Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Tamar Yonah Show

About Tamar's Shows

Weekend Edition

Weekend Edition is an overview of the news in Israel and the Jewish world hitting on all burning issues. Tamar and Malkah bring you a fresh perspective of what's really going on in Israel. Plus your calls, emails and instant messages live on the air.
Listen to latest show

The Tamar Yonah Show

In the 1920s people said Nazi takeover was just a conspiracy theory. Fast forward to 2008 and Tamar Yonah is on the frontlines of informing people of the political changes taking place in our world and the forces behind them. She interviews respected authors, journalists, and politicians on the latest issues facing the Middle East and the Western World in the age of globalism. Plus your calls, emails and instant messages live on the air.
Listen to latest show

Tamar & Tovia Dynamite

Tamar and Tovia are energetic and passionate broadcasters on their own shows, and when they get together it's like dynamite. The argue about the latest Israeli political issues, take your phone calls live on the air and argue with each other on everything from elections, to Jewish food.
Listen to latest show
US & Canada: 1-800-270-4288
Israel: 1-800-270-428
England: 00-800-3-700-7000
Elsewhere: +972-2-997-2425
To send an instant message:
Yahoo: inr18
ICQ: 191965205

Kadima! Forward to Where?
TnT go at it in this crazy show about the future of Israel. What will happen with Kadima? Wed, Sep 17

Are the American hurricanes messages from G-d? Tamar talks about the similarities. Mon, Sep 15

Bob Kunst of Shalom International gathers masses for an old-fashioned shofar-blasted razing. Mon, Sep 15

Yitzhar residents attack Arab village after the violent stabbing of a 9 year-old boy. Mon, Sep 15

Tovia & Tamar talk about lipstick and real men. Where are those that will stand up? Wed, Sep 10

Interview with Aaron Russo, award winning producer of America: Freedom to Fascism.

Tue, Sep 09

Tamar talks about the clutter of life, how it blinds us from the truth and essence of what we were put Mon, Sep 08

Lynette Clark, Chairman of the Alaskan Independence Party, talks about Governor Sarah Palin. Mon, Sep 08

Hezbollah is spying on Israel's Army through Facebook and Israel's top echelon says that the country Sun, Sep 07

Tovia and Tamar talk with listeners about everything from Samir Kuntar to Sarah Palin. Wed, Sep 03