Matthew Ellard wrote:
David Ben-Ariel wrote:Many professing Christians remain in denial that traditional Catholics and Protestants are spiritual drunks and whores (intoxicated by Catholic concoctions), drug addicts (under the heavy influence of Rome); traditional Christians and Catholics are spiritual practicing homosexuals,
I'm concerned
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Bloody Obama regime
Now under the African Obama regime, it will only get worse as his bloody track record warns.
It used to be a country’s worst enemies who ripped up their pregnant women—now we’ve turned on ourselves. Don't abort our future: Think twice, choose life, let love grow.
Hitler Will Judge Us!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Boycott Anti-Semitic Durban II Conference
Dear Friends,
Below please find an important action alert from UCI, Unity Coalition for Israel.
Please participate and forward.
Shabbat Shalom,
Nadia Matar Women in Green
URGENT ACTION ALERT - U.S. Must Boycott Anti-Semitic Durban II Conference
Last week the Obama administration announced that the US was joining the planning sessions for the next Durban II UN Conference on Racism. Since the U.S. will not be allowed to change the objective of the Durban II conference, participation in this conference in any way simply reinforces and validates its Anti-Semitic principles including the identification of Israel as an example of totalitarian rule and injustice.
The U.S. should not participate in this Israel hate-fest. We cannot remain silent! Please read the sample letter and modify it as you see fit. This Urgent Action Alert will automatically be sent to President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary of State Clinton and the Jewish Desk at the White House.
President Obama, Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Clinton,
I appeal to you to end United States participation in the racist Durban II UN conference scheduled for April.
Last week your administration announced that the US was joining the planning sessions for the next Durban II UN Conference on Racism. Libya, Iran and Cuba, the countries planning Durban II, have made it clear that U.S. participation cannot change the objective of Durban II, which is "to foster the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action" in Durban I. Those countries represented in the UN Security Council and pointing a finger at Israel are some of the world's prime examples of totalitarian rule and injustice.
The United States presence in the face of the prejudiced anti-Israel agenda reinforcing Durbin I will be discouraging to all freedom loving nations. It will legitimize words of hate toward Israel that will be translated into Action by the discredited and highly controversial conference.
US involvement undermines other democracies (France, England, the Netherlands, and Italy) that were considering a boycott and it betrays Canada, who has already declared its intention to boycott the conference. Without U.S. cover, they face retribution from the participating Israel-haters. And it will lead those countries involved and the rest of the world to believe that the US subscribes to the blatant discriminatory message being disseminated by the United Nations.
Mr. President, Mr. Vice President and Secretary of State , you should instead follow the example of Secretary of State Colin Powell who in 2001 led the walkout at the United Nations` anti-Semitic Durban I conference. He said: "You do not combat racism by conferences that produce declarations containing hateful language, some of which is a throwback to the days of `Zionism equals racism;` or supports the idea that we have made too much of the Holocaust; or suggests that apartheid exists in Israel; or that singles out only one country in the world - Israel - for censure and abuse."
This second Durbin conference will be worse than its predecessor that was a stage for anti-Semitism and vitriolic condemnation of Israel and Israel alone. No other country was chastised for acts of racism, not even Darfur, where the genocide continues. Israel was the only country criticized and the criticism included even its right to exist as a Jewish nation. Worse yet we have just learned that the U.S. delegation to the planning sessions has remained silent as additional anti-Israel language has been added to the planning document.
I implore you to repudiate Durban II by withdrawing US representation. Surely the US and our president should be leading the world by providing a strong response against open anti-Semitism. This could very well provide a defining moment for the future reputation of your new administration on the world stage. Please express the opinion of millions of Americans that we will not join this travesty.
Zip Code____________________________
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
Israel enables more rocket attacks against Jews
Israel's Betrayal of the Jews
Shimon Peres Has No Clothes: Where's the Peace?
Qassam Rocket Attack Damages Two Sderot Homes
For the second time this week, Qassam rockets targeted the western Negev town of Sderot. On Thursday morning, February 26, a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinian terrorists in northern Gaza exploded in the backyard of a Sderot home. A mother and her son were treated for shock as were a number of other civilians in the neighborhood where the rocket struck. No injuries were reported. The Qassam rocket caused damage to two Sderot homes when it exploded.
The Tzeva Adom or Color Red siren blared through Sderot and surrounding communities around 8:30 am, with the Qassam exploding in Sderot Read more and watch the video
Sderot High School Girls Rocket Attacks
Every Wednesday, we gather together with the high school students in the ‘Tranquility’ room at the religious high school.
This time I actually felt that for the first time the group was finally beginning to bond. Sixteen girls arrived at the designated time, and you could feel their hesitation and the curiosity towards one another in the room. Debbie, the psychologist, Nechama the social worker, and I, the project conductor, shared the same mixed feelings.
Debbie opened the session by introducing a teddy bear she brought along. She explained that anyone who held the teddy bear had the right to speak. Read more
Miriam Weiss: Holocaust Survivor and Kibbutz Mother
On that precious list of "Righteous Gentiles" (rare individuals who assisted Jews during the Holocaust) is the great name of Jan Bulski who risked his life and family in Poland to save my "kibbutz mother" -- Miriam Weiss -- who I met and was "adopted" by at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan near Haifa in Northern Israel while a volunteer there from October 1982 to February 1983.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Name of the Messiah Revealed!
No, Kaduri didn't "reveal" the Name. However, our Great Creator God has revealed it through the New Testament for 2000 years and continues to do so for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, who are no longer blinded by their traditional veil (whether traditional Jewish or traditional "Christian").
Yeshua is the Suffering Servant
Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives
The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah
Racists fail to hold Blacks to high standards
Re: "New York Post Prints Blatantly Racist Cartoon"
Yes, blacks always get to play the victim and continue to milk white guilt and enjoy double standards, aided and abetted by self-hating and/or self-righteous whites (too often liberal Jews) who are actually being racist and condescending for failing to hold blacks to the same high standards as whites.
The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites
Is God a racist? Does He discriminate? Did Jesus hate Gentiles? Was Paul prejudiced? Are Israelites and Jews superior to other peoples? Is God's favorite color white?
Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!
Women in Green activities
Below please find a summary of our exciting Women in Green Eretz Yisrael this past Tuesday.
Secondly, yesterday we sent out an incomplete email about the lecture tour and bios. Below please find the corrected one.
With Love for Israel,
Nadia Matar
Summary and pictures by Gemma Blech
Women in Green went on a pre-Purim shopping spree in Yad Binyamin, to support the Gush Katif 'refugees' who have been just dumped there in their paper-thin houses. However, as last year at the same time, some of the folks now have work, or were running shops and small businesses in this well established moshav.
So, Women in Green BOUGHT, as well as ate, pizza, coffee, dates and more, all as a way of encouraging the folk there! Bye the bye, the prices and quality of their goods was EXCELLENT and we would encourage others to support these folk who so appallingly lost all at the hands of the Israeli government.
For pictures (credit Gemma Blech): #
For the Arutz 7 report and youtube video on our Women in Green Zionist shopping in Yad Binyamin where you can see us "in action" shopping for Purim, and hear Women in Green Anita Finkelstein and Esty Naeh and two Gush Katif expellees talk (in Hebrew), please click on:
After Yad Binyamin our Women in Green split in two groups. Some of us went to Shdema, and some of us went to hear Philip Karsenty.
