Sunday, February 14, 2010

Most Ron Paul supporters are NOT anti-Semitic

Yes, Virginia, Many Ron Paul Supporters Are Anti-Semitic

#7. To: fifty yard line (#0)
the “New Anti-Semitism”
I don't believe the majority of Ron Paul supporters are "anti-Semitic." I've supported Ron Paul's ideals (and now prefer Chuck Baldwin who isn't tethered to the Republican Party) and I'm definitely not anti-Semitic, however I am definitely pro-Jew and pro-Israel, but I don't believe in foreign aid/welfare for any country - including Israel - since I believe in America first and don't offer any apologies for it!

Speaking of the "New Anti-Semitism" - Yes, it's anti- Semitism

British commentator Melanie Phillips has written. "First it wanted the Jewish religion, and then the Jews themselves, to disappear; now it wants the Jewish state to disappear."
Sounds like Melanie Phillips is referring to the UNJews, the Hellenists, the globalist and treacherous Jews like Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres and criminal company, the corrupt and murderous Israeli oligarchy. Such Jewish collaborators with the German-Jesuit EU are far more dangerous than any Nazi Muslims or apostate Christians could ever be, and provide the new Greco-Syrians, the new Babylonians, an opening against Israel, a breach in the walls of Jerusalem, undermining Israeli sovereignty, inviting attacks against Jews and brutally betraying the Temple Mount.