Sunday, December 13, 2009

Indian Jewish Converts Are Not Bnei Menashe!

India's Bnei Menashe Celebrate Chanukah
by Hana Levi Julian

( The 7,200 members of the Bnei Menashe community of northeastern India ushered in the festival of Chanukah this weekend with joy and ceremony. The community also hopes to make Aliyah to Israel.

"For most of their sojourn in exile, the Bnei Menashe did not observe Chanukah nor were they aware of its existence until the modern era due to a very simple reason: their ancestors were exiled from the land of Israel some 560 years before the historical events which the holiday commemorates," said Shavei Israel Chairman and Founder Michael Freund.

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The legitimate sons of Manasseh, the Bnei Menashe or Bnai Menashe, are many Americans of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic origins - not Indian converts to Judaism! Only the legitimate sons of Manasseh, from the United States, bear the biblical birthmarks of fulfilled prophecies concerning Joseph's son, Manasseh, specifically about becoming a prosperous SINGLE GREAT NATION (Genesis 48:19).

Shame on those who promote the fraud of Indian converts to Judaism being Joes, being Bnei Menashe! Such claims are illegitimate!

Historic Fraud: Indian Bnei Menashe
Legitimate Israelites versus Jewish converts
Judaism's replacement theology and identity theft condemned
Michael Freund's fraud: Indian converts pretending to be Joes!