A) Philip Karsenty- by Gemma Blech
From Yad Binyamin we went onto the Hebrew University to hear a lecture by Philippe Karsenty:
In 2000 French TV showed a film of the supposed killing of Muhammed Al Dura, Arab child in Netzarim, Gaza. This 'scene' became a poster for the Islamic anti-Israel hate-frenzy of recent years. It was soon exposed as a 'Palywood' staged fraud, a modern day blood libel against Israel and the Jews, but few in Israel took any action. It was Philippe Karsenty in France who has spent years exposing the whole film as a dangerous fraud. It is important to support him and help him spread the truth. #
B) Tree planting in Shdema
As we mentioned, other Women in Green continued after Yad Binyamin to Shdema to greet two busloads of people from Raanana and Kfar Saba. Our dear friend and long time activist Ilan Hirshfeld from Raanana organizes for the past 15 years monthly Rosh Chodesh trips to Hebron. On his way from Raanana to Hebron, Ilan and his friends also visit different communities in Judea in order to show support. This time they came to Shdema. The Committee for a Jewish Shdema welcomed the guests with happy Eretz Yisrael music, dates, sweets, and drinks. After a few speeches by members of the committee for a Jewish Shdema about the importance of the struggle to keep Shdema in Jewish hands , we planted trees and bushes. The tree planting ceremony was very moving and uplifting . Tree planting symbolizes our planting roots in that place and our commitment to make sure Shdema, like every other place in Eretz Yisrael, will stay in our hands.
Tomorrow, Friday February 27th, we will go up to Shdema at 9:30am, as we do every Friday, to show a presence and hear a shiur.
Link to Rivka Rybacks pictures of our event in Shdema (please credit):
2) Final and corrected version of the lecture tour and bios
Three years ago, after the expulsion from Gush Katif, two veteran Land of Israel activists joined together in an effort to reignite and reinvigorate the grassroots struggle against the post-Zionist expropriation of Israel. Most of the nationalist camp was exhausted and in despair, but they weren't. Together, Nadia Matar, leader of Women in Green, and Yehudit Katzover, leader and activist from Kiryat Arba-Hevron, initiated and led a host of new ventures to hold on to the Land of Israel and to strengthen Jewish Israelis’ innate understanding that the Land of Israel belongs to them.
Nadia and Yehudit will be in the States from March 12th through March 19th. The public is invited to come and hear them speak about the facts on the ground in Israel and why activism is so important for our future. They will speak in Los Angeles and in New York.
Women in Green would like to thank Alan Jacobs for helping to plan Nadia's and Yehudit's trip.
Los Angeles:
Shabbat, March 14: * Shabbat morning at the Beth Jacob Synagogue
* Seuda Shlishit at the Young Israel of Century City
Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
Luxe Hotel Sunset Boulevard
11461 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90049
For reservations: Contact Doris Wise Montrose at: or call (818) 704-0523
New York:
Wednesday March 18th at 7:30pm
Safra Synagogue, Manhattan
11 East 63rd St., between 5th and Madison
Organized by Americans for a Safe Israel
Bio-Nadia Matar
Born in Belgium, Nadia made aliyah at the age of 21. In 1987, Nadia married David Matar, pediatrician. Nadia and David live with their six children in Efrat, Gush Etzion.
In 1993, in response to the bombshell of Oslo, she founded Women in Green with her mother-in-law Ruth Matar.
Women in Green became one of the most visible and active grassroots groups on the Israeli scene. It spread its message about Jewish ownership of the Land of Israel and the danger of capitulation to the Arab enemy via fraudulent “peace agreements” by numerous means, including:
· Protests, demonstrations, and street theatre;
· Articles in newspapers and Internet media;
· Nadia’s popular radio show on Arutz 7;
· Solidarity trips to settlements and outposts in Yesha;
· Legal, monetary, and PR support for individuals facing political persecution by the government;
· Opposing the separation fence and other political decrees meant to harm and weaken the settlement enterprise;
· Creating and leading action committees in Judea as a force for localized grassroots activity.
· Actively fighting for keeping the Land of Israel: In 1995 Nadia, together with 9 other women from Gush Etzion, lead the struggle for the Dagan Hill in Efrat that was in danger of being given away to the Palestinian Authority under the Oslo 2 agreements. The women and their families, joined by hundreds of supporters, lived on the barren hill in difficult conditions, in the heat, with no water and no electricity. After two weeks, the authorities expelled them forcefully, but they came back ,again and again, and today, thank G-d, Dagan is a flourishing neighborhood of Efrat with tens of young couples. Nadia and fellow activists from Judea are now fighting for settling the hill of Eitam in Efrat.
In the spring before the expulsion from Gush Katif, Nadia moved with her husband and six children to Kfar Yam, together with other Women in Green activists, such as Anita Finkelstein and her family, and many others, including tens of youths. Together they helped lead the more activist wing of the struggle against the Expulsion.
Women in Green has galvanized politicians, public figures, and the public at large to these various causes and activities, and has faced political persecution along the way. Nadia has been arrested, beaten, and undergone numerous political trials, one of which is still pending.
Since the destruction of Gush Katif, Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover have undertaken a host of new projects and initiatives to empower the orange youth, reenergize a discouraged citizenry and increase the struggle for the Land of Israel. One such project is the struggle for a Jewish Shdema.
Bio Yehudit Katzover
Born in Rumania in 1947,Yehudit made aliya with her parents and family at the age of 12.
Yehudit and her husband Tzvi were one of the founding families of Kiryat Arba and have taken a large part in its growth and development. Among other positions, Tzvi was mayor of Kiryat Arba for the past twenty years and Yehudit was vice-mayor from 1985 to 1990.
Yehudit was one of a group of women that opened Hebron to Jewish settlement despite an uncompromising governmental ban. In 1979, she and her three young children entered an abandoned Jewish building in Hebron together with nine other women and 37 other children. What followed was a standoff that lasted almost a year. No one was allowed into the building and the government declared that anyone that left would not be allowed back in. The women held out under shocking conditions for a year until the government finally capitulated and allowed for the renewal of the Jewish community of Hebron.
When not working at her “day job” as head of a teacher’s college in Kiryat Arba, Yehudit has worked tirelessly for Land of Israel causes.
In the early 80's Yehudit and her family moved to Yamit, to take part in the struggle against the abandonment of the Yamit region to Egypt.
In the 90's she absorbed the waves of immigration from the USSR as an ulpan teacher. Simultaneously, she led and participated in the different Land of Israel struggles like the struggle for the establishment of the Avraham Avinu synagogue in Hebron and the struggle for the establishment of the Hazon David outpost, destroyed by the authorities 34 times, and immediately rebuilt by Yehudit and her fellow activists.
In 2005, she led the very active Kiryat Arba-Hebron struggle against the Expulsion, and since the Expulsion has worked with Nadia on a host of local and national struggles and projects.
Such a project is the struggle for Shdema, a army camp abandoned by the government three years ago, 5 minutes away from Har Choma, overlooking the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion highway.
Arabs, helped, incited and funded by anti-Israel international organizations have been trying to take over Shdema.
Nadia and Yehudit have formed the Committee for a Jewish Shdema with members from Jerusalem, Kiryat Arba Hevron and Efrat Gush Etzion. Over the past year the Committee for Shdema has been very active. Every week activities are planned in Shdema. The purpose is to turn Shdema into a Cultural Educational Center teaching youth and adults the importance of the Land of Israel not only with lectures and cultural activities, but also with practical teachings of agriculture and how to build homes in order to go back to the value of Jewish labor.
Women in Green has been sponsoring and leading the activities in Shdema. The Gush Etzion local council has joined and is helping the Committee for Shdema too.
More details about the struggle for Shdema can be found at
To contact Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover and inquire about their speaking tour in the US please email
or call Nadia 050-5500834 or Yehudit 054-5866059
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Phased destruction of Israel
John McCaslin
Washington, D.C.
