Thursday, January 21, 2010

Women in Green: Concert and other Upcoming Activities

Dear Friends,

Below please find details about about an exciting women's concert in Crown Heights this coming motsaei Shabbat, January 23rd, benefiting our Jewish stronghold to Judea and Samaria in general and in particular the YIBANEH fund for building and development in the hills of Judea, founded by Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green).

Please pass on the details of the concert to all your friends in New York. Let's make sure the hall is packed!

After the details about the concert we posted a list of upcoming events and activities here in Israel.

Be a partner in the struggle for Erets Israel! Join us!

With love for Israel,

Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover



Press Contact:
Basha Oka Botnick (718) 493-4848; cell (347) 277-4094
Tamar Adelstein (718) 774-0914

Lubavitch Women Raise Funds for Construction in Judea and Samaria, Israel, Opposing “Freeze” by Netanyahu

Benefit Concert, Saturday, January 23, Crown Heights, Brooklyn

Crown Heights, Brooklyn, January 20, …Engage!, a benefit concert to raise awareness and funds for building and development in Judea and Samaria, will be held in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, world headquarters of Chabad Lubavitch, on Saturday night, January 23, 8 PM, at Bais Rivka, 470 Lefferts Avenue. The event is for women only.

Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel is organizing the concert in response to the recent building freeze imposed on communities in Judea and Samaria by Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, acceding to pressure from the U.S. The freeze forbids any type of new housing construction or renovation.

Judea and Samaria are the historical heartland of Israel. Judea is home to Jerusalem, the ancient city of King David, and to Hebron, the cradle of Jewish civilization where the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are buried. Samaria is home to Shiloh, the first capital of ancient Israel, and Shechem, the burial place of Joseph, to whom Jacob gave the coat of many colors.

In flagrant violation of the civil rights of the Jewish people who have settled in the land of their forefathers, government officials have posted stop-work notices and have confiscated construction materials and equipment. Defense Minister Ehud Barak in charge of enforcing the "freeze" has gone so far as to even forbid Jewish residents from enclosing porches.

Shortly after the decree of the freeze, on December 24, Rabbi Meir Avshalom Chai, a resident of Samaria, father of 7 and a teacher, was murdered at 4:30 in the afternoon by terrorists. A drive-by shooting fired 10 bullets into him as he was driving home.

Says organizer Tamar Adelstein, “This so-called ‘good faith gesture’ meant to bring the Arabs back to the negotiating table has instead led to an escalation of terror attacks against Jews.”

“Nor has Israel’s largesse done much to improve its image among foreign leaders whose demands for more concessions keep growing, making the entire hierarchy of Israeli politicians and defense officials look weak and foolish,” says Mrs. Adelstein.

Israelis have expressed fears that another expulsion on the order of Gush Katif is in the making. Because of the historical importance of Judea and Samaria, claimed by Abraham as an eternal heritage for his descendants, a government effort to expel the Jews would be a national disaster. Not only would this leave the rest of Israel completely wide open to terrorists, but the government’s ability to stand up for the
Jewish homeland would be seriously in question.

In numerous public and private talks and letters, the Lubavitcher Rebbe supported settlement throughout Israel as the key to the country’s security, and especially the areas retaken after the Six Day War.

In an emotional address at the time of the Camp David agreement, the Rebbe spoke out against the folly of giving land away. Bitterly lamenting the return of the Sinai to Egypt, the Rebbe said, “Yehuda and Shomron (Judea and Samaria) and the Golan Heights are even more vital for defensive borders…It is proposed that we actually give them these lands outright! Our strategic buffer zone will have been eliminated. The valuable extra time for our air defense to operate is gone…and the densely populated inner core of land is made infinitely more vulnerable to attack. Can there be a greater danger to Jewish life than this?”

Responding to the folly of the freeze, Mrs. Adelstein says, “We are lodging our protest through song, theatre and film. Our event will alert the Jewish community at large to this new peril and we will send the money we receive to Yibaneh, an organization that supports building in Judea and Samaria."

Engage! will feature the popular singer, Chanale, a theatrical troupe, and a film documentary. General Admission: $18, $36, Students: $12.
Information: (718) 774-0914;




Dr Chagi Ben Artzi will lecture on :

"As Tu Bishavt approaches: the Land of Israel in the writing of the Kabbalists"


B) Next Friday, on the eve of TU BISHVAT, FRIDAY JANUARY 29th


On Tu Bishvat , the holiday of Erets Israel, we will express our loyalty to the land of Israel , by ascending from har Choma to Shdema.


8:30 am ­ Departure by car in a convoy, from Har Choma (next to police station).
9:00am- PLANTING ceremony in SHDEMA

Blessings by: * MK Uri Ariel- Ichud Leumi
Rabbi Yaron Durani, Rabbi of Nokdim El David
Shaul Goldstein, Head Local Council Gush Etzion
Herzl Yehezkel, Head of har Choma minhelet
Musical performance by Adam Tzachi from Tekoa, with songs with Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

Shdema is accessible by private cars. Transportation (by registration only): Kiryat Arba Hevron 8:00- Tsomet Hagush 8:15- Tsomet Efrat south
8:20- registration: Elisheva Ginzburg 052-3003689

For details: Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 Nadia Matar 050-5500834

The Committee for a Jewish Shdema and Women in Green

Rabbi Yaron Durani (El David Nokdim)- Tsuri Botosh (Shdema youth,Jerusalem)-Igor Bialsky (Tekoa)-Elisheva Ginzburg (Alon Shvut)-Orly Glauber (Maaleh Rehavam)-Ruthi Wallfish (Tekoa)-Ina Viniarsky (Tekoa)-Yehudit Tayar (Bet Horon)-Timna Katz (Neve Daniel)-Tomer Karazi (Nokdim military mechina)-Nadia Matar (Efrat)—Gedalya Friedman (Neve Daniel)-Yehudit Katzover (Kiryat Arba Hevron)-Eli Rodan (Elazar)

C) SUNDAY JANUARY 31st in NETZER , at 3:30pm- in the heart of Gush Etzion, between Alon Shvut and Elazar- PLANTING OF A VINEYARD

In the pastoral hills between the existing communities, there is a quiet battle to safeguard Israel's Stateland. The Arabs take over our Stateland by planting and working the land, thus trying to cut off the Jewish continuity between yishuvim. Thank G-d Gush Etzion has a group of determined people, adults and youth, who with steadfastness, for the past 5 years, are struggling to safeguard Netzer.


*Divrei Bracha ­ Rabbi Gideon Perl, Rabbi of Gush Etzion
*Planting of a vineyard with tens of trees
*Mincha and light refreshments with fruit from Eretz Israel
*Musical accompaniment with Eli Gilboa from Kiryat Arab Hevron

Approximate end of program: 5:00pm

Organized by:
The Nezer Gar'in- Action Committees of Efrat-Gush Etzion-Kiryat Arab
Hevron- Women in Green- Keren Yibaneh

Transportation ( by registration):
Ori: 050-5520487 ­ Yehudit 050-7161818 ­ Nadia 050-5500834

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

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