Dangerous German Ambitions
As timely now (if not more), as then, consider these quotes:
Germany - an emerging superpower? Comparisons with the 1930s
Sara Moore [The European Journal, May 2008]
Having previously written two major books, Peace without Victory for the Allies 1918-1932 and How Hitler came to Power, Sara Moore offers some valuable insights into Germany as an emerging superpower through drawing comparisons with German power in the 1930s.
In 1994 President Clinton prophesied that Germany would be Europe’s future leader. In the Middle Ages she had been leader of the Holy Roman Empire, which encompassed much of Europe. Later, before the First World War, the Pan German League aimed at creating an empire of all the Germanic peoples under Prussian leadership, which would include all the nations in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, also Switzerland, Holland and Belgium and Romania because of her strategic position at the mouth of the Danube. The empire would be bound together first by a customs union, which would prepare the way for the creation of community-wide legal and political institutions. Eventually a Nationalstaat would come into being ‘impelled by the logic of ethnic solidarity, economic pressure, and should it prove necessary, military force’.
Beyond the Treaty, Germany,who stayed firmly in the driving seat during the discussions leading up to the Lisbon Treaty, is now alleged to have ambitions to create a superpower in Europe, with military power and control over taxation. One worries that if things do not go her way she could revert to her old idea of a Germanic empire, which would divide Europe and fragment nations.
As Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall warns its readers: Germany has never surrendered its dream of world domination. Beyond Babylon reveals how Germany's grand design, its politico-religious ambitions, will soon become the world's worst nightmare. Beyond Babylon exposes the intoxicating influence of the Jesuits upon the German mind, and how the Vatican will soon promote Germany to enforce their Pax Romana upon the world, igniting WWIII - based upon the two witnesses of biblical prophecy and history, as Herbert W. Armstrong testified for years.
Germany Behind the Mask
The EU is a German Ruse
Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?
Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World
Will The Atlantic Times address the German threat?
Is a World Dictator About to Appear?
The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace

That is an interesting take. Never really thought Germany was a player in the global seen. They never seem to want to get involoved with any real issues that are takeing place throughout the world.
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