The Washington Times
Inside the Beltway
By John McCaslin
'Phased destruction'
American author David Ben-Ariel tells this column that he will soon release "Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall," describing the book as "staunchly pro-Israel/ American." As a result, he predicts, the book's subject matter "will become a national debate and an international controversy." Not surprising. Mr. Ben-Ariel of late has referred to the "mindless mantra that mesmerizes fools for peace at any price and rings hollow because the Jews are going again, slowly but surely, through the lying peace process of phased destruction." "The only ones (thank God for the precious few) who are making any fuss about it, dragging their heels rather than go like sheep to the slaughter, are roundly condemned by their own leaders and American administrations and worthless world opinion as 'enemies of peace,' 'obstacles to peace,' and other name brands because they don't want to 'rest in peace' but live and prosper."

"A Household Word" (YouTube video by David Ben-Ariel) The general public doesn't have a clue about the Gospel or the Ezekiel Warning Message! That woeful ignorance indicts the Church of God, since God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And that same God warns about our responsibility to sound the alarm so British-Israelites and Jews, and repentant Gentiles, can seek shelter in Him and avert the imminent nuclear Holocaust. Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America?
Women in Green Lecture Tour
Three years ago, after the expulsion from Gush Katif, two veteran Land of Israel activists joined together in an effort to reignite and reinvigorate the grassroots struggle against the post-Zionist expropriation of Israel. Most of the nationalist camp was exhausted and in despair, but they weren't. Together, Nadia Matar, leader of Women in Green, and Yehudit Katzover, leader and activist from Kiryat Arba-Hevron, initiated and led a host of new ventures to hold on to the Land of Israel and to strengthen Jewish Israelis’ innate understanding that the Land of Israel belongs to them.
Nadia and Yehudit will be in the States from March 12th through March 19th. The public is invited to come and hear them speak about the facts on the ground in Israel and why activism is so important for our future. They will speak in Los Angeles and in New York.
Women in Green would like to thank Alan Jacobs for helping to plan Nadia's and Yehudit's trip.
Los Angeles:
Shabbat, March 14: * Shabbat morning at the Beth Jacob Synagogue
* Seuda Shlishit at the Young Israel of Century City
Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
Luxe Hotel Sunset Boulevard
11461 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90049
For reservations: Contact Doris Wise Montrose at: or call (818) 704-0523
New York:
Wednesday March 18th at 7:30pm
Safra Synagogue, Manhattan
11 East 63rd St., between 5th and Madison
Organized by Americans for a Safe Israel
Bio-Nadia Matar
Born in Belgium, Nadia made aliyah at the age of 21. In 1987, Nadia married David Matar, pediatrician. Nadia and David live with their six children in Efrat, Gush Etzion.
In 1993, in response to the bombshell of Oslo, she founded Women in Green with her mother-in-law Ruth Matar.
Women in Green became one of the most visible and active grassroots groups on the Israeli scene. It spread its message about Jewish ownership of the Land of Israel and the danger of capitulation to the Arab enemy via fraudulent “peace agreements” by numerous means, including:
· Protests, demonstrations, and street theatre;
· Articles in newspapers and Internet media;
· Nadia’s popular radio show on Arutz 7;
· Solidarity trips to settlements and outposts in Yesha;
· Legal, monetary, and PR support for individuals facing political persecution by the government;
· Opposing the separation fence and other political decrees meant to harm and weaken the settlement enterprise;
· Creating and leading action committees in Judea as a force for localized grassroots activity.
· Actively fighting for keeping the Land of Israel: In 1995 Nadia, together with 9 other women from Gush Etzion, lead the struggle for the Dagan Hill in Efrat that was in danger of being given away to the Palestinian Authority under the Oslo 2 agreements. The women and their families, joined by hundreds of supporters, lived on the barren hill in difficult conditions, in the heat, with no water and no electricity. After two weeks, the authorities expelled them forcefully, but they came back ,again and again, and today, thank G-d, Dagan is a flourishing neighborhood of Efrat with tens of young couples. Nadia and fellow activists from Judea are now fighting for settling the hill of Eitam in Efrat.
In the spring before the expulsion from Gush Katif, Nadia moved with her husband and six children to Kfar Yam, together with other Women in Green activists, such as Anita Finkelstein and her family, and many others, including tens of youths. Together they helped lead the more activist wing of the struggle against the Expulsion.
Women in Green has galvanized politicians, public figures, and the public at large to these various causes and activities, and has faced political persecution along the way. Nadia has been arrested, beaten, and undergone numerous political trials, one of which is still pending.
Since the destruction of Gush Katif, Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover have undertaken a host of new projects and initiatives to empower the orange youth, reenergize a discouraged citizenry and increase the struggle for the Land of Israel. One such project is the struggle for a Jewish Shdema.
Bio Yehudit Katzover
Born in Rumania in 1947,Yehudit made aliya with her parents and family at the age of 12.
Yehudit and her husband Tzvi were one of the founding families of Kiryat Arba and have taken a large part in its growth and development. Among other positions, Tzvi was mayor of Kiryat Arba for the past twenty years and Yehudit was vice-mayor from 1985 to 1990.
Yehudit was one of a group of women that opened Hebron to Jewish settlement despite an uncompromising governmental ban. In 1979, she and her three young children entered an abandoned Jewish building in Hebron together with nine other women and 37 other children. What followed was a standoff that lasted almost a year. No one was allowed into the building and the government declared that anyone that left would not be allowed back in. The women held out under shocking conditions for a year until the government finally capitulated and allowed for the renewal of the Jewish community of Hebron.
When not working at her “day job” as head of a teacher’s college in Kiryat Arba, Yehudit has worked tirelessly for Land of Israel causes.
In the early 80's Yehudit and her family moved to Yamit, to take part in the struggle against the abandonment of the Yamit region to Egypt.
In the 90's she absorbed the waves of immigration from the USSR as an ulpan teacher. Simultaneously, she led and participated in the different Land of Israel struggles like the struggle for the establishment of the Avraham Avinu synagogue in Hebron and the struggle for the establishment of the Hazon David outpost, destroyed by the authorities 34 times, and immediately rebuilt by Yehudit and her fellow activists.
In 2005, she led the very active Kiryat Arba-Hebron struggle against the Expulsion, and since the Expulsion has worked with Nadia on a host of local and national struggles and projects.
Such a project is the struggle for Shdema, a army camp abandoned by the government three years ago, 5 minutes away from Har Choma, overlooking the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion highway.
Arabs, helped, incited and funded by anti-Israel international organizations have been trying to take over Shdema.
Nadia and Yehudit have formed the Committee for a Jewish Shdema with members from Jerusalem, Kiryat Arba Hevron and Efrat Gush Etzion. Over the past year the Committee for Shdema has been very active. Every week activities are planned in Shdema. The purpose is to turn Shdema into a Cultural Educational Center teaching youth and adults the importance of the Land of Israel not only with lectures and cultural activities, but also with practical teachings of agriculture and how to build homes in order to go back to the value of Jewish labor.
Women in Green has been sponsoring and leading the activities in Shdema. The Gush Etzion local council has joined and is helping the Committee for Shdema too.
More details about the struggle for Shdema can be found at
To contact Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover and inquire about their speaking tour in the US please email
or call Nadia 050-5500834 or Yehudit 054-5866059
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
The Holocaust isn't Kosher
by Thomas Dalton , Ph.D
Everybody should feel free to question whatever they want, including the holocaust (Hebrew shoah/burnt offering) or whether or not Obama is a natural born citizen. Furthermore, even Jewish law, biblical law, knows our Great Creator God doesn't accept human burnt offerings (Judges 11:29-40) - they're pagan and treif (unclean, not kosher) - although the God of Israel respects martyrdom (The Suffering Servant) and honors the death of His Suffering Servant (Yeshua is the Suffering Servant), so why persist in polluting such a word? Especially when the vast majority of Jews did not offer themselves as sacrifices for any cause or reason. They were marked for death simply for being Jews. Some got swept away due to circumstances beyond their control, suffering for the irresponsibility of others, especially their bloody leaders (Miriam Weiss: Holocaust Survivor and Kibbutz Mother). Other Jews failed to save themselves by taking the warnings they were given seriously or were just plain hypocrites (WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE RABBIS?).
