From Women in Green:
Dear Friends,
Below please find the summation of yesterday's court session in the Yonatan Bassi case.
Secondly, please register as soon as possible to our Women in Green Chizuk-Purim Shopping trip to Yad Binyamin to support our brothers from Gush Katif morally and financially. Details are posted below.
With Love for Israel,
Shabbat Shalom,
Nadia Matar Anita Finkelstein
Women in Green
Summation of the Magistrates' Court session,
State of Israel v. Nadia Matar, who is charged with "insulting a public servant" (Yonatan Bassi), today, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009, before Justice Mintz
criminal proceedings 001470/06
present: Adv. Yoram Sheftel, representing the defendant, and the defendant herself
Adv. Erez Padan, representing the prosecution
Yesterday morning, Thursday February 19th, Nadia Matar admitted to the facts of the charge sheet, without admitting guilt. (i.e. Nadia admitted she wrote the letter to Yonatan Bassi)
In order to prove her innocence, the defense attorney Adv. Yoram Sheftel stated his desire to examine Yonatan Bassi, in order to prove from Bassi's answers under cross-examination that the charge sheet should be canceled "on the grounds of justice."
The prosecuting attorney Adv. Erez Padan asked the Court to convict Nadia Matar, based on her admission to the facts in the charge sheet. The court rejected his request, in light of the defense attorney's statement of his intent to examine Yonatan Bassi.
Adv. Yoram Sheftel further stated that, as part of the defense, he intends to call Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz to deliver testimony in court, along with former State Attorney Eren Shender, who, too, will be asked to testify in court.
The Court rejected the prosecutor's request to immediately convict Nadia Matar, and ordered Yonatan Bassi to present himself to give testimony in the Court in its next session, on June 16, 2009, at 1 p.m.
For details please call Attn Yoram Sheftel at 03-7515001, Nadia Matar 050-5500834
2) TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2009 - SHOPPING FOR PURIM IN YAD BINYAMIN by the Gush Katif expellees
Last month, during the Gaza war, Women in Green went to shop in Nitzan, one of the communities where our friends from Gush Katif have been expelled to. Our shopping was our way of showing support. The Nitzan people told us how this had strengthened them.
Now we will do the same but this time in Yad Binyamin where more of our friends from Gush Katif live.
We will leave the Jerusalem Inbal hotel at 8:45 am and spend the morning in the shopping center of Yad Binyamin where there will be a special pre-Purim shopping fair. Last year Women in Green came with a full bus and many private cars. Lets repeat this great mitzva this year too. Call your friends and family and urge them to join. There are many different stores in Yad Binyamin, a toy store, a store with presents, household items, etc. All stores are owned by our Gush Katif friends who have rebuilt their lives by opening those stores and need our moral and financial support.
We will stay in Yad Binyamin till 12:30 and drive back to Jerusalem.
In the afternoon, for those who wish to continue with Women in Green on a busy Eretz Yisrael day, we will drive to Shdema and meet a busload of Raanana friends led by our dear friend Ilan Hirshfeld, who will come and visit Shdema at 3:00pm.
Please reserve seats on the bus by calling Anita 050-5777254 or Nadia 050-5500834.
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
Friday, February 20, 2009
State of Israel v. Nadia Matar
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