Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jewish World Review

Jewish World Review
Jan. 13, 2009
Thomas Sowell: Pretty Talk and Ugly Realities
Dennis Prager: Guess Who Cares about Dead Palestinians? Jews!
Lawrence M. Reisman: What Arab propagandists don't want you to know about Gaza
Jan. 12, 2009
The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Ethics of encouraging spending during recession
Mark Steyn: The 'oldest hatred' lives, from Gaza to Florida
Barry Rubin: Ending The Gaza War: Choices, Not Solutions
Jan. 9, 2009
Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Why there's hope amidst the destruction
Martin Peretz: At War, Not at War
Charles Krauthammer: Will Olmert screw it up yet again?
Jan. 8, 2009
Stratfor Geopolitical Intelligence Report: Arab regimes secretly rooting for Israel?
Larry Elder: Israelis and Palestinians: Who's David, Who's Goliath?
Jeff Jacoby: Yes, it's anti-Semitism
Jan. 7, 2009
Jonah Goldberg: Who are the real Nazis?
Anne Applebaum: Pointless Peace Proposals
Jan. 6, 2009
Caroline B. Glick: Iran's Gazan diversion?
Dennis Prager: Dissecting Dershowitz
Jan. 5, 2009
Mark Steyn: Gaza has its version of rocket scientists
Mona Charen: The So-called International Community
Jan. 2, 2009
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: Having a holy tongue
Caroline B. Glick : Hamas' march to victory