Don't call it the holocaust: from now on call it Hitler's war against the Jews, attempted genocide, ethnic cleansing, or just plain old persecution since too many Jews downplay or deny or are ignorant about the ethnocentric aspects of the Bible and Judaism.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Heaven on Earth
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth" - Matthew 5:5
The New Jerusalem is coming down to EARTH - we don't go to Heaven!
Watch "Pearly Gates" and read these articles and expect to be SURPRISED!
Born Again and Heaven and Hell
Kingdom of God-Beings to Rule Earth from Jerusalem!
Do You Prefer TRADITION Over Truth?
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Normalization Of Murder, Genocide And Terrorism
The Advocate
By Herb Denenberg, The Bulletin
Published: Friday, February 20, 2009
Perhaps the most serious and most dangerous problem we face is the normalization of evil. That’s the title of an essay published on Feb. 3, 2009 in the Wall Street Journal by Judea Pearl, father of Daniel Pearl, the 38-year-old Wall Street Journal reporter who was beheaded by Islamofascist terrorists in Pakistan.
The title of the article, “The Normalization of Terror,” and its theme carry a devastating message, showing how the mainstream media, many of our leading universities, and people like Jimmy Carter and Bill Moyers have succeeded in transforming the most despicable, immoral, genocidal degenerates into a respectable category — freedom fighters, part of a resistance movement — even though they are using the most illegitimate, immoral, and illegal ends to achieve their political goals.
These are the real moral degenerates of our time, with the likes of Jimmy Carter and Bill Moyers leading the parade of evil, followed by many in our elite universities and the mainstream media. They speak in Orwellian language, turning evil into good, murder and genocide into resistance, and blowing the brains out of young children into acts of heroism. What is most disturbing about this terrible trend is that barbarism seems to be going mainstream even in America.
This is the story that Judea Pearl tells so well and so powerfully that it is a classic of the English language and a message that should be engraved on the mind and soul of every civilized person.
At the end of his powerful message to establish moral clarity in a world gone mad, Mr. Pearl writes, “Danny’s picture is hanging just in front of me, his warm smile as reassuring as ever. But I find it hard to look him straight in the eyes and say: You did not die in vain.”
Mr. Pearl says it is now seven years after the murder of his son, and then asks, “Would Danny have believed that today’s world emerged after his tragedy?
“The answer does not come easily. Danny was an optimist, a true believer in the goodness of mankind. Yet he was also a realist, and would not let idealism bend the harshness of facts.
“Neither he, nor the millions who were shocked by his murder, could have possibly predicted that seven years later his abductor, Omar Saeed Sheikh, according to several South American reports, would be planning terror acts from the safety of a Pakistani jail. Or that his murderer, Khalid Sheiky Mohammed, now in Guantanamo, would proudly boast of his murder in a military tribunal in March 2007 to the cheers of the sympathetic jihadi supporters. Or that this ideology of barbarism would be celebrated in European and American universities, fueling rally after rally for Hamas, Hezbollah and other heroes of ‘the resistance.’ Or that another kidnapped young man, Israeli Gilad Shalit, would spend his 950th day of captivity with no Red Cross visitation while world leaders seriously debate whether his kidnapers deserve international recognition.”
Judea Pearl would have thought that the murder of his son, Danny, would actually be a turning point in man’s inhumanity to man, and that the slaughter of innocents to communicate political messages would once and for all be universally condemned by civilized people and sent to the ashcan of history, where such gross barbarism is no longer tolerated, the place reserved for such atrocities as slavery, human sacrifice, and other shocking and totally discredited practices of an era long gone.
But the moral degenerates mentioned above have given these icons of evil, these most degenerate of moral degenerates, moral standing in our society and acceptance in elite circles of universities, of the media, and of political leadership. Mr. Pearl says we have reached the point where we are no longer disgusted by evil: “Civilized society, so it seems, is so numbed by violence that it has lost its gift to be disgusted by evil.”
I am not so sure we have been numbed by violence into acceptance of evil. I don’t think people like those moral degenerates Jimmy Carter and Bill Moyers are numbed by anything. That would be an excuse. They are not numbed but have placed themselves in the hands of the devil by dark prejudices of various sorts that are lodged deep in their psyches. The people I associate with have not been numbed and they can still recognize evil, be disgusted by it, and reject it. Mr. Carter and Mr. Moyers can no longer do that, but that is due to dark prejudice, not numbness.
This is the way Mr. Pearl explains the described descent into evil. He reasons that well-meaning analysts in their zeal to find creative solutions to terror decided that terror is not a real enemy but only a tactic. Thus the mechanism that drives terrorism was made to disappear and in its place we now have the more “manageable ‘tactical’ considerations.”
Armed with that kind of reasoning, the former mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, in July 2005 could tell Sky News that suicide bombing is almost man’s second nature: “In an unfair balance, that’s what people use.” So the slaughter of innocents, the blowing the brains out of babies, was suddenly transformed into human nature, an almost reflex-like inevitability with moral neutrality. It’s not a choice or a moral decision, but more like breathing out and breathing in. Terrorism is magically transformed into the morally acceptable.
But our former president, Jimmy Carter, the most degenerate of the moral degenerates of our time, makes the clearest argument for terrorism and the slaughter of innocents. In his book, Palestine: Peace not Apartheid, this is the way Mr. Carter slyly justifies terrorism with what is an appeal to suicide bombers: “It is imperative that the general Arab community and all significant Palestinian groups make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the Road-map for Peace are accepted by Israel.” Translation: Acts of terror are no longer taboo, but are just a legitimate means to a political end. Until you get what you want, terrorism is perfectly acceptable. Jimmy Carter, in effect says, “Keep killing women and children, and blowing up babies; as a former president of the U.S. I find your terrorism and even genocide perfectly acceptable.” And a subtext of that translation: The Palestinians should continue the slaughter of innocents until Israel yields to their demands, however reasonable or unreasonable, and without regard to whether the acceptance of those demands would spell the eventual destruction of Israel. Whenever I hear of Mr. Carter’s foreign policies misadventures, I wonder if there is a way to impeach an ex-president. If the answer is yes, I recommend starting with Mr. Carter.
Mr. Carter, whose ability to do evil knows no bounds, has put forth the dominant paradigm now widely used to justify, humanize and legitimize terrorism. When Syrian first lady, Asma Al-Assad, was asked what Israel should do to end rocket attacks aimed at innocent civilians, she replied, “They should end the occupation.” In other words, terrorists must have their demands met before they agree to stop murdering innocents and blowing the brains out of babies.
Mr. Pearl also notes that the media, in the U.S. and abroad, have played a major role in making terrorism acceptable. Qatari-based al-Jazeera television keeps providing Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi hours of free television time to spew the murderous interpretation of the Quran, authorize suicide bombings, and call for jihad against Americans and Jews.
Don’t think it can’t get worse, as it always does thanks to the international media and our own mainstream media. In August 2008 came the birthday of Samir Kuntar, an unrepentant killer, who is 1979 smashed the head of a 4-year-old Israeli with his rifle after first killing her father before her eyes. (But remember, Jimmy Carter, in effect, gave him the OK to do that.) al-Jazeera elevated Mr. Kuntar to heroic heights, writes Mr. Pearl, “with orchestras, fireworks and sword dancers, presenting him to 50 million viewers as Arab society’s role model. No mainstream Western media outlet dared to expose al-Jazeera efforts to warp its young viewers into the likes of Kuntar. Al Jazeera’s management continues to receive royal treatment in all major press clubs.”
