Dear Friends,
The assault on the national camp is intensifying.
As we have written a few days ago in our Women in Green email newsletter, the spheres of action that worry the authorities the most, for they have the potential to prevent the implementation of further decrees and expulsions, are:
1) continuing to hold on to our land and expanding in it by building and planting.
2) increasing the amount of soldiers who, already now, declare their loyalty to the Land of Israel and their refusal to give a hand in the immoral and anti-Jewish act of the expulsion of Jews from their homeland.
It is against these two spheres of action that the latest decrees have been focusing on. First the freezing decrees forbidding any Jewish building in Israel's Biblical Heartland, Judea and Samaria,and now the ousting of Rabbi Eliezer Melamed's Har Bracha yeshiva from the hesder program.
This latest outrageous assault by Ehud Barak against the national camp is only going to boomerang and
intensify the already existing frustration of the national camp.
Women in Green call upon all, now more than ever, to participate in the upcoming events all related to holding fast to the Land of Israel.
With love for Israel,
Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover
Women in Green
1)Women in Green's reaction to Ehud Barak's ousting of Rabbi Melamed's yeshiva from the hesder program:
It won't help you! Our sons will stay loyal to the Land of Israel!
As mothers to soldiers in the army, many of them in the hesder program, we strengthen the hands of Rabbi Eliezer Melamed and do not understand why his yeshiva was tossed out of the hesder program.
We hereby declare clearly: our sons will not expel Jews from their homeland, despite the sanctions and punishments of Ehud Barak.
The education to complete loyalty to the Land of Israel our sons receive first and foremost AT HOME and this no one can erase.
The lessons of the expulsion from Gush Katif and northern Shomron have been learned. The children of summer 2005 have become soldiers, willing to sacrifice their lives for the defense of their homeland, but in no way will they give a hand to Barak's political chicaneries.
For details Nadia Matar 050-5500834 or Yehudit Katzover 050-7161818
One of the ways to strengthen Rabbi Melamed and his Har Bracha yeshiva is by purchasing his popular Revivim books. For more details about the yeshiva and Rabbi Melamed's books please click on their website:
2) In Gush Etzion we thaw the freeze and continue to build!
Did you know?
Between Alon Shvut and Elazar there are hundreds of dunams of State land.
The Arabs are taking over these lands. In order to prevent a Jewish continuity between Elazar, Alon Shvut and Efrat, they plant and build terraces (we are not talking about private owned Arab land but rather about State land).
Four years ago, immediately after the expulsion from Gush Katif, families and youth from the area decided to safeguard these state lands by building and planting there. That is how Netzer was created, between Alon Shvut and Elazar.
Eight times the authorities destroyed what had been built in Netzer.
Now, more than ever, we must thaw the freeze by strengthening Netzer and thus passing on a clear message that one cannot freeze the principles of Zionism.
THIS COMING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, sixth candle of Hanuka we will gather at Netzer at 3:00pm for:
* Divrei Tora by Rabbi Gideon Perl Shlita, Rabbi of Gush Etzion
* Tefillat Minha
* Building a house from local stones
* Hanuka Candlelighting
* Hanuka celebration with music and sufganiyot
Come one-Come all!
Women in Green - Action Committees Gush Etzion-Efrat-Kiryat Arba Hevron
For details: Ori 050-5520487 - Yehudit 050-7161818 - Nadia 050-5500834
3) The struggle for a Jewish Shdema is the struggle to hold fast to the Land of Israel!
For more than a year and a half, Women in Green and the Committee for a Jewish Shdema have succeeded in keeping Shdema in Jewish hands and preventing the Arab take-over of this strategic hill between Jerusalem and Gush Etzion. It is thanks to your participation in our weekly lectures and events at the land of Israel cultural center in Shdema that we are able to show a Jewish presence at the site.
Following is the upcoming schedule of activities at the Land of Israel cultural center in Shdema from Hanukka until Pessach. Please help us spread the word by forwarding this information to all your friends and email lists.
FRIDAY December 18, 2009 at 9:00 am
Rabbi Israel Ariel, Head Machon Hamikdash:
Israel's Borders: our Patriarch Abraham's vision or Netanyahu's?
Zvi Zelevsky: composer, original Jewish music
For the children: defying the building decrees by learning building skills with Legos! (for all ages)
Shdema is accessible by private cars. For those who want transportation:
From Kiryat Arba Hevron 815- Tsomet Hagush 8:30- Tsomet Efrat south 8:35- Har Choma 8:45
Please register for seats by calling Elisheva Ginzburg 052-3003689
The Committee for a Jewish Shdema and Women in Green
For details: Nadia Matar 050-5500834 Yehudit Katzover 050-7161818
Following are upcoming Friday programs at the Shdema Land of Israel Cultural Center (lectures are in Hebrew):
Print and hang on your fridge. If you want to receive our special flyer, please email us and we will send it to you as an attachment.
25/12/09 Rabbi SHLOMO RISKIN, Rabbi of Efrat: "Are we commanded to convert the world? at 9:00 am
1/1/10 CAROLINE GLICK, Senior Contributing Editor Jerusalem Post, "Obama and Israel" at 10:00 am
8/1/10 Atty YORAM SHEFTEL "The Dictatorship of the Supreme Court" at 9:00 am
15/1/10 TZIPPY REINI, biographer of Naomi Frenkel "Naomi and her works" at 9:00 am
22/1/10 Dr CHAGI BEN ARTZI "as Tu Bishvat approaches: the land of Israel in the writing of the
kabbalists" at 9:00 am
29/1/10 In honor of Tu Bishvat: Jerusalem and Shdema unite: procession leaving from Har Choma to join
Har Choma to Shdema with planting and support from knesset members and public figures
5/2/10 Prof HILLEL WEISS: "The first furrow in the literature of the first aliyah" at 9:00 am
12/2/10 EMANUEL SHILO, Editor of Besheva, "How to turn things around for the good" at 9:00 am
19/2/10 ESTHER POLLARD "Turnabout" at 9:00 am
26/2/10 RAV ITAMAR COHEN, head of the pre-military Academy of Nokdim: "Identifying Amalek in our times"
at 9:00 am
5/3/10 Atty HAIM SHEIN "The Supreme Court's Responsibility for the moral decline of the State"
at 9:00 am
12/3/10 Dr Haim SHALEM, Rabbi Teichtel: "Mother Zion awaits our return to her" at 9:00 am
19/3/10 Dr Ruthie Walfish, member of the committee for a Jewish Shdema: The L-rd called to Moses" what
was that calling? at 9:00 am
26/3/10 Rav Yaron Durani, Rabbi of Nokdim, member of the committee for a Jewish Shdema at 9:00 am
"Should we rejoice in the downfall of evil ones?"
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
Monday, December 14, 2009
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