Monday, January 11, 2010

Mori Glaser excuses Nazi Muslims on Temple Mount

David Ben-Ariel

Subj: FW: guest book note From: Jerusalem Mayor's office To: DBA

Dear Mr Ben-Ariel,

In Jerusalem, religious sites are supervised by the relevant religious authority. Fot this reason, the Temple Mount, which is now covered by Muslim sites, is under the control of the WAQF. Only Islamic prayers are permitted as a result - just as Moslem and Christian prayers would be inappropriate at a Jewish site. The matter of visits to the Temple Mount by adherents of other religions than Islam is under review by the Israeli Government.

I would like to point out that your use of the word Nazi as a generic term for authoritarianism cheapens the Holocaust and the unparralleled experiences of those who went through it at the hands of the real Nazis. I am quite sure that, however unpleasant you found your treatment at the hands of the Arab guards of the Temple Mount, it bears absolutely no relation to the treatment of the Nazis towards their victims.

Mori Glaser (Ms) Deputy International Affairs Advisor to the Mayor of Jerusalem

-----Original Message----- From: ùðéàåø ìéàåø To: âìæø îåøé Subject: guest book note

Christian prayer forbidden on Temple Mount

Why does Israel permit militant Muslims to continue to occupy Judaism's holiest site: the Temple Mount? Why are Christian-Zionists and Jews ILLEGALLY forbidden to pray upon the Temple Mount by Arab-Nazi guards? I was quietly reading my Bible once upon the Temple Mount and was taken away, into protective custody! Why not REMOVE THE THREAT? Where's the "freedom of access" Israel promises?


Dear Ms. Glaser, Toda raba for promptly responding to my legitimate concerns about verboten Jewish and Christian prayers upon the judenrein Temple Mount. Please understand that my use of the term Nazi was on purpose considering how I was rudely treated by the Arab fascists and witnessed the ugly face of their militant Muslim mentality that easily morphs into Hitler's henchmen: "When the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem visited Hitler on November 30, 1941, he told him the German Reich was "admired by the whole Arab world." "The Arabs were Germany's friends because they have the same enemies as had Germany, namely the English, the Jews and the Communists." (Documents on German Foreign Policy publicized by the Philadelphia Trumpet magazine, May 2003/

Please understand, therefore, that it is not I who take this serious matter lightly, but those kapos of compromise, those Jewish accomplices to Muslim occupation of Judaism's holiest site! They are the guilty ones who have foolishly forgotten or purposely ignored this history and "cheapened the holocaust and unparalleled experiences of those who went through it at the hands of the real Nazis." The thoughts and actions of the terrorist Wakf are those of "real Nazis."

It's past time the Nazi occuation of the Temple Mount come "under review." I am a witness to their sinful crimes (they've broken both Israeli and biblical law) and testify against them. May Israel soon give them das boot!