American pundits like Bill Moyers see the world just like al-Jazeera, so they should not be surprised to find the blood of innocents dripping from their hands. Mr. Moyers, after the war in Gaza, was quick to lend Hamas legitimacy as a “resistance movement.” And he resorted to the old cycle of violence, to make moral equivalence between Hamas’ deliberate slaughter of innocents and the Israeli attempts at self-defense.
He said, each side greases the “cycle of violence” and one man’s terrorism becomes another’s resistance to oppression. Thus, whether blowing up innocents or acting in self defense, it’s all the same. There is moral equivalence and neutrality; anything goes in this immoral world of Mr. Moyers, Mr. Carter and much of our mainstream media. Mr. Moyers uses this moral equivalence to indict the victims of terrorism as if they are merely actors in the endless cycle of violence.
Then Mr. Pearl turns to the universities, which he says are being manipulated into the support of terrorist and genocidal organizations like Hamas. He uses his own university, UCLA, where he is a professor of computer science, to illustrate the point. At UCLA there was a symposium on human rights, which was turned into a recruiting tool for Hamas. The director of the UCLA Center for Near East Studies selected only Israel bashers for the panel, and every member of the panel concluded Israel is the greatest criminal in human history.
Here is the way this human rights symposium turned out: “ The primary purpose of the event was evident the morning after, when unsuspecting uninvolved students read an article in the campus newspaper titled, ‘Scholars says: Israel is in violation of human rights in Gaza,’ to which the good name of the University of California was attached. This is where Hamas scored its main triumph — another inch of academic respectability, another inroad into Western mind.” For more on the sorry state of our colleges and universities read David Horowitz’s classic, The Professors, and his second book on the subject, Indoctrination U.
So, as Mr. Pearl’s article so artfully documents, we are losing our ability to distinguish between good and evil. We are being brainwashed into thinking that evil is good. Our media, our academics, and some of our political leaders are transforming terrorists and genocidal murdering maniacs into freedom fighters. If we lose our moral clarity, losing everything else we hold dear may not be far behind.
I have often written about the mainstream media, our academic institutions, and some of our political leaders seem to have become pro-terror and even anti-American. The Pearl essay is another classic statement of this theme. If I were editing one of those “Patriot’s Handbooks,” I would put Pearl’s piece in it. I would recommend it for inclusion in the second edition of William Bennett’s fine book, The American Patriot’s Almanac.
I was struck by something else about the article. I missed it when it originally appeared in the Wall Street Journal on Feb. 3, 2009, the seventh anniversary of the death of Daniel Pearl. In retrospect, I thought it significant that it appeared in the Wall Street Journal, one of the few major American papers that has retained its moral clarity and that is able to distinguish between good and enable. You would not find this article in the New York Times or Philadelphia Inquirer, as they are part of the problem, the part that gives legitimacy to terror, murder and genocide.
And where did I come across the Pearl piece after missing it in the Journal? It is reprinted on Steven Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism Web site ( It is significant, that one of the most powerful forces in identifying and fighting terrorists and terrorism has the moral clarity to see the importance of Mr. Pearl’s message, and consequently pay for the republication of the piece on its Web site. People like Steven Emerson have more moral clarity and common sense than the mainstream media put together. It is also significant that the mainstream media, which did not and probably would not publish the Pearl piece or one like it, are also that segment of America that has lost moral clarity and that has virtually become friends and advocates of terrorists and other enemies of America.
Can we fight and win the war on terror when such powerful opinion makers as the mainstream media and our elite academic institutions often seem to be on the side of terror? Can we fight and win the war on terror when political leaders such as the moral degenerate Jimmy Carter are dedicated to legitimizing terrorism, terrorists and their organizations?
Let me clarify one point, as in the course of this column I may have paid the likes of the Jimmy Carters and Bill Moyers of this land, the mainstream media, and our elite academic institutions an undue compliment. I’ve done that by implying they are on the same moral level as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the world’s other terrorist and genocidal organizations. The compliment is undue because I said they were on the same level as the terrorist and genocidal organizations. I should make it clear they are on a lower level. They have had the advantages of living in the greatest country in the history of the world, reaping all of its limitless advantages, and enjoying its right of citizenship. Yet they turn on their own country in favor of terrorists and the other enemies of America. This puts them on an even lower plain than the terrorist organizations. They, like Jimmy Carter, are indeed among the most morally degenerate of the morally degenerate.
Perhaps this all raises an even more fundamental question: Has America lost its moral bearings? We’ve seen Europe lose its moral bearings, where even religion is virtually disappearing from the scene. We’ve seen powerful observers of the scene, such as Mark Steyn in America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It, and Bat Ye’or in Eurabia, show us how Europe has pretty much surrendered to Islam and Shariah. Is that one more sign it has lost its moral bearings and doesn’t even defend its values? Like Europe, are we too becoming victims of multiculturalism (all cultures are of equal value) and political correctness? When you observe the pathetic moral and verbal gyrations of the mainstream media, our academic elite, and leaders such as the moral degenerate Jimmy Carter, you tend to answer America may be far along on the road traveled by Europe.
Perhaps this suggests we better get back to fundamentals, and have less tolerance for who clearly can’t distinguish between good and evil. We better start treating the likes of the mainstream media, those academic elites, and the political leader exemplified by Jimmy Carter for what they are — worse than the terrorists and genocidal maniacs we are at war with. That means no support for such political leaders, media outlets, and academic institutions where these types hold forth (such as Columbia and UCLA). If Americans don’t make a stand on this issue, no one else will. If Americans don’t make a stand now, America itself may be lost.
Herb Denenberg is a former Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commissioner, and professor at the Wharton School. He is a longtime Philadelphia journalist and consumer advocate. He is also a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of the Sciences. His column appears daily in The Bulletin. You can reach him at
The UNJews, the Hellenists, the globalist and treacherous Jews like Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres and criminal company, the corrupt and murderous Israeli oligarchy, Jewish collaborators with the German-Jesuit EU, are far more dangerous than any Nazi Muslims or apostate Christians could ever be, and provide the new Greco-Syrians, the new Babylonians, an opening against Israel, a breach in the walls of Jerusalem, undermining Israeli sovereignty, inviting attacks against Jews and brutally betraying the Temple Mount.
Jerusalem Under Siege!
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
David Ben-Ariel wearing tefillin

I'm opposed to the beanies, as they're nothing but idolatrous tradition like the pagan Catholics, but the phylacteries are biblical and Yeshua wore them, as well as the *tzittzit - the fringes - that the sick woman touched to be healed, since they are braided in such a way to include God's Holy Name.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Is Eric Holder a coward?
Is Eric Holder a coward?
Elijah mocked Easter
Elijah Mocked Baal and Easter!
1 Kings 18
17 Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him, “Is that you, O troubler of Israel?”
18 And he answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the LORD and have followed the [traditional] Baals. 19 Now therefore, send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of Asherah*, who eat at Jezebel’s table.”
20 So Ahab sent for all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together on Mount Carmel. 21 And Elijah came to all the people, and said, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word. 22 Then Elijah said to the people, “I alone am left a prophet of the LORD; but Baal’s prophets are four hundred and fifty men. 23 Therefore let them give us two bulls; and let them choose one bull for themselves, cut it in pieces, and lay it on the wood, but put no fire under it; and I will prepare the other bull, and lay it on the wood, but put no fire under it. 24 Then you call on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the LORD; and the God who answers by fire, He is God.”
So all the people answered and said, “It is well spoken.”
