Sunday, February 8, 2009

Proof for the Holocaust?

From Debroah Lipstadt's blog:

My Letter [Email] to Bishop Williamson: You Asked for Proof?

In the face of demands by Pope Benedict that he recant his denial, Bishop Williamson says he is going to wait until he finds "proof" of the Holocaust.In that spirit I have sent the following letter [email] to the Bishop. I promise to let you know if I get an answer.


It has come to my attention that you are looking for "proof" of the Holocaust. Let me assure you that such proof exists in reams.

The most expeditious means for you to determine that all the "claims" you have made both on your webpage and in interviews are completely bogus would be to read, in it s entirety, the verdict of Judge Charles Grey who presided in David Irving v. Penguin UK and Deborah Lipstadt. The judgment can be found at

You will see there that each of your arguments is shown to be based on bogus documents, fabrications of evidence, or misinformation. This is what we call in common parlance: lies.

Other links can be found on my blog where we have prepared an extensive, point by point, refutation of your claims. This will also take you the Myths and Facts section of, where you will find even more refutations of your various claims about the gassing process.

You may also want to visit to the Holocaust History Project, where you will find yet additional refutations.

Finally, I also suggest you read the expert report of Robert Jan van Pelt who carefully demolishes the various claims you and other deniers make about the gassing process.

You will see that your arguments are based on false and mistaken suppositions. In short, sir, there is no dearth of evidence. There is only a dearth of willingness to remove the blinders from ones eyes.

Professor Deborah E. Lipstadt, Ph.D.

Emory University

Atlanta, Ga.

* Since first posting this my email has bounced back. I have sent a copy of the letter to the Argentinian headquarters of the SSPX, where Williamson is apparently currently based. I will also send one to the headquarters.