Sunday, April 4, 2010 Amazing Passover Videos Bulletin

Hello and Shalom - This is Shlomo Wollins - the editor/founder of - the largest Jewish Video Sharing Megasite now with over 7,100 videos & media uploads and over 4,100 registered WeJew members such as yourself. On behalf of myself and the entire media staff of, we would like to wish you a joyous end to your Passover holiday!

As is the WEJEW tradition on holidays - we have put together a list of our favorite and most popular Passover videos - this is just a small sampling of all the Passover videos on WeJew - by searching for the word 'PASSOVER' on our site in the search box - you will discover 100s videos of all types and for all ages on the Passover holiday. Or just click this link to go directly to the Passover video library on WeJew:

CLICK HERE for Passover Video-Media Collection on WeJew

Here is our top selections for your Passover enjoyment:

LIFE OF MOSES EPIC MOVIE - FULL LENGTH IN PARTS - Incredible 3-hour movie epic of the Life of the Jewish leader Moses - who took the Jews from the slavery of Egypt to Mt. Sinai to receive the Torah to the borders of the Land of Israel.
Life of Moses Full Length Feature Film

The Priestly Blessing on Passover 2010 at Western Wall
The Priestly Blessing on Passover 2010 at Western Wall

Best Passover Video Story with The Ten Plagues Live - Powerful!
Best Passover Video Story with The Ten Plagues Live

Hilarious Spoof Video - The Passover Cleaning Prison Satire (30 second - lol)
Hilarious Spoof Video - The Passover Cleaning Prison Satire

A Rugrats Passover Short Film - Kids Will Love This of All Ages!
A Rugrats Passover Short Film

Passover Story by Jewish Historian Berel Wein
Passover Story by Jewish Historian Berel Wein

The Sixty-Second Seder Video
Sixty-Second Seder Video

Join Martha Stewart on An Amazing Tour of an Historic Matzah Baking Factory
Join Martha Stewart on An Amazing Tour of an Historic Matzah Baking Factory

The Seder - Why Does It Takes So Long? - Super Video from Aish HaTorah
The Seder - Why Does It Takes So Long?

The Great Escape - Power Passover Video
The Great Escape - Power Passover Video

Matzah What's Up Documentary - Matzah Factory Tour for Jewish Kids
Matzah What's Up Documentary - Matzah Factory Tour for Jewish Kids

Bitter Herb Spoof Comedy Animation
Bitter Herb Spoof Comedy Animation

Largest Matzoh Ball in the World Record

Thank you for being a part of the Wejew community - the ONE site for the ONE People!

Shalom from The Wejew Team and from founder Shlomo Wollins

WeJew - The Ultimate Jewish Media Sharing and Networking Community