Monday, January 11, 2010

Israelis should practice apartheid - it's biblical!

Siegman: Israel = apartheid (The Nation)
In an essay in The Nation, Henry Siegman, a one-time leader of the American Jewish Congress who jumped to the think-tank world, plays the apartheid card against Israel.


The Arab-occupied dismembered parts of the Jewish homeland known as the "Palestinian" territories are Judenrein by demand and yet the world ignores such apartheid? Both the United States and Israel acquiesce to such irony (remember Ariel Sharon?) and expel Jews when Israel would do well to expel their sworn Arab enemies, as Meir Kahane courageously called for saying they must go - reminding the nation of the Law of Moses that instructs them to enforce peace through strength.

Peace Now: Arabs and Jews Must Go Their Separate Ways

Not only do self-hating Jews and Israel-bashers expose their woeful ignorance of the facts on the ground in Israel, they reveal a disturbing lack of education when it comes to apartheid as formerly practiced in South Africa before the ANC communists and terrorist Nelson Mandela were empowered to destroy the nation.

How Evil was Apartheid?