25 Now Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, “Choose one bull for yourselves and prepare it first, for you are many; and call on the name of your god, but put no fire under it.”
26 So they took the bull which was given them, and they prepared it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even till noon, saying, “O Baal, hear us!” But there was no voice; no one answered. Then they leaped about the altar which they had made.
27 And so it was, at noon, that Elijah mocked them and said, “Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is meditating, or he is busy, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is sleeping and must be awakened.” 28 So they cried aloud, and cut themselves, as was their custom, with knives and lances, until the blood gushed out on them. 29 And when midday was past, they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice. But there was no voice; no one answered, no one paid attention.
30 Then Elijah said to all the people, “Come near to me.” So all the people came near to him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that was broken down. 31 And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the LORD had come, saying, “Israel shall be your name.” 32 Then with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD; and he made a trench around the altar large enough to hold two seahs of seed. 33 And he put the wood in order, cut the bull in pieces, and laid it on the wood, and said, “Fill four waterpots with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice and on the wood.” 34 Then he said, “Do it a second time,” and they did it a second time; and he said, “Do it a third time,” and they did it a third time. 35 So the water ran all around the altar; and he also filled the trench with water.
36 And it came to pass, at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near and said, “LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and I am Your servant, and that I have done all these things at Your word. 37 Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that You are the LORD God, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again.”
38 Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God!”
40 And Elijah said to them, “Seize the prophets of Baal! Do not let one of them escape!” So they seized them; and Elijah brought them down to the Brook Kishon and executed them there.
*"Easter is nothing else than Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven, whose name, as pronounced by the people Nineveh, was evidently identical with that now in common use in this country. That name, as found by Layard on the Assyrian monuments, is Ishtar."-The Two Babylons - Easter - Alexander Hislop
Some precious few British and Euro-Israelites have repented of keeping pagan holidays pretending to be Christian (like Christmas and Easter) and have been restored to keeping the biblical festivals that soon the whole world will observe in spirit and in truth.
Hear O Israel: Remember your Roots & Faith cnce delivered!
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Nation of Drunks and Whores
We’ve been living a lie and have loved to indulge in deception. “Don’t confuse me with the facts” has been our shameful attitude, and truth has been treated like some social outcast. Therefore, God threatens to use Europe to wake us up...
Since we’re A NATION LIVING IN SIN—Jacob disowns us, Abraham doesn’t recognize us, and Isaac mourns our mixed marriages (Isa. 63:16). Israel’s birthmark was obedience to God (Gen. 18:19)...
There are spiritual factors behind our economic crisis! It’s in our best national interest to obey God and invest some time in personal Bible study.
But instead of developing our relationship with God and staying sober and celibate, we’ve whored around and given birth to pagans (Hos. 5:7). That’s why God can’t accept us as His National Priest since our lifestyle choice misrepresents Him! God doesn’t want any part in our perversion. Since we’ve denied His natural order of things, He won’t recognize our illegitimate children! He hasn’t fathered them (Hos. 4:6).
God says we haven’t been humble and obedient like Abraham—the Father of the faithful—but are “…a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the LORD…” and don’t want anything to do with the truth. We don’t want to be shown where we’re wrong, and we don’t want to hear about it (Isa. 30:9-11). “So you shall say to them, ‘This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the LORD their God nor receive correction” (Jer. 7:28). We’ve orphaned ourselves and act like bastards!
Instead of becoming a model-nation we’ve become a STRIPPER! We’ve taken all the fine things that God’s given us and laid them out before foreigners (Hos. 2:1-13). We’ve squandered our time and energy in pagan ways and heathen practices. Therefore, God’s going to STRIP AWAY OUR PEACE AND PROSPERITY! We’re going to be left exposed to the elements and stripped bare before NAKED AGGRESSION! Since we refuse to return to God, we’ll be sent back into SLAVERY!
We’re a nation of DRUNKS AND WHORES—so God’s going to let us hit bottom so hard it’ll appear we’ll never bounce back! God’s no longer going to enable us to carry on in our ways, drinking ourselves to death and dying for sex. We’ve gone from bad to worse: “You have stricken them, but they have not grieved You have consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction. They have made their faces harder than rock they have refused to return” (Jer. 5:3)...
We’ve left God’s ways, throughout history, to follow men’s ideas. We’d lose our love for the truth and become enamored with error. Due to this spiritual insult and breach of contract, God would send a number of eviction notices. He’d cite us for breaking our lease and inform us we’d worn out our welcome. But we’d rip us those notices and abuse those who delivered them: “And the LORD has sent to you all His servants the prophets, rising early and sending them [far in advance], but you have not listened nor inclined your ear to hear. They said, ‘Repent now every one of his evil way and his evil doings, and dwell in the land that the LORD has given to you and your fathers forever and ever” (Jer. 25:4-5).
We didn’t want to be reminded that God had set us free from men to serve Him. We could only call the Holy Land home as long as we remained holy! There were clauses that if we failed to make repairs and keep the place clean, we could forfeit our biblical right to the land and be DISINHERITED (Jer. 17:4)...
As we go further into NATIONAL DEBT AND DISGRACE, instead of turning to God for divine assistance, we turn to foreigners for loans! But it’ll be our downfall! Will Europe or Saudi Arabia offer to bail us out? Japan or China keep us afloat? Or will they forcibly put us into receivership? Throw us into debtor’s jail? Require FORCED LABOR? Who hasn’t heard of loan sharks (Hos. 7:11-12)? Or how they fly into a frenzy over blood money? They won’t just break our bones—they’ll BOMB OUR CITIES (Ezek. 6:6)...
Ancient Israel fell prey to every con-artist (painting pretty pictures of peace), passing phase or new fad—drunk on the ecumenical spirits. Yes, “…they have erred through wine, and through intoxicating drink are out of the way: the priest and the prophet have erred through intoxicating drink, they are swallowed up by wine, they are out of [their wits and gone astray] through intoxicating drink they [can’t see or think straight], they stumble in judgment [they can’t even walk a straight line]. For all tables are full of vomit and filth no place is clean” (Isa. 28:7-8).
The party’s over, the place is trashed, and everybody’s going to wake up with a HORRIBLE HANG-OVER!
It’s interesting to note that, during my days as a lowly kibbutz-volunteer, the British were notorious for being drunks. They had earned such a bad reputation that some kibbutzim and moshavim wouldn’t accept any English volunteers. God condemns the Sceptered Isle for being SPIRITUAL DRUNKS! He castigates “…the crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim” (Isa. 28:1-3). Of course, we’ve all been a bunch of drunks and whores, in love with Babylonian babes and brew: “Harlotry, wine, and new wine enslave the heart… For the spirit of [promiscuity] has caused them to stray [from the truth], and they have [whored around] against their God”(Hos. 4:11-12). What nation hasn’t had one too many Catholic concoctions (Rev. 17:2)? It’s past time to GET SOBER!
-Excerpt from Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall - Chapter 4 - Victims of Tradition
Drunks and Whores (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
Declaration to fight anti-Semitism signed in London
When will such a Declaration get signed in Jerusalem?
When will rabbis get together and encourage every Jew to "fight anti-Semitism" without by following Judaism to the Jewish homeland of Israel, and when there fight the anti-Semitism rife within among the dangerous UNJews? Oh, that would require the rabbis to practice what they preach rather than remain in a sinful, self-imposed exile. "Why will you die, O House of Israel?"
David Ben-Ariel
State of Israel v. Nadia Matar
Dear Friends,
Below please find the summation of yesterday's court session in the Yonatan Bassi case.
Secondly, please register as soon as possible to our Women in Green Chizuk-Purim Shopping trip to Yad Binyamin to support our brothers from Gush Katif morally and financially. Details are posted below.
