Monday, June 15, 2009

New articles

When Cancer Came Knocking
by Mandy Gaziel
Everyone dies, some sooner than later. It's how we choose to live our lives that matters.

The Angry Father
by Rebbitzen Malka Kaganoff
My kids infuriate me and I am scared of my own reactions.

Why the Jews?
by Michael Gerson
The durability of anti-Semitism is a horrifying marvel of history.

The Great Mistake
by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
Why did the Creator design such a vulnerable knee?

Michelle Time
by Emuna Braverman
If the President isn't too busy to find regular time for his wife and his marriage, what excuse do we have?

The Big Day
by Rabbi Leiby Burnham
My brother was the little train no one thought could. Did he ever prove everyone wrong.

Be A Light
by Aaron Ross
A group of Israeli backpackers volunteer in Himalayan village schools.

Taking a Stand against Iran
by Alan Dershowitz and Irwin Cotler
New Canadian legislation provides a template as to how to hold Iran accountable for its genocidal threats.

Strategic Challenges in the Middle East
by Moshe Ya'alon
In attain peace, we must look reality squarely in the eye, no matter how difficult that may be.

A Stone's Throw
by Riva Pomerantz
A small revolution began with a broken window.