Saturday, January 9, 2010


                                               THE DETROIT  PLANE BOMBING - SOME COMPONENTS MADE IN ISRAEL
                                                                                 by Barry Chamish       

       Israel is under deep threat from the diplomatically reckless Obama administration. Its saving bet is the American people; and their anti-Islamic attitude has to be enflamed again.
       The Islamic world is equally threatened by the medieval spread of sharia extremism. Israel monitors its planned attacks and when useful, gives them a push.
       It's a filthy underworld with innocent victims.
       Gathering intelligence from my past and from current informants, I smelled the rat lifting its head from the sewage, after the Christmas Day, Detroit plane bombing. Here's what I wrote:
Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. This convicted Likud criminal's firm was in charge of security at Logan Airport­ inspecting the validity of passports and visas, searching cargo, screening passengers­ when two airliners were hijacked from there on Sept. 11, 2001, and demolished the World Trade Center towers in New York.Without Atzmon in charge of Newark and Logan Airports, 9-11 could NOT HAVE HAPPENED. Later adding: The same goes for Schiphol on Dec. 24/09.

       Then, look what arrived at my desk:

Israeli Firm Responsible for Amsterdam Airport Security Where Terrorist Boarded Airport

An Israeli firm is responsible for security inspections in the airport in Schiphol, Holland, the airport where Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab boarded the Airbus 330 heading for Detroit (USA). The Israeli company, ICTS, is reportedly one of the leaders in security, & operates in Amsterdam and a number of other European countries. ICTS was established in 1982 and today employs 11,000 security  personnel in 22 countries. Many airports and airlines seek the Israeli expertise and opt for ICTS to provide security for passengers and employees. According to Rom Langer, the director of the company, who granted Channel 2 News an interview on motzei shabbos, the terrorist did undergo a security inspection in Amsterdam, but he does not have the information pertaining to the inspection. When asked about the fact that the suspect attempted to set fire to the aircraft, Langer responded, "You too can set the seat on fire, using a lighter". Schiphol is among the busiest airports in Europe, with many passengers from Africa and Asia passing through, making their way to North America. Security is reportedly stringent, and passengers are limited regarding quantities of liquids and other substances permitted on a flight.

          Two weeks before the rest of the investigators, I had it right. Then others saw the rat:

WASHINGTON, DC ­ Officials in the Obama White House are considering the possibility that the Christmas day attempt by Nigerian terrorist Umar Farouk Mutallab to blow up an airliner about to land in Detroit was deliberately and intentionally facilitated by unnamed networks inside the US intelligence community. This was the gist of a report by Richard Wolf delivered in this evening’s edition of cable network MSNBC’s Countdown program, hosted by Keith Olbermann. This report comes on the eve of a special White House interagency conference convoked by Obama to deal with the massive systemic failure of US intelligence in allowing the Yemen alumnus Mutallab to board the Amsterdam to Detroit flight while allegedly carrying a PETN explosive device on his person. Wolf attributed his account to top officials in the Obama White House. The intentional sabotage of US antiterrorist screening procedures would explain why Mutallab had been able to use his US visa, escape interrogation and special searches, and board his flight, even though he was festooned with every red flag in the annals of airport security...

"ICTS is also linked with Israeli espionage against the United States. An ICTS board member, retired Major General Amos Lapidot, served as commander of the Israeli Air Force and authorized Israeli Air Force Colonel Aviem Sella, operating under official cover at the Israeli Consulate General in New York, and Rafael Eitan, head of LAKAM, an Israeli military technical intelligence gatherer, to accept U.S. Navy intelligence official Jonathan Pollard's offer to spy for Israel."  

December 26-29, 2009 -- Who let security fail at Schiphol Airport and why?  

Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, the University College London student from Nigeria accused of trying to detonate a mixed liquid-powder device on a Northwest Airlines/Delta Airbus 330, flight 253, as it approached Detroit from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on Christmas Day appears to have received some special treatment from security at the Amsterdam airport. The Mutallab case also resembles that of another attempted plane bombing, that of the hapless "shoe bomber" Richard Reid.  

