Sunday, September 21, 2008 New Articles

Judgment Day on Wall Street
by Rabbi Benjamin Blech
Is Wall Street sending us a Rosh Hashana message?

6 Steps to Fulfilling Your Dreams
by Azriel Hirsh Friedman
A practical system to prepare for Rosh Hashana.'s High Holiday Reader
by Staff
An inspiring and thought-provoking compendium of 12 articles that will transform your High Holiday experience. Free!

What Else Is There?
by Sara Debbie Gutfreund
Do I try to find the hidden meaning in my life at this moment or pretend that I'm free to give up?

Alzheimer's Rosh Hashana Lesson
by Shmuel Zev Hakohen
The most important lesson I learned from Sholom still sends me shivers, nearly three decades since his passing.

Balloons for God
by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
This Rosh Hashana, break free from cynicism.

Meeting Paul McCartney
by Sherri Mandell
There is always a different way of seeing.

The Key to Life
by Sarah Adler
To me, it is a miracle that anyone can conceive a child unassisted.

Your Three Voices
by Rebbetzin Tzipporah Heller
How to live an inspired life.

Recipes for Rosh Hashana
by Tamar Ansh
Getting ready for a sweet New Year

Healthy Rosh Hashana Cooking
by Chana Rubin
Start the New Year off right with healthy food choices.

My Neighbors, My Heroes, Part 2
by Sara Yoheved Rigler
People who do great things become great people.