Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Israel Today (Jan. 13, 2009)

To read all of today's news items in full, click here.

Israel to press on in Gaza until acceptable truce is offered
IDF commanders say over 650 terrorists killed so far; army begins shelling Gaza City; Jordanian soldier opens fire on Israel more»

Israel rejects one-side human rights condemnations
Foreign Ministry says resolution by UN Human Rights Council is 'irrelevant'; IDF denies it is using white phosphorous in shells more»

Hamas wants a ceasefire that isn't really a ceasefire
Gaza-based Hamas leader says ready to entertain truce proposals, but insists on his group's right to not cease fire more»

Bloggers cry foul over questionable Gaza news footage
Video shot by brother of alleged child victim of Israeli missile shows phony CPR efforts, uninjured 'dead' child more»

Hamas hijacks humanitarian aid in Gaza
100 Red Cross and UN aid trucks raided by Hamas gunmen shortly after entering Gaza; contents sold to the highest bidders more»