It has also been revealed that Mutallab is the son of Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, the former chairman of First Bank of Nigeria. According to This Day of Lagos, the elder Mutallab claims he reported the extremist views of his son to Nigerian security agencies, as well as to the U.S. embassy in Abuja, yet no attempt was made to prevent the radically-inclined Nigerian student to board the plane in Schiphol. The attempted plane bomber was schooled at the British International School in Lome, Togo and attended college in London and moved to Egypt and Dubai. The elder Mutallab is a frequent visitor to the United States and he is married to a Yemeni woman. ...

For a number of years, passengers at Schiphol flying to the United States have been subjected to intense grilling by security personnel linked to an Israeli firm.  In fact, these procedures were in effect even prior to the 9/11 attacks and many were put into place after the Pan Am 103 bombing in December 1998. U.S.-bound passengers at Schiphol are asked a number of personal questions, including where they have stayed either in the Netherlands or in their country of origin. Hotel receipts are routinely requested by security personnel and the addresses of private temporary residences are recorded. Mutallab boarded a KLM flight in Lagos for Schiphol where he transited for his onward flight to Detroit on Northwest/Delta.

Six months prior to Reid's near shoe bombing of American Airlines flight 63 from Paris to Miami in December 2001, while memories of 9/11 were still fresh in everyone's mind, Reid attempted to board an El Al flight from Schiphol to Tel Aviv. Reid was taken aside by El Al security and identified as a terrorist suspect. Reid paid for a one-way ticket with cash and would not reveal what he planned to do in Israel. However, rather than turning Reid into Dutch security for further action, he was allowed to board the El Al flight by Israel's Shin Bet security so his movements during his five days in Israel could be monitored. Six months later, Reid attempted to ignite his shoe on the flight from Paris to Miami. Israel had not informed British, American, or any other security agency of the concerns about Reid. Reid's aunt, Claudette Lewis who raised Reid in south London, was quoted as saying she believed her nephew had been "brainwashed."

Reid later said El Al failed to detect that he had explosives in his shoes on the flight to Tel Aviv, an amazing revelation considering the Israeli airline's tight security. .. The links between El Al security and Mossad are extremely close with abundant cross-pollination of senior personnel back and forth. The security company that allowed Reid to board American Airlines 63 at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris was ICTS (International Consultants on Targeted Security) International. ICTS's senior management are all ex-Israeli security officials, many of whom worked for El Al security. It was ICTS that largely developed the passenger "profiling" procedures used at Schiphol and other airports around the world through its subsidiary, ICTS Holland Products BV.  

The ugly underworld of intelligence trapped Israel into making hopeless concessions to the PLO, and if the trends stay on course, to Hamas in time. Into this swell of appeasement, religious Jews and "settlers" are to be removed from the equation like so much human refuse. With half their nation on the chopping block, the Israeli ruling establishment, still has to infiltrate the real enemy to survive:

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has said the security forces have arrested a group of alleged Islamist militants linked to Israeli intelligence.
Mr Saleh did not say what evidence had been found to show the group's links with Israel, a regional enemy of Yemen.
"A terrorist cell was arrested and will be referred to the judicial authorities for its links with the Israeli intelligence services," Mr Saleh told a gathering at al-Mukalla University in Hadramawt province.
Mr Saleh did not identify the suspects, but official sources were quoted saying it was same cell - led by a militant called Abu al-Ghaith al-Yamani - whose arrest was announced a week after the attack.
An Israeli foreign ministry spokesman said the Yemeni president's statement was without foundation.
"To believe that Israel would create Islamist cells in Yemen is really far-fetched. This is yet another victory for the proponents of conspiracy theories," Igal Palmor said in remarks reported by AFP.

    Vancouver is a dull city whose residents think they have the most exciting lives in the world. So they brought in the Olympics to prove it. If recent history is any guide, they just might, but not in the way they intended. As a reader notes: "The Israeli company Verint which is connected to ICTS and of course Israeli Comverse (thus Odigo), is doing the security for the Vancouver Airport where the Olympics are being held this year. Stay out of Vancouver, Barry."
