Wednesday, January 28, 2009

An Illusion of Normalcy?

An Illusion of Normalcy?

Sderot Resident, 23, Addresses UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

From 90210 to Sderot: Get the Story Right!

An Illusion of Normalcy?
An uncertain calm rests upon Sderot at the moment. The sounds of war have disappeared, replaced by the sounds of a city slowly coming back to life. The click of the intercom followed by the voice that repeatedly stated Tzeva Adom, followed by the rocket explosion a few seconds later seems to be something of the past. But daily news reports on Palestinian terror activity from Gaza are constant reminders to Israelis Read more

Sderot Resident, 23, Addresses UN Human Rights Council in GenevaLiraz Madmony, 23 of Sderot, grew up under Palestinian rocket fire for eight years of her life. Although a rocket has never directly hit her home, Liraz has experienced the terror of rocket explosions countless times. "We don't have a bomb shelter in our house," she recently told SMC. "Every time, the Tzeva Adom is set off, our family races to the shower, the only room that is most Read more and watch the video

From 90210 to Sderot: Get the Story Right!I just returned from a two week visit to Israel. I spent my last weekend in Sderot and the Western Negev. One year out from volunteering in Sderot, I have written this piece on the international media's lack of context in covering the current conflict between Read more