Monday, February 2, 2009

Green hills of the Golan

Former Kibbutz Dan volunteer writes:

Hi Mr. Ariel.

In 1989-90 I spent almost a year on Kibbutz Dan. I hadn't really researched it on the internet and decided to type it in and see what came up. Interestingly enough a reference to your web site, Life is a Trek. I can't tell you what a smile it brought to my face to look at those pictures twenty years later. I remember having meals in the dining room and working in the plastics factory. You even included a photo of one of the volunteer apartments my girlfriend lived in (darn near married her!) Those were great days and great memories for me. I still miss the green hills of the Golan and those clear spring brooks. Someday I'll return for a visit. I hope it affected you the same way.

My, you certainly are prolific in your blogging. From time to time I'll look in and see your take on things.

Nelson David Sack