Friday, January 23, 2009

Almagor - Terror Victims Association

We must prevent the next terror attack!
180 Israelis were murdered since 2000 by terrorists
who were released from Israeli jails!

Will we ever learn the lessons? will we let this massacre repeat itself?!

Terror Organizations have long ago understood that they cannot win a country with military force, but they can win its citizens’ set of mind and its mental strength, causing them to give up their principles and positions. The terror organizations have understood that one of Israel’s central pillars is its citizens’ mutual concern for each other. Our society cannot accept a lonely citizen’s distress under the enemy’s captivity, and it will do what it can to release him. Knowing this, terror organizations initiated many kidnappings, in order to break Israel’s fighting spirit and force the government to fulfill their dangerous demands.

During its first ten years the country’s leaders understood that in order to stop the waves of kidnappings, we must hold a firm position toward terrorists, using our military forces to rescue our kidnapped citizens. This position decreased the amount of kidnappings since the terrorists understood that they cannot profit from them.

This statement of Israel against the terrorists was shattered in the “Jibril Agreement” in 1985, when three Israeli soldiers were captured by Ahmed Jibril’s organization in Lebanon. In exchange to them Israel released 1,150 terrorist, among them serial killers. These terrorists have formed the hardcore of the first intifada, a massive wave of terror attacks which started in year 1987. Since then, Israel has agreed time and time again to release terrorist in various irrational agreements, and terror organizations have since then dedicated their efforts for the kidnappings of soldiers and citizens. The results of these agreements are well known- the big majority of released terrorists continued their executions of terror actions, and Israel has been under a daily threat of terror attacks, by explosions, shootings, guns, stabbing, and these days by missiles. Since the first intifada, hundreds of people were killed and thousands were injured.

We, terror victims’ families, decided to struggle stubbornly against the release of our relative’s murderers , in order to prevent the suffering other citizens will experience if another massacre will appear on our streets.

Tel: 02-5388999 fax: 02-5372616 E-Mail:
Jaffa St. 234
P.O.B. 36287
Terror Victims Association,
219 Beach 140th St.
Belle Harbor, NY 11694