With Love for Israel,
Shabbat Shalom,
Nadia Matar Anita Finkelstein
Women in Green
Summation of the Magistrates' Court session,
State of Israel v. Nadia Matar, who is charged with "insulting a public servant" (Yonatan Bassi), today, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009, before Justice Mintz
criminal proceedings 001470/06
present: Adv. Yoram Sheftel, representing the defendant, and the defendant herself
Adv. Erez Padan, representing the prosecution
Yesterday morning, Thursday February 19th, Nadia Matar admitted to the facts of the charge sheet, without admitting guilt. (i.e. Nadia admitted she wrote the letter to Yonatan Bassi)
In order to prove her innocence, the defense attorney Adv. Yoram Sheftel stated his desire to examine Yonatan Bassi, in order to prove from Bassi's answers under cross-examination that the charge sheet should be canceled "on the grounds of justice."
The prosecuting attorney Adv. Erez Padan asked the Court to convict Nadia Matar, based on her admission to the facts in the charge sheet. The court rejected his request, in light of the defense attorney's statement of his intent to examine Yonatan Bassi.
Adv. Yoram Sheftel further stated that, as part of the defense, he intends to call Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz to deliver testimony in court, along with former State Attorney Eren Shender, who, too, will be asked to testify in court.
The Court rejected the prosecutor's request to immediately convict Nadia Matar, and ordered Yonatan Bassi to present himself to give testimony in the Court in its next session, on June 16, 2009, at 1 p.m.
For details please call Attn Yoram Sheftel at 03-7515001, Nadia Matar 050-5500834
2) TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2009 - SHOPPING FOR PURIM IN YAD BINYAMIN by the Gush Katif expellees
Last month, during the Gaza war, Women in Green went to shop in Nitzan, one of the communities where our friends from Gush Katif have been expelled to. Our shopping was our way of showing support. The Nitzan people told us how this had strengthened them.
Now we will do the same but this time in Yad Binyamin where more of our friends from Gush Katif live.
We will leave the Jerusalem Inbal hotel at 8:45 am and spend the morning in the shopping center of Yad Binyamin where there will be a special pre-Purim shopping fair. Last year Women in Green came with a full bus and many private cars. Lets repeat this great mitzva this year too. Call your friends and family and urge them to join. There are many different stores in Yad Binyamin, a toy store, a store with presents, household items, etc. All stores are owned by our Gush Katif friends who have rebuilt their lives by opening those stores and need our moral and financial support.
We will stay in Yad Binyamin till 12:30 and drive back to Jerusalem.
In the afternoon, for those who wish to continue with Women in Green on a busy Eretz Yisrael day, we will drive to Shdema and meet a busload of Raanana friends led by our dear friend Ilan Hirshfeld, who will come and visit Shdema at 3:00pm.
Please reserve seats on the bus by calling Anita 050-5777254 or Nadia 050-5500834.
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
David Ben-Ariel: Israeli Leaders Identify With Enemy
Perhaps that's a revelation to those who have thus been far removed from harsh reality, who have been in denial, preferring the delusions of the peace process, seduced by lying visions of peace, but others have known and warned about it for years, and have suffered abuse - even murder - for speaking the plain truth.
Meir Kahane clearly exposed the dangers posed by treacherous Arabs and liberal Jews:
It is imperative that there begins, today, a campaign among world Jewry to explain the full extent of the Arab hatred and danger. The complete truth must be told to the masses of good Jews both to justify the need to remove the Arabs and to expose the dangers of the liberal Establishment bloc.
UNJews, Hellenists, the globalist and treacherous Jews like Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres and criminal company, the corrupt and murderous Israeli oligarchy, Jewish collaborators with the German-Jesuit EU, are far more dangerous than any Nazi Muslims or apostate Christians could ever be, and provide the new Greco-Syrians, the new Babylonians, the bloody Vatican, an opening against Israel, a breach in the walls of Jerusalem, undermining Israeli sovereignty, inviting attacks against Jews and brutally betraying the Temple Mount.
Jerusalem Under Siege!
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin?
When will Obama apologize?
A monkey is what that African fraud, that president usurper, has made out of all those who voted for him and out of all those conservative cowards who failed to demand he prove he is a natural born citizen.
"I don't hate all black people"
(YouTube video by David Ben-Ariel)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Peres to inject personal politics into PM pick
In possible abuse of powers, Peres says future policies will play major role in his choice between Netanyahu and Livni more»
Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin''s Dead Body
Barry Chamish said this would happen. Looks like he is right again!
The LA Times publishes more unverified allegations against Israel.
Dishonest Reporting 'Award' 2008
Our eighth annual recognition of the most skewed and biased coverage of the Mideast conflict.
The Gaza War in Review
A look back at some of the worst cases of anti-Israel media bias.
Fascist EU
By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels at Feb 19, 2009
Imagine a boiling pot with a frog in it, and the pot is marked "EU" and the frog's back bears the name "Sovereignty" and the fire under the pot is "Fascism" and within the rising steam from the boiling pot are ghostly words like "Freedom of Speech," "Freedom of Religion," and "Independence"... and you get the picture of what is going on.
The EU is a German Ruse
Germany Behind the Mask
Europe's Bitter Roots
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Two Babylons
Was “Christianity” really hijacked by non-Christian forces in the centuries after Christ? The answer may change the way you look at true Christian belief and practice!
- The Two Babylons
by Roderick C. Meredith
Drunks and Whores (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
Truth Be Told!
Re: A Household Word?
David Ben-Ariel » Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:44 pm
I don't need any kiss from Judas. He was "concerned" for the poor too.
You admit to being an intravenous drug user
I have no problem acknowledging I'm a FORMER drug addict. If I did, I certainly wouldn't have frankly discussed it in my article, Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God Mentioned in Israeli Newspaper
You admit to being a homosexual who has full blow AIDS
I confess I'm a RECOVERING homosexual who has AIDS. Apparently my honesty is too much for some, as it blows away those who are used to living a lie and being dishonest with themselves and others.
God and the Gays
Scarlet Letter: A Christian With AIDS
Does God Heal Today?
You are now slagging off Catholics for "spiritually" doing what you actually did.
Yes, what I actually did but don't do any more. The good news is that I'm proof that REPENTANCE is possible, that folks don't have to remain drunks and whores or stuck in the muck of Babylon. Isn't it wonderful how I can relate to so many people from all walks of life?
"A Household Word" (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
A Household Word
The general public doesn't have a clue about the Gospel or the Ezekiel Warning Message! That woeful ignorance indicts the Church of God, since God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And that same God warns about our responsibility to sound the alarm so British-Israelites and Jews, and repentant Gentiles, can seek shelter in Him and avert the imminent nuclear Holocaust.
A little known blogger
PCG: Carrying on "Business as Usual"
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!
A German-led Europe will strike nuclear terror against US! National destruction, defeat and deportation are on the way! The American, British and Jewish peoples are marked for death!
Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America?

The economic catastrophe is rapidly spreading around the world! Even here in Israel, the threat of annihilation by a nuclear-armed and missile-equipped Islamist regime in Iran is now being pushed aside in the news by reports of the growing economic crisis and the sudden dramatic rise in local unemployment figures.
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Monday, February 16, 2009
Beyond Babylon is PRICELESS!
Beyond Babylon is available to read for FREE
by David Ben-Ariel on Mon, 2009-02-16
I could understand being "uncomfortable" if I were merely trying to sell Beyond Babylon, but the GOOD NEWS is that I make it freely available for one and for all:
Beyond Babylon (free to read on blog)
Beyond Babylon (free to read online)
The writing is on the synagogue wall
World depressions lead to a rise in anti-Semitism. All over Europe, the evidence is around us
Denis MacShane
The periodic crises that have shaken world capitalism in the century and a half since Marx wrote Das Kapital are marked by a common political phenomenon. It is the rise of political anti-Semitism. Attacks on Jews and Jewishness constitute the canary in the coal mine that tells us something is going seriously wrong.
