Friday, June 5, 2009

Jonathan Schanzer on C-Span's Book TV This Sunday, 9am and 11pm

The Jewish Policy Center's deputy director, Jonathan Schanzer, will be on C-Span's Book TV this Sunday at 9am and 11pm discussing his book Hamas vs. Fatah: The Struggle for Palestine.

Hosting the show is long-time JPC friend Cliff May, who engages Jonathan in a lively discussion. You can catch Jonathan and Cliff at two different time slots on C-Span 2 this Sunday-- 9AM and 11PM.

The book, introduced with a foreword by scholar Daniel Pipes, has earned praise from Michael Medved, Dennis Prager, the Washington Times, Jerusalem Post, and even the Spanish Libertad.

Hamas vs. Fatah: The Struggle for Palestine can be purchased through, Barnes & Noble, and other national booksellers.

About the Jewish Policy Center

The JPC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing scholarly analysis on foreign policy, economic, and social issues. The JPC's website,, features the scholarly journal inFocus Quarterly, Palestinian Rocket Report, and other original research. Contact: Michael SharnoffPhone: 202.638.2411