Sunday, February 28, 2010

AllThingsHebrew.Com Monthly Newsletter

IntroductionWelcome to the next issue of the AllThingsHebrew.Com Monthly Newsletter! We are very eager to make AllThingsHebrew.Com a popular site which Hebrew fans come back to again and again. We hope you find our Monthly Newsletter interesting and informative. Each month, we will tell you what new lessons we have published on the site, and how the site is progressing in general. And you can influence the lessons we publish! We look forward to hearing from you, and to finding out what you would like to see on our Hebrew site. We will try our best to oblige.

What's New This Month
This month we have spent a lot of time expanding our ongoing series of lessons on the Treasures of the Tanakh:

The aim of this series is to show you how wonderful, exciting and dramatic YHWH's Word is in the original Hebrew. The Tanakh is full of Acrostics, Atbash Codes, Gematria, Puns, Plays on Words and Poetry, as well as verses where you get a much richer and deeper insight when you can read it in the original Hebrew. Our series on the Treasures of the Tanakh:
tries to give you a flavour of what you are missing when you read a translation of the Hebrew Bible. A translation is just not the same thing at all. It's like the difference between seeing an old photo of a loved one, and meeting them face to face. Reading the Hebrew Bible for yourself, in Hebrew, means that you read the inspired Holy Scriptures themselves, directly, rather than a man-made translation with all its imperfections.

So, this month, we have added five new lessons illustrating Puns and Plays on Words in the Hebrew Bible:

Of course, these are just the tip of the iceberg! YHWH's Word contains many more exciting treasures for you to discover when you read it in Hebrew!

This month we have also added many new articles to our blog on Hebrew Gematria:

The weight of these articles together provides evidence that Hebrew is not an accidental language like English which has slowly evolved over time, but rather Hebrew shows clear evidence of design. Hebrew Gematria shows connections between Hebrew words that can only be designed. Hebrew is a wonderful, vibrant and exciting language. Soon the Messiah will come and establish the throne of YHWH in Jerusalem, and Hebrew will be the language spoken by all the nations of the world.

This month we have added the following articles to our Hebrew Gematria site:
Hopefully you can see how amazing Hebrew is, and how worthwhile it would be to learn. Just imagine if you could read the Tanakh in the original Hebrew! You would get so much more from your Bible reading, and you would understand YHWH's Word at a much deeper and more intuitive level. Why wait for the Messiah to come and the Kingdom to be set up in Jerusalem before learning Hebrew? Why not learn Hebrew today?

What's Planned For Next Month
All future plans are subject to the will of YHWH. However, all going well, we have some very exciting plans for the web site over the next few months. Some of these will be truly unique, with nothing else quite like them anywhere else on the Internet.
  • We hope to produce a series of Hebrew Bibles in novelty scripts such as Rashi, Dead Sea Scrolls, Paleo-Hebrew, and so on. These will show what the Hebrew would have looked like in different time periods or different alphabets, and will let you practice reading those scripts.
  • We have several amazing new lessons to add to our Treasures of the Tanakh series!
  • We would like to expand our PDF downloads to include new resources for learning the Hebrew Alphabet, so that students can study Hebrew off line, or print out the course material.
Please keep in touch with us, either by emailing us directly, or by submitting a comment through our Contact us page. With your help, we want to make AllThingsHebrew.Com a truly amazing site, a treasure trove of information and free lessons about Hebrew and the Tanakh. So thank you for subscribing to our Monthly Newsletter, and for keeping in touch with the latest developments. We really would love to hear from you.

Special Offers
GREAT NEWS! We have extended the reduced low price of our Special Download Edition of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and our version of the Hebrew Bible Without Vowels to $7.50 each!! These are promotional prices only. Make sure you download your copies now before the prices increase! We won't hold these prices much longer!

NOTE: We sell our Hebrew Bible via ClickBank. This means that you, too, can sell copies on your own web site. We offer a generous 75% commission, which means that you can actually make money by selling our PDF eBook yourself. This is an amazing offer. Most people would be slapping copyright all over the PDF, locking it with passwords and secure encryption, banning printing, using Digital Rights Management, or stopping downloads altogether. But we want to make sure that if you buy this PDF eBook, you will always be able to use it on any device, forever, in the future. It's a great investment at a great price!

As a special incentive to try out the Read the Hebrew Bible video course, why not try the free 7-day trial? Try it for a whole week, and if you like the approach, just continue with the lessons. It's that simple! To get this free offer, go to the link below:
Click through to the Read the Hebrew Bible page, then close the new tab or window that opens up. Before you close the page, you will get a page offering you the free 7-day offer. Go ahead and try it out! You will be amazed how much you can learn in 7 days!

Hebrew Online also offers free trial lessons. Why not try them? You have nothing to lose! Click the banner links at the top of most pages on the web site, and sign up for your free trial lesson today.