The document, issued by officers from the Central Command, details the intelligence-gathering methods to be used to detect freeze violations and plans to demolish illegally built structures.

Documented violations will be destroyed in lightning operations in which the army will create a closed military zone so media will not be allowed to enter. The document differentiates between what its authors called "tactical surprise" and "strategic surprise."

First, there will be an effort at dialogue with settlers, the document states. "On the tactical level, surprise needs to be achieved...by blocking off the area with large forces so as to paralyze...."

All intelligence sources will participate in tracking violations, the document said. "All agencies will be used, including the intelligence branch of the command, the Shin Bet and regular troops."


First and foremost, the community will be isolated by security forces. Cellular telephone transmissions will be jammed, and the community will be closed to any and all members of the press.
While soldiers will not be in the front-line force, soldiers will always be standing by, and called in should commanders determine the situation demands the reinforcements. Soldiers are also being
instructed on the use of live fire.


The secret document, which has clandestinely reached Arutz-7, shows that the army is planning to enforce the government-ordered construction freeze on Jewish towns in Yesha with the help of six brigades, the entire Border Guard forces of Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, Israel Air Forces helicopters and drones, the Shabak (Shin Bet) and police, intelligence forces, and IDF reserve units.

Settlers: Secret Plan Renders Barak ‘War Criminal'

"Even I was surprised," said Danni Dayan, who heads the Council of Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, of the exposed guidelines. "This is quite simply deployment for a military operation against an enemy," Dayan told Army Radio on Sunday morning. "This is not how to
enforce a government's decision applying to citizens in a democratic state..."

“With the full backing of Netanyahu, who so cynically called us ‘brothers,’ Barak is wasting billions of shekels of the People of Israel’s money in order to promote his own standing in the Israeli left – instead of investing the money in building and developing the Galilee, Samaria, Negev and Judea. We will fight without compromise against Barak’s criminal actions, and we will continue to build our land wherever Arab nationalism threatens to turn it into terrorist states.” The document states that the plan is on the “General Staff” level, and outlines the plan to destroy new Jewish buildings throughout Judea and Samaria. It appears that the plan is set to be put into operation within two weeks. “The security forces will display zero tolerance vis-à-vis violence against the forces engaged in enforcing the construction freeze, demolitions and evictions,” the document states.

       Ehud Barak was a or the planner of two Godawful crimes, one against Netanyahu, the other against the world. Brace yourself. I've known about both for years and kept silent. To help prevent a Jewish civil war, I am silent no longer.

       Benjamin Netanyahu's brother Yoni, was not killed in 1976 at Entebbe Airport by Ugandan soldiers. He was murdered by Israeli soldiers. And PM Netanyahu's other brother Iddo, wants the truth told.


Josh Hamerman
Published:  04.02.07, 11:53 /

If the pen is mightier than the sword, Yedioth Ahronoth proved it last June. On June 30, just before the 30-year anniversary of the IDF’s dramatic rescue of Jewish hostages in Entebbe, Uganda, the daily Hebrew newspaper published an article debunking 20 years of myths surrounding that proud moment in Israeli history.

In a recent interview with Ynetnews, one of Yoni’s younger brothers, radiologist and writer Iddo Netanyahu, discussed... the falsification of history.

The attack on Entebbe was not Yoni's battle. He was brought in at the last moment by the commander of the attack, head of the Sayeret Matkal Infantry Brigade, Ehud Barak. We will not focus on the political advantages Labor gained by eliminating Yoni, only that Bibi and his family know well that Barak and not Idi Amin was the commander of the raid and that killed Yoni Netanyahu. And without a word said, with endless fear of being the next brother dead, Bibi appointed Barak to be his Defense Minister.


JERUSALEM (JTA) -- A monument to the victims of 9/11 was dedicated in Jerusalem. The monument, commissioned and built by the Jewish National Fund-USA/Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, depicts the World Trade Center and Pentagon through sculpture and landscape.

     Ehud Barak was the Prime Minister of Israel from 1999 to 2001, precisely when 9-11 was being formulated. Six weeks before 9-11, Larry Silverstein, a large contributor to Ariel Sharon's removal of Jews from Gaza, and proud Mossad agent Frank Lowy, took out insurance policies worth $7.5 billion.

Silverstein's policy was on his 99 year lease of the World Trade Center, Lowy's on the retail floor space of the same complex. It was Silverstein who blew the cover on the operation, and I do mean conclusively.

Questions about the highly suspicious nature of the building's collapse remained comparatively muted until January 2004, when a PBS documentary, America Rebuilds, originally broadcast in September 2002, received attention across the Internet.

The documentary was made infamous for one comment made by Larry Silverstein on the subject of 9/11. Silverstein states, "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

On September 12, 2001, The Jerusalem Post reported: “Frank Lowy, who emigrated to Australia from Israel in 1952, owns the 99-year lease for the 425,000 square foot retail portion of the destroyed World Trade Center…Westfield said today that it has insurance cover against terrorist attacks and its earnings will not be materially affected.”

At 5:20 PM, in the shadows of the smoldering twin towers, Silverstein ordered the demolition of the 47 storey Building 7 of the WTC. And it came down in a perfectly controlled demolition. Normally, it would take weeks to rig the building with demolition explosives. But Flight 93 was supposed to crash into the building and it was disabled over Pennsylvania. With fire marshals snooping around, Silverstein had no choice but to fell the building before they found the evidence of sabotage.


       We repeat: HOW?

     And now Ehud Barak, PM of Israel in 1999. In the late 80s, the two chief accountants of the Likud Party, Ehud Olmert and Menachem Atzmon, were tried for graft and corruption but only Atzmon served prison time. When he was released in 1999, during the term of Ehud Barak as PM, he got a reward for his silence:

Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. This convicted Likud criminal's firm was in charge of security at Logan Airport­inspecting the validity of passports and visas, searching cargo, screening passengers­when two airliners were hijacked from there on Sept. 11, 2001, and demolished the World Trade Center towers in New York.

     Without Atzmon in charge of Newark and Logan Airports, 9-11 could NOT HAVE HAPPENED.
     We repeat; Without Atzmon's supervision of passports, cargo and screening at Logan and Newark Airports, no terrorist or anyone else could ever have boarded the planes.

   Lest you believe I'm blaming Israel for 9-11, think again. The entire US air force stepped down, the government stepped up, and this required massive American cooperation. And this was in a Bush Administration. But the Obama Administration knows and if Ehud Barak doesn't play their game, Israel will pay the price. This Netanyahu knows, and he is cooperating. If he doesn't...(index finger under throat).
   Let us recall how dirty Labor plays. In 1933, the Labor Party chief Chaim Weizmann cut a deal with the Nazis called the Transfer Agreement. In short, they agreed to ignore calls for the boycott of the Nazis in return for the safety of the German Jews who would found their version of a Jewish nation. The Revisionist Zionists objected and the negotiator of the agreement, Chaim Arlozoroff, was murdered in Tel Aviv. The Revisionists were falsely blamed, thrown out of Zionism and in 1936 Weizmann, addressing the World Zionist Conference told the delegates, "In the upcoming Holocaust, perhaps only two million Jews will survive. But they'll be strong and good for the land of Israel. The rest will be consigned to the ashpit of history."
    The Labor Zionists applauded.


If anyone thinks I'm making excuses for the Arabs, watch this:


Finally my new two DVD set, Media Madness In The Middle East has been mailed, and kudos are starting to arrive. From Oregon:

thank you for your new cd, Barry!  i liked the new and detailed info.  when you peel the layers off Israel's onion to the cfr, then you know the same group juggles the usa and the whole kit and kaboodle. glad you're digging for the truth.

You'll be proud to show this set to everyone you know. It's just $18 plus postage by writing me at  chamish@netvision.net.il

Hebrew readers, I released a four hour DVD containing two Hebrew lectures. The Rabin speech is finally in DVD format but more important, also within is my address in Kiryat Arba on the outside forces out to destroy the nation. It’s a difficult concept for the audience to grasp, but for the first time, it’s spelled out in Hebrew. AND, I received a supply of Hebrew books; Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, Save Israel, and The Last Days Of Israel. Til the supply runs out you get the books and the DVD for $20, plus postage.

My Paypal address is  chamishba@gmail.com  or write me.

POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080

My new book, THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback_book/the_conpromised_land/6398777