Dear Friends,
Purim represents the holiday in which the Jewish People was victorious in their struggle against Haman and his evil decrees.
Even though Haman had already declared the decree of annihilating the Jewish People, Mordechai and Esther, like real activists, did not accept that decree and acted to overturn it. That is the message Mordechai and Esther teach us: it is up to each and one of us to behave like a proud Jew, adhering to our belief in the justness of our cause. When enemies wish to harm us, Israel will not fear nor kneel or bow to the haters of Israel but rather, will act and, if necessary, fight.
From then to the present, the Jews have been forced to act against the descendants of Haman, who was from the seed of Amalek.
The distinguished Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap, of blessed memory, explained in his article "Arousing the Hatred of Amalek", that in order to understand the meaning and importance of the commandment to
"remember what Amalek did to you on your journey after you left Egypt" (Deuteronomy 25:17), we must examine Amalek's intentions.
The rabbi explains, based on various midrashim, that Amalek led Israel to be doubtful, hesitant and questioning the very fact of the involvement by G-d in the life of the people, until the children of Israel actually questioned: "Is the L-ord present among us or not?" (Exodus 17:7).Amalek understood that only when the children of Israel would lack faith, their enemies could defeat them in battle. Thank G-d Amalek's plan did not work out, Israel fought bravely, was victorious and returned to complete faith in G-d.
If, during the wilderness, Amalek introduced doubts and hesitation about the G-d of Israel, in our time, Amalek's seed (Ahmedinajad, Hamas, Fatah, Jihad, etc.) go even further. Not only do they want to annihilate Israel and the Jewish people physically but they try to erase our identity by trying to implant in the Jewish People doubts and hesitation concerning our very existence as a People, and our right to all of the Land of Israel.
The latest hypocritical outcry of the Arabs against the fact that the Tomb of Machpela and Rachel's Tomb have been included in the list of Jewish holy sites is only one example of this war by the Arabs against us.
This is the time to be like Mordechai and Esther, not to bow down to our enemies but rather declare loud and clear: The entire Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel. It was given to us by G-d as an everlasting inheritance and nobody has the right to give it away or take it away from us. Not only should the Tomb of Machpela in Hebron and Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem be included in the list of our holy sites but also Joseph's Tomb in Shchem, and the tombs of Ruth and Yishays', Otniel ben Knaz, Avner Ben Ner in Hevron , ... and of course the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In addition, Jews should continue to build and expand and settle all over our Biblical Homeland.
Women in Green continue now, more than ever, the struggle for the Land of Israel. Below, please find the description of our activity in Shdema and Netzer.
Over the past two weeks we have sent out a mailing by snail mail, which include our latest must see short movie about the Yibaneh fund for building and development in the hills of Judea founded by Women in
Green. If you are not on our snail mailing list, please email us your exact name and address and we will send you the material. Thank you for being partners in the struggle for the land of Israel,
May it be His will that the verse "there was gladness and joy among the Jews, a feast and a holiday" will be fulfilled for all of us.
With love for Israel, Happy Purim!
Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover
Expanding Activity for Eretz Israel from Shdema - to Save the Lands of Netzer
Last Friday several dozen activists went up the Netzer hill, between Alon Shvut and Elazar, and heard a lecture by the veteran guide Aryeh Klein of Hebron on "The Grape Vine." The lecture was followed by a
tour in a safari vehicle of the areas under and opposite the Zayit neighborhood in Efrat. Thanks to the tour, there was a Jewish presence in areas where Jews had not set foot for many years.
The archaeological finds there prove that this entire area was inhabited by Jews in both the First and Second Temple periods. The terraces, coins, cisterns, wine presses, ritual baths - all tell what we knew all along: this land is ours!
Unfortunately, the Arabs, aided by European organizations, are taking control of considerable plots of no-man's land in our area. The strong hand wielded against the Jews, the freeze, the fence - all these broadcast to the Arabs: establish facts on the ground, and the land of the Jews will be yours!
We must struggle for every foot of land. The planting by the international organizations is presumably done as a "humanitarian step," out of concern for the so-called "poor" Arab peasant, but, actually, a struggle is being waged for the Land of Israel.
The Committee for Jewish Shdema, together with Women in Green, the Yibaneh Fund, and the Action Committees in Judea, have extended our activity to include Netzer. Since the IDF is building an outpost at
Shdema, most of the activity can be transferred to Netzer, with a watchful eye on Shdema.
Tomorrow, Friday, on the eve of Purim, we will go up to Shdema to distribute mishloah manot to the soldiers and to hear a shiur by Rabbi Yaron Durani, the rabbi of Nokdim and Shdema, with wonderful music by Eli Gilboa of Kiryat Arba-Hebron.
Come in costume and with musical instruments!
* The activity will be held, regardless of weather conditions.
Bus transportation: from Kiryat Arba-Hebron at 8:15 a.m., Gush Etzion junction (Tzomet ha-Gush) 8:30 a.m., Efrat southern junction 8:35 a.m.
For pictures of last Friday in Netzer please click on Rivka Rybacks link:
The Committee for a Jewish Shdema - Women in Green - Judea Action Committees - Netzer Settlement Group - Yibaneh Fund
For details: Yehudit Katsover - 050-7161818, Nadia Matar - 050-5500834
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
Thursday, February 25, 2010
This is our land! Happy Purim!
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