Thursday, September 11, 2008

Governor Sarah Palin


Grasping at Flags and Straws.

Smears Debunked: The Truth About Gov. Sarah Palin

Palin and her Church

Does Sarah Palin want to convert all Jews to Christianity.

GOP 2008 Platform - I like it

Sen. Barack Hussein Obama

"Churchgate:" Obama Misused Tax Exempt Church Resources for his Campaign

Ed Koch loses it

Obama insults Palin

Obama Supported Live Birth Abortion (Infanticide), and Lied About It

Obama: Terror groups have 'legitimate claims'


The Israel Resettlement Fund

32% of Palestinians seek emigration

A New Strategy for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Making Egyptian Aid Conditional

A Modest Proposal for Middle East Peace

Israeli Strategy After the Russo-Georgian War

Foreign Affairs

Must Counterinsurgency Wars Fail?

The Revolutionary Guards' Role in Iranian Politics

War on Christians in the Middle East must be stopped

Ted Belman

+1 416 256 7597