Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lying Visions of Peace

The lying peace process exposes how Jews refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state, and how Jews are willing to sacrifice each other and sell out the Land and People of Israel if the price is right: both political and religious leaders are guilty of these sins that stink to High Heaven.

The lying peace process proves Israel has no self-respect and therefore shouldn't expect any respect from others. Israel should consider any talk of "Palestine" as treacherous and treat it like a declaration of war.

The lying peace process is part of an accursed replacement theology -- replacing Jews with Arabs and forging Palestine to usurp Israel. Notice how every biblical territory that Israel surrendered without a fight, dismembered from the Jewish Homeland, had to be Judenrein, and the world is deathly silent about it.

The lying peace process reminds us of the fact that our Great Creator God needs to remind the nations that they are but men, that they're only mortal, and what chutzpah they exhibit carving up the Promised Land of Israel for Ishmael and Amalek, hoping to create further instability, chaos and confusion, so bloody Europe can offer treacherous "peacekeeping" troops to restore law and order.

Europe’s new Crusade of Peace will brutally betray both Arab and Jew, and seize Jerusalem for themselves.

Biblical Christianity can and should claim that Jerusalem is our holiest site and that we prefer it under Israeli sovereignty, never under German-Jesuit EU occupation or Nazi-Muslim supervision.

The lying peace process forces us to watch how "experts" are idiots and the "educated" are fools, either playing stupid or being useful idiots all the way to the bank at Israel's expense.

The lying peace process is also hateful for permitting professing Christians to desecrate the holy name and horribly misrepresent Christianity, from Saudi prostitutes like Jimmy Carter to CFR stooges like Condi Rice and false prophet of peace, George Bush, with his lying visions that contradict the Bible and New Testament, preaching an accursed "Palestine" that would pervert parts of the Jewish Homeland into something against the Word and Will of God.

(Lying Visions of Peace was written in 2007)