Last month a 32-year-old IT worker, Michael Booksatz, was beaten up in the streets of north London by two hooded men shouting about Palestinians. Jewish students at the London School of Economics - home to many brilliant Jews who fled Hitler's Germany - are now frightened by anti-Jewish abuse from Islamist students. Graffiti such as “Kill the Jews” or “Jihad 4 Israel” appear close to synagogues in London.
The Metropolitan Police report four times as many anti-Jewish incidents in recent weeks as Islamaphobic events. The respected Community Security Trust, which records anti-Jewish attacks with scrupulous rigour, reports as many attacks on Jews - verbal, vandalism and some violent - in the first weeks of 2009 as in the first six months of last year.
As the world enters a new era of crisis, anti-Semitism is back. History, as ever, begins to repeat itself. The slumps and stock market fever expressed in Zola's novel, L'Argent, or the populist anger against Wall Street at the end of the 19th century gave rise to the virulent anti-Semitic politics witnessed in France in connection with the Dreyfus case or the takeover of Vienna by openly anti-Semitic politicians. The Great Depression gave rise to the worst expressions of anti-Semitism ever seen, namely the politics that led to the Holocaust. But even in Britain the Duke of Wellington of the time was leader of a secret anti-Jewish organisation which had the initials PJ - Perish Judah - on its letterhead.
The economic crises of the 1970s led to a marked increase in the vote for the National Front in Britain and the openly anti-Semitic BNP, its successor extreme party, is doing very well in local elections - below the radar of the national opinion polls.
The distress and upset over the terrible pictures of children killed in Israel's attacks on Hamas in Gaza have allowed anti-Israeli feelings to be more violently and vehemently expressed than ever before. Criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitic. But all anti-Semites hate the existence of a Jewish state and hiding behind code words such as anti-Zionism increases the density and viciousness of their anti-Jewish utterances.
In Italy, the streets of Milan are daubed with slogans urging Italians not to buy goods at Jewish shops - an echo of the Nazi slogan “Kauft Nicht Bei Juden”. In Germany, radio phone-ins are full of accusations that the bankers accused of being responsible for the current economic crisis are Jews. In anti-Israel demonstrations in Berlin, placards stating “It was a good idea to use gas” or “I'm anti-Semitic and that's a good thing” were carried. Thus every Jew is made to feel as if they do not fully belong in the countries where they were born or the societies that they participate in.
Terrible massacres of Muslims have taken place in different parts of the world so far this century, from Kashmir to Gujarat. In Iraq and Afghanistan, Nato soldiers are accused of brutality but the men with the most blood on their hands of fellow Muslims have been Islamist ideologues. Yet there is no outrage against the perpetrators of those attacks compared with the onslaught on Israel and on Jews.
Is it unreasonable to argue that the reason that there is worldwide anger against Israel but not against other regimes or religions that carry out massacres of Muslims is because the Israelis are Jews? Has legitimate criticism and anger against Israel allowed Jew hate to become almost acceptable politics again? Add to this a world economic crisis in which it is so easy to point at the names of the swindlers and banksters that happen to be Jewish, and a new perfect storm of anti-Semitism begins to take shape.
Today in London a conference of parliamentarians from different legislatures in Europe and around the world will gather to discuss what can be done. Michael Gove, for the Conservatives, will join Labour Cabinet ministers Hazel Blears and Jim Murphy in saying it is time for the Parliaments of the democractic world to take action against anti-Semitism - especially Islamist attacks against young Jewish students on university campuses.
The Pope embraces a Holocaust-denying Winchester and Cambridge-educated bishop; slogans such as “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas” are chanted in Amsterdam;
Jews are again made to feel they are not full citizens of the countries of their birth because they refuse to support the right of Hamas and Hezbollah to use terror attacks against Israeli civilians. The canary in the coal mine seems in danger of its life once again.
Denis MacShane, MP, is a former Minister for Europe and the author of Globalising Hatred: the New Anti-Semitism (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
What greater time for Jews to follow Judaism to the Jewish homeland of Israel where they belong?
Jews Don't Follow Judaism
This is unbelievable! The self-destructiveness of those who claim to have their own people's best interest at heart: To make an independent Palestinian state on the soil of ancient Israel the "casus belli" for sitting with the Likud in one government.
It is as in earlier days, before the Second World War in which six million of the Jewish people were slaughtered, when most of those in the Jewish Agency were more intent on pleasing and placating their British masters than standing up for what was best for their own people.
So again, the Kadima leadership seeks to please the leaders of the Goyish world - not just by accepting their 'two state solution,' but actually making it the cornerstone of their Kadima's - policy.
Thus are they drifting even further to the left than was former Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin who warned: A Palestinian state will be built on the ruins of the State of Israel" (Maariv 10.2.1989)
One would have thought that Israel's largest party would have chosen as a precondition for entering any government something that would strengthen the security and well-being of this nation: A stronger defense, a clearer policy vis-à-vis Iran, and the general terrorist threat. But no - before anything else they want to give into the wish of the world: a Palestinian state on the soil of ancient Israel that would threaten to end the very existence of their sovereign state.
And so it might well be, with even Abu Mazen joining the throng that is demanding Israel be censured for war crimes in its purely self-defensive war. He will become the new "moderate?" head of the State of Palestine, just 25 miles from Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion Airport - a ready target for all the ISLAMIC jihadists who will try to use this Muslim stronghold as a springboard for the destruction of what is left of Israel.
And if, just before Israel hands over this vitally strategic asset - the high ground comprising its biblical heartland with all the desperately-needed water supplies it contains - Ehud Olmert and his Kadima-led transitional government acts to release the immensely popular and charismatic Palestinian terrorist Marwan Barghouti as a further gift to the Palestinian people, one can be sure that sooner rather than later this convicted multiple-murderer of Jews will be chosen to replace the elderly Abu Mazen. Then he will repay Israel - once in power as the President of Palestine - for every year he languished in an Israeli cell.
All this, Mr. Sheetrit, will be the wisely-granted gift and policy of your Kadima Party to your already terribly tried people.
What wisdom!
Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director
International Christian Zionist Center
Israel's Betrayal of the Jews
Let Jews and Israelis examine Israel's betrayal of the Jews before it's too late and Jerusalem suffers under EU occupation.
Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel
I am a Bible-believer, a Christian-Zionist (one who believes the Prophets foretold the restoration of Jews first of all 12 Tribes of Israel to the Promised Land of Israel before the end of this world as we know it). I am not a Protestant or a "Jew for Jesus" and certainly not a member of the Roman Catholic Cult. I am a baptized member of the Sabbath-keeping Church of God...
Lying Visions of Peace
The lying peace process exposes how Jews refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state, and how Jews are willing to sacrifice each other and sell out the Land and People of Israel if the price is right: both political and religious leaders are guilty of these sins that stink to High Heaven.
It is imperative that there begins, today, a campaign among world Jewry to explain the full extent of the Arab hatred and danger. The complete truth must be told to the masses of good Jews both to justify the need to remove the Arabs and to expose the dangers of the liberal Establishment bloc.
Israel must reject Vatican overtures for peace or lose Jerusalem! The bloody vulture Shimon Peres (Peres is Hebrew for vulture) is right where the Vatican-controlled Israeli oligarchy wants him to be: positioned as president of Israel, dark prince of perfidy, as orchestrated. Woe to Ariel! Jerusalem will soon suffer EU occupation: THE GERMANS ARE COMING!