Monday, April 19, 2010

JWR TODAY - Monday, April 19, 2010

Supreme Court takes up religious group's rights on campus
By Michael Doyle

A San Francisco campus conflict between religious devotion and human sexuality today will give Justice John Paul Stevens a final opportunity to apply the First Amendment in the 21st century

The New York Times Makes It Official: Obama Has Shifted U.S. Policy Against Israel
By Jonathan Tobin

If there were any lingering doubts in the minds of Democrats who care about Israel that the president they helped elect has fundamentally altered American foreign policy to the Jewish state's disadvantage, they are now gone. The New York Times officially proclaimed the administration's changed attitude in a front-page story last week that ought to send chills down the spine of anyone who believed Barack Obama when he pledged in 2008 that he would be a loyal friend of Israel

Mark Steyn: Obama's nuke summit dangerously delusional
Argus Hamilton skewers politics and contemporary "culture"
Culture Shlock by Malcolm Fleschner: The Bossman Cometh
Mitch Albom: What's driving us to road rage?
Jeff Jacoby: